Dems never had a problem with the electoral college when it went their way. Suck it up lefties. This is how the system works. Stop being hypocrites. You know you love California and NY.
Electoral college
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>when it went their way
It never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever went their way, shut the fuck up.
He's right. All president who were voted into office by the electoral college despite not having the majority vote were republicans. Not once did it turned out to be beneficial to the democrats. I still like the system, because it's somewhat unique.
Lol americans, this system is so fucking stupid, seriously. It's not that democratic.
But I won't mention anything because it got Trump elected and democracy is overrated anyway.
BUT if it wented their way, they would not care.
Right, exactly as the republicans. Everyone is happy when their candidate wins, that's how elections go. Still no reason to burn down cities.
Obama got the presidential candidacy because of electoral voting you dumb faggot.
It works fine, you retarded monkey, it's meant to proctect from mob rule, which it clearly does. We are not a straight democracy.
It would've went their way if she didn't run against Trump. Let's just say if Rubio were to run against Hillary, he would win the popular vote substantially (3-4% lead) and lose the electoral college. Trump won because he appealed to the unions and rust belt workers in the north and managed to sneak away w/ Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. Rubio would have won none of those, making Hillary still president. The Dems were completely complacent in leaving the electoral college alone even after 2000 because it would have benefited them greatly due to changing demographics in these states. The madman Trump however attempted to sway these people who the Dems never truly cared about, and it paid off well for him. He was actually the only candidate out of those 17 that could win, and he knew it.
The popular vote durring an electoral college vote means basically nothing because we didn't take a fucking popular vote, but the electoral college still sucks dick.
This video does a good job debunking a lot of claims about why the electoral college is good.
Democracy is always good when it's in your favor and shit when it's not.
Same shit with Brexit and everyone being salty over it, they'll just get over it and accept.
It's just the initial burst of energy, shit will cool down.
No. It did not happen. He won the popular vote both in 2008 and 2012.
Calm your horses, you are grasping at straws now. Nobody cares about the primaries, we are talking about the presidental election here.
>Dems never had a problem with the electoral college when it went their way.
That's because they always also won the popular vote. Since the turn of the new millennium, everytime a new Republican wins the electoral vote, he loses the popular vote.
>Since the turn of the new millennium, everytime a new Republican wins the electoral vote, he loses the popular vote.
Could be because of your changing demographics, which make me wonder about our next election.
>it's meant to proctect from mob rule, which it clearly does.
I would love to hear an explanation of this theory.
Our Founding Fathers set this system in place to protect from a tyranny of the majority. It's a perfect system. See those people rioting in the streets? Those people are exactly what the Founding Fathers were trying to protect us from. Goddamn I love America.
I like how they kept using maps that said Alaska "leans" red. BTFO
What he said is true. Good thing we aren't a democracy.
and repubs always had a problem with it until it went their way
>Using Census data, we've figured out that half of the United States population is clustered in just the 146 biggest counties out of over 3000.
You could win the majority vote by securing five percent of the counties. That is mob rule.
hi mr leaf
>Thinks that democracy and republic are mutually exclusive terms
It's been said thousands of times you degenerate tea bag, it's to prevent people from California, NY, and the few sparse and scattered populations zones for decidign everything.
Doing it this way means that controlling Cali and NY doesn't automatically net you the win. It also stops people from bussing in illegals, or thier own supporters place to place to rig votes because you don't need much to vote here. You wouldn't know this, because you like on an island off the coast of new-Syria
The other 17 people didn't have the slightest change.
Anyone who remotely followed elections, (even like me that's across the Atlantic and started following only for a few months without previously being interested in politics) could clearly see that Trump is going to win.
Only reason I didn't bet for his win was that betfair is not yet legal in Portugal and I couldn't find any alternative
Obama won the popular vote by nearly 5 million in 2012 you clueless fucking retard.