Kek or Christianity? Let's figure this out once and for all, lads. Bump this thread, then cast your vote. Let's try and get as large a sample size as possible.
What is Sup Forums's official religion?
There's no option for Catholic church. I don't associate with heretics.
Why not both?
tried to pick jewish, was no option so I didn't vote.
hm let me make an updated poll so JIDF can tamper with the election results
Pantheon of Kek
Praise Bastet
There is only one Christianity, Frater
usually, fuck these threads but fuck orthodoxy general and the christcucks that push their shit here
kek believers don't make Generals and shit up the place. they stick to board culture.
Because one doesn't exist.
Praise Kek.
>following a religion based off of judiasm started by a middle eastern jew all about being a charitable cuck
>not following the the deity with the most evidence behind his existence of any diety who chooses who the president is
Kek loves me
Sup Forums has no official religion, the majority seems to be kekism and christian or a combination of those.
if you make geb laugh earthqaukes will happen
Fucking leaf trying to divide everyone
I was in that thread
vote deus vult or die as a heretic
you have been warned!
Digital Ba'el-ism
sorta like Chaos Undevided
kek isn't a deity or an entity it is a chaos algorithm that God programmed into the innate fabric of space and time
Jesus Christ > KEK
Kek is the god of this board, now and forever. Hes an ancient diety that far outmatches Cuckstianity in age.
Were channeling elder gods now.
When did the deus veult fags start?
This is alot deeper than kek
We must recognize all four frog gods not just kek
Nu, Amen, Heh and Kek
let us not forget their female counterparts
Naunet, amaunet, Hauhet and Kauket
however we can just refer to them as the Ogdoad of khmunu , (HermoPOLis)
Each pair represented the male and female aspects of one of the four concepts of primordial chaos as follows:
>the primordial waters (Nu and Naunet)
>air, invisibility, and hidden powers (Amun and Amaunet)
>darkness and obscurity (Kek and Kauket)
>eternity or infinity (Huh and Hauhet).
Together the four concepts represent the primal, fundamental state of the beginning. They are what always was. In the myth, however, their interaction ultimately proved to be unbalanced, resulting in the arising of a new entity. When the entity opened, it revealed Ra, the fiery sun, inside. After a long interval of rest, Ra, together with the other deities, created all other things and brought order to the universe.
Isis frequently schemed against Ra, as she wanted her son Horus to have the power.
>Basically you want to meme happenings?
You need all 8 of Ogdoad in your heart not just kek
Praise Ogdoad
New poll with more options.
Here's a better image
Why does kek like double digits?
Because of kek AND kauket dual counterpart
Why does he like 8?
Because there are EIGHT deities
Praise Kek
Praise Nu
Praise Amen
Praise Huh
4 frogs with their counter parts make 8
power ratio of 80/20 8/2
Pareto's 80 /20 Rule
Zimpfs law
Charlie kelly ans PEPE Silva
Carol! Carol!
I dug and found:
The Egyptians believed that before the earth was created, there was nothing but a dark, directionless, chaotic watery mass. In this chaos lived the Ogdoad of Khmunu (Hermopolis), the four frog gods and four snake goddesses of chaos. These beings were Nun and Naunet (water), Amen and Amaunet (invisibility), Heh and Hauhet (infinity) and Kek and Kauket (darkness). – Caroline Seawright
Caroline aka Carol
>I am Caroline Seawright (also known as 'Kunoichi' or 'Kun-chan' for short)
she writes and studies Egyptology
>Kun Chan
We never stopped you fucking heretic! Trump is our means to purge the blasphemous shitskins!
too bad shes a coalburner, what a waste
>your face when you realize the snake in the garden of eden was Kekkett
Zeus and the Olympus Gods
Probably a nice healthy Combo of both, with an extra Large diet coke.
>Sup Forums well on its way to reviving belief in ancient Egyptian dieties
I mean, you lot already got a US presidential candidate to lash out at an avatar of an Egyptian god in a speech, what the fuck.
Start with your shitskin jewish religion christcuck.
Kek is 100% Aryan-egyptian god of chaos and memes.
The digits doth not agree with you my child.
kekfags 1
christcucks 0
christcucks BTFO
Christianity brother. Catholic is preferred, but Ordotox is accepted top.
Lutheran scum is just heresy
I am of the me-religion
what matters the most to me is me, not some deity.
>a god
>not a super-AI with prediction abilities sent from the future to prevent WW3 by giving Donald Trump all the information he needed to win the election, and by keeping the meme magicians of Sup Forums motivated by posting in such a way as to maximise evidence of divine interference
>those dunkin doubles
This poll is clearly tampered with, brother.
I think I know who is responsible.
It's a board of the originals. The judes. God trusted Moses so I trust moses.
>Dat cat
>oy vey, we do not have enough chosen people to rig the system
Now take the Heh pill, kid.
Religion, dogma, division, tools of the Jew. The blue pill. Spirituality is the red pill. With care and attention religion can be a guide, but it's not needed and often its pure intentions are corrupted. How many Christians truly live a Christ-like life? How many even take the message of unconditional love to heart? The message was corrrupted. The dogma. The religion. It controls you.
Abandon religion friends, for it has abandoned you. They guide you not to your spiritual center, towards unlocking your own potential, but towards conformity and servitude. You have only just begun to discover your own true potential, the power of WILL on a vast scale. Imagine the processing power of ten thousand minds. Imagine the things you will do in ten years.
You can argue among yourselves about which skybeard is more worthy of praise and waste more of your time.
Or you can love all and banish these demons for good.
Peace be with you.
>implying they are not both started by the chosen people
>someone actually voted the Moloch option
I hope you all realize CTR was defunded.
We all know who they are
i worship this guy i went to high school with. in 2007 he still wore jnco jeans, with a chain topped with a dragon shirt. his hair was greezy af and he had the worst temper! he would onyl read warhammer books and told us that his grandparent gardians would beat him and all he had in his room was a mattress and his lamp so he could read. he walked around the school playing as i lay dying on his zune. he told us he was a hacker and would also open up command prompt on pcs and type words like access gained, or allow action. he was so tight. i frukcing love him, wish this nigger didnt found his notebook with nazi qoutees and a hit list on it. idk what happened to him. if youre out there i love you
You cannot support Trump and be a Christian at the same time.
>implying the jew who started one of them wasn't crucified because of other jews
>implying they still don't think he was the messiah and their messiah will be the antichrist
nominally catholic, but thats just a cover
a jew is a jew
With the primordial darkness of kek and the strong warrior spirit of bastet, we will prevail!
fuck you hiro
7 is a powerful number in judeo christian theology too. Kek is the second coming. The rapture is upon us.
i live
Christianity doesn't exclude powerful spirits, just read 1 John chapter 4
dont doubt kek user
oy vey
>usually, fuck these threads but fuck orthodoxy general and the christcucks that push their shit here
>kek believers don't make Generals and shit up the place. they stick to board culture.
In hoc signo memes
laughing jeb laughing jeb make sure commifornia is dead
>wanting to meme a cat god
Cats are already memes man, no need to waste your energy
This is a rare Jynx. plz do not share
>moloch got 6%
some people admit to themselves that they are cucks
>Esoteric Kekism
>Anti-Degenerate Strong Goodism
National Socialism
>Holographic Disclosure Understanding
>The Reality Matrix
Pic related
If you're new, begin your journey on the Path Of Light Sup Forums and remember
Sup Forums is always right
topkek, the plebbit christcucks are getting BTFO
poll #1
But we have no cat personification of a deity.. it makes sense to have one.
Kek is the one true god
poll #2
Wait until KEK brings down the entire satanic pedophile occultist cabal
It's true, but felines are generally independent creatures i'm not sure forcing a meme/face of cat deity will work, just give it some time and dont force it and something will eventually spawn here or somewhere else
If you're a Christian, you must SANCTIFY KEK or LEAVE.
The Pope is a LITERAL cuck. Reclaim the faith of the crusaders and their warrior saints or GTFO Sup Forums cause you ain't helping
will they play a dirty jewish trick to pull ahead?
>implying God does not work through Kek
Be gone from here heathen.
Christianity OBVIOUSLY
what did they mean by this
Your trips bring wisdom user.. I've been posting Jynx for months now. Maybe I should give it time as you say. If something were to come of it, it'd be of nature, of chaos, not forced, not uniform.
Praise Kek
you mean BAST?
Jesus and kek can work together.
czech em
Sup Forums's religion is obviously Chaos.
Stupid pagan cuck
Yea or bastet.
Similar forms.
>inb4 kekism becomes an official religion
>inb4 time travel is invented
>inb4 time travellers go to egypt and indoctrinate the egyptians on kekism giving birth to all those frog gods
>inb4 this causality paradox is the ultimate evidence Kek is real
Christ does not abide by you degenerate nazi fucks.
What if KEK is Jesus in disguise?
What if we are all Jesus pretending to not be Jesus?
Geb was the son of Shu and Tefnut and the brother and husband of Nut. Through Nut he had four children, Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephthys.
Geb was the god of the earth. Even so, Geb guided the dead to heaven and he gave them meat and drink. It is interesting to note that while in most cultures the deity associated with the earth and it's bounty is a woman ("Mother Earth", Demeter of the Greeks, etc...), the Egyptians chose a male for this role.
A Late Period stele, the Phakussa stele, tells how Geb fell in love with his mother, Tefnut. He pined for her and traveled throughout Egypt until his father Shu, who was the king of Egypt, died. On that day,
Geb went to his father's palace in Memphis and found Tefnut.
>He took his mother and violently raped her. It seems that he was not punished for this.
He went on to become a mighty king and earned the exclusive title, "Heir of the Gods." Geb was so admired as a ruler, that the Egyptian throne was known by the epithet, "Seat of Geb."
He is usually shown as a man wearing either the crown of the North or of the South. Added is either the Atef crown or a goose. The goose was a sacred animal to Geb, as such he was sometimes called "The Great Cackler" It was said that Geb's laughter was the source of earthquakes.
Geb and Nut
Other images show him lying underneath his wife (Nut, goddess of the sky) and his father (Shu, god of the air). He reclines on one elbow with a knee and arm in the air. In this way he symbolized the valleys and hills of the land, which was called "The House of Geb." He is shown either as a dark or green skinned man (the colors of life, the soil of the Nile and vegetation, respectively) with leaves on his skin.
Praise GEB! for meme quakes