So this is our savior after a couple minutes meeting with King Nigger. Were we foolish to think he would actually make a difference?
Stumped Trump
You're not used to speaking to groups of people sat or stood, are you? In this situation you're pretty much forced to put your hands together, and crossing your fingers would be read as a defensive gesture.
Also, it's his first ever time in the White House addressing the national and world media as president elect. Anyone would be nervous, even Obongo stuttered his words at least twice. Give him a couple of months and he'll be a natural
Now fuck off with your conspiracy shit
Fuck off cunt you lost the election fair and square
>thread about American politician
Fuck off faggots.
More like you're a big baby who can't accept the answers given by neutrals.
Eat shit 'friend'. Go to your mums bedroom, pull down her nappy and feast on her fecal matter.
Answers giving by inbred shitfucks that unironically use "big baby" as an insult. Go shitpost somewhere else you stupid fucking tea fucking crumpet eating cunt nugget nigger.
Lost your way heading to reddit did you?
fill it up bitch
>hour and 30 minutes
>"couple of minutes"
>has never been in the same room with a melanin affluent person before
Thats a normal look of someone who doesnt want his bike or shoes stolen
>thinks I'm a liberal
So you're an autistic memer faggot that just came to Sup Forums and now you think the coolest shit ever is to call people liberal?
Again I'll repeat myself, lost your way heading to reddit did you?
That looks like such an uncomfortable chair. Don is really going to need to lower his standards of living.
Masonic Hand Signs Anons--
Pay no attention to the hand signs, I mean his face. He either looks scared or tired.
Take your conspiracy shit to /x/.
>autistic memer faggot that just came to Sup Forums
top bantz
You're still posting you autistic cunt?
>top bantz
Whatever, thanks for bumping the thread, you're so incredibly useless yet you've actually done something in your 30-40 year lifespan.
If you want to keep it up I recommend getting laid for the first time.
I already answered here, his facial and hand expressions
Also even Obongo was nervous and fucked his words up. This was a tense, tense situation after an incredible 48 hours, of course he's nervous and tired! He has slaughtered this guy for a year and a half and then has to go and be humble in front of the worlds media. It shows he's only human.
Go watch Theresa May's first speech to the world media after being sworn in as PM. She looks like she's going to fall over
ive saged every reply
I'm surprised you learned how to do that on your first day in Sup Forums.
>the media outlets that said Trump had a 1 in 10 chance of winning the election can now read his mind
that's his "just learned about the aliens" face, give him a while to process it and he'll be okay