I guess he got vaccinated

I guess he got vaccinated.

Too bad he wasn't born after Vaxxed came out and totally exposed the CDC corruption and cover-up of the autism / MMR link


Nah, looks like a kid who would rather be at home playing video games.

na he just dont give a fuck

>I guess he got vaccinated.

No he was just sleepy as fuck. It was two in the morning after all.

His hands does not even touch.

People still believe that vacines causes autism? Wow

>this meme again

>Hillshills are so desperate they're making fun of a 10 year old
Its getting better and better

He had to save his magic hands for posting on Sup Forums.

He was and is his father's internet presence.

He probably controlled the Twitter account too.

You know what? A part of me hopes this kid is smart.

Like, hella smart. Smart but utterly out of fucks to give.

Think about how hilarious it'd be to have him commenting on Trump's decisions like he really can't give a toss if the whole thing burns.

sleep tight barron

sleep tight barron

his dad probably red pilled him at age 5, how would he have anymore fucks to give ?

hes just studying the landscape for when he runs in 8 years

sleep tight barron

I could also be the fact that his parents were old.

Autists are usually averse to noise and physical contact.

sleep tight Barron

Such many cases!

1.5 Schillings have been deposited into your account.

Raping girls is tiring brosef.

25 years

>5'10 at 10
manlets btfo again

yes, hes doesnt seem sick


sleep tight barron

Can't wait for this silly bastard to grow up and help us MAGA,

Sleep tight baron-kun

Sleep tight, Barron.

He's tired, good lord don't you tools remember being a kid at a formal event, being tuckered the fuck out and not even able to put your hands together to applaud the end of whatever show/event your parents dragged you to?

Fuck it's like none of you were forced to go to the symphony as a kid. His dad's been famous for his entire life, damn right he doesn't give a shit. Probably didn't even have a single thought roaming around in his head, too fuckin sleepy.

This guy gets it.

sleep tight barron

sleep tight Barron

sleep tight barron

He looks like he's nauseous and trying not to spew and follow along at the same time.

sleep tight barron

I need a picture of him smiling or else I'm going to keep worrying...


I love this kid

Is this the kid from The Omen?


Yeah but there's redpilling and then there's redpilling, you know? Some people just grab a new ideology to spew and others wake up to the fact that they should examine EVERYTHING, even the new view they're being told to accept. Once you open a person's eyes, sometimes they open ALL the way and then there's no going back.

Here's hoping he's the latter. Looks like a good kid. Best wishes to him.

holy shit what is wrong with this kid

This kid is seriously autistic.

Jeez. Can't he just stand still?

Young boy goes to Sup Forums, browses the Sup Forums, autism! Many such cases!

it was 4AM and he's 10 years old

I like this meme though and hope he takes over the world

he is exhausted.

sleep tight barron

Thats a 10 year old kid desperately trying to stay awake.

sleep tight barron

He's nervous, 10 years old, and it was 3 am.

Maybe he has the bergers

Not this shit again

It's like 4am in NY at this point, the kid stayed up all night.

Can't wait till Shad does some /ss/ with Barron, Melania and Ivanka.

sleep tight barron

He's thinking about how to be even better with the cyber

becoming meme from such a young age
he will overcome his dad that's for sure

This. Hell, I have similar ticks when I'm desperate to stay awake as well and I'm 25.

Looks like he was holding in a sneeze to me, and exhausted after an extremely long day, he's just a kid.

The Barron timeline is in effect

sleep tight barron

>Everything you have to do is staying next to your father calmly while 150 Million Americans are watching you

For the record, he stayed up later than HIllary.

sleep tight barron


this nigga is only 10 and high as fuck

sleep tight barron

sleep tight barron

He's 10 years old, up at 3AM in front of a bunch of old people. Don't you think he'd rather be at home?

This kid was probably up all night

I never stayed up that late when I was 11.

sleep tight barron

He goes to a private school and doesn't ever appear slovenly so I don't think he's autistic.

Still, it's very odd that he never talks.
This lends some possibility to the liberal idea, but more likely I think his parents instruct him just to keep his mouth shut- because he's 10 years old and bound to say something stupid.

Imagine how liberals would go after him if he spoke? He stays quiet to keep up appearances, he acts like a blank slate to let people project their own personalities onto him, giving them little to disagree with.

He's like Link in that way.

how dare you mock the heir apparent

he's ten years old and it was like 3am give the kid a break

sleep tight barron

he's 10

ever tell a 10 year old to stand still?

Sleep tight Barron

Nah he's just autistic and good with cyber so he'll be a polack in no time

sleep tight barron

sleep tight barron

>tired af
>young, not into those legal uppers yet (caffiene)
>clearly would be bored at this kind of shit even if he was awake
>camera flashes constantly blinding him and making him blink

The last point is the most unnoticed one it seems. I'd like to see anyone of you stand up in front of cameras when your eyes are already tired, and try to act normal as they flash constantly in your face.

sleep tight barron

Sleep tight, Barron.

Tight sleep barren.

sleep tight barron

sleep tight barron

it was 2am and he probably woke up at like 6, and it was certainly a busy day. dunno why a 10 year old kid being tired is thread worthy desu

nevermind everything is thread worthy in this shithole

hes huge for a 10 year old lmao

Now that Barron is in White House, what's his next step?

Hey, we could do a LOT worse than someone who tries to live up to one of the most iconic fictional heroes of the modern age. If he proves he's smart and moral and steps into the limelight and sticks to his convictions, only changing in the face of solid facts, then he's got a lot of potential.

Plus, he's got a name like Baron. I say we leave him for the next 4-8 years and see how he does. Fingers crossed he's got a good head on his shoulders and doesn't waste his potential.

sleepy tight barron

he is a cute kid

Thats a 'polite closed mouth yawn' probably told to look presidential


sleep tight barron

How tall is he?


sleep tight barron

sleep tight barron

kill his dad and take over