Indeed, this was suggested by our state departement, but one week BEFORE the election
a hot balloon, nothing more
We have to build a country for them now
In Watson's words - this works on the wrong presumption that blacks/africans have the same mental capabilities as whites and will use these resources effectively. They won't
What are we going to dump more money into the black hole (no pun intended) that is Africa?
This is a great opportunity to covertly retake Africa. The West needs to combat China's influence there, and I'm sure the nogs would prefer us to them
they forgot the part of the marhshall plan where the people that had their home destroyed were Aryans and not untermencsch. This is a waste of money just like all the foreign aid we currently send there.
You're looking at this wrong, it suggests a shift from the ridiculous idea that the West has to take them all in. Setting up camps for them in neighboring countries is vastly cheaper per capita and discourages all but the most desperate refugees from leaving their homes.
>All this money we're sending to Africa isn't helping!
>I know! Throw more money at the problem, that always works!
>black hole
Racist. It's an African-American hole.
lol shit and piss on goymoney
these fucking scumbag losers
HAHAHA rot in the deepest pits you sickening krauts
Yous fucked yourselves but good.
well you faggots can pay for it
it'd be even cheaper to kill em all
this is so stupid
if blacks are so equal they can create their own successful societies - but they're not, so they can't.
the problem will never solve itself until they are all sterilized.
It would be even cheaper to ignore them entirely..
I'd be even cheaper if the US would just fuck off out of Syria and stop funding the insurgency against the Syrian government.
>it'd be even cheaper to kill em all
Make Africa Great Again
Wow what a surprise, following Brzezinski's game plan exactly
Didn't we try this before? Its called colonialism.
The thing is they will steal/fuck it all up so we will just loose money PLUS have "refugees".
The best that could happen now is lets say Sweden taking much more negros/arabs and collapsing. One of the richest and "best" countries in the world failing after taking in that human trash would really be an eye opener to many. Wonder how the leftist media would spin basically a civil war?
Honestly, sure.
Anything to keep them out. If Gibsmedats will kep them in Africa, then do it.
You've done this to yourselves
we don't even have to kill them. just stop involving ourselves in Africa and like 60% of them will die because they're too stupid to take care of themselves.
>ignore Mediterranean countries
>instead lets dump money we don't have into countries we've been dumping money into since the mid 50's
only a german could come up with this shit
I'm not so willing to sacrifice Sweden. Of a few billion will stop the rapefugees from coming then so be it.
Germany is still suffering from the short-sighted decision to import Turkish workers 40 years ago. God knows how long the damage will last from this.
Yes, let's help their birth rates grow even faster!
wew there lad dont want to upset the tv police
Show me the source
You are correct.
So will they have to pay it back like we had to? Or are they gonna be leeches like France and Britain were?
But the lefties will think they died because of us. They work under the wrong assumptions they're on average as smart as whites/asians and thus can maintain a society on the same level.
When they fail (which is natural considering their mental capabilities) they don't accept the truth but come up with bullshit stories about white oppresion etc.
>retake Africa
There should be a geopolitical knowledge test before you're able to post on Sup Forums.
"Developed Countries"
u mad, Ger-money? Don't forget, we are pushing for Turkish admission to the EU before we leave.
Never seen your flag before in all my time.
ultra rare
>and I don't even collect them
>What if we move the gibs to THEIR country
oh yes I'm sure that will solve everything.
Merkel needs to save her children from themselves with German blood!
Weren't they supposed to be syrian?
I'm taling about the Marshall plan from which you also benefited from you filthy beady-eyed fuck
>Racist Swedes attack hardworking immigrants. EU sends forces to protect the immigrants from the Nazis.
Because the white man keeps oppressing them so why should they?
no need, just stop sending aid and let natural selection do the work.
hahahahahahaha that will work... they wont piss away the money ahahahahaha
try telling the refugees to FUCK OFF
Cry more Ahmed. Enjoy your diversity.
What's Germany endgame?
the wont stop coming until you physically stop them
>Saint Helena had a population of 4500
Jesus your genes must be a fucking trainwreck
Just build a wall already.
This is America under Trump. Scary.
Africans need a DNA boost, not aid boost.
Their brains are too small and simple.
Imported European sperm can change their dna and make them smarter.
>Marshall plan for Africa
Europe only had to deal with destroyed infrastructure
Africas human capital is non-existant, you can throw at them all the resources you want, nothing is going to happen
And if you use whites as human capital its practically Colonialism 2.0
I was under the impression that sending billions to African nations to help the refugees would be contingent on them not being allowed here.
With Chinese colonization, they may get that IQ boost they need.
Their aim would be not to become the rape center of Europe.
This would solve so many problems holy shit
>make Africa a half decent continent
>No more niggers flooding Europe
>They have more economic power so german companies can sell them goods
>This produces more jobs in Germany
The Kraut is carrying out his biological imperative.
The money will go straight into the pockets of Strong Men and warlords and otherwise be squandered and misspent.
Let China have it.
We need a firewall around that entire region.
Our people don't have the proper temperament to deal with Africa - we want to play mother rather than administrator.
It will destroy us.
this is a horde of combat aged men in designer clothes and smartphones
the entire elected political elite has lost the plot. there are a few truths to africa that everyone knows:
1. african and especially muslim men don't work
2. there is not a single muslim country on this planet that is functioning with basic human rights
3. as soon as you let muslims govern themselves they elect extremists
Holy shit they love wasting money. How the fuck can they have so much money to waste in the first place?
What a day, Sadiq is salty!
Why can't you just leave Africa the fuck alone
Fucking jesus
lool. Who the fuck wants to buy a bunch of Ferraris to a selected number of nigs who went to Oxford?
The daughter of the Angolan President is not the richest woman in Africa by coincidence.
yes of course, any dna from intelligent humans is welcome. African dna just not good enough.
From what I've heard the chinks aren't fucking around like whites, they basically treat the negros as cattle
Damn straight.
aryaniggers probably wants america to pay for this too
They do. They are an intelligent and low empathy race. A dangerous combination for countries they occupy.
Nations have been throwing money at Africa for fucking ever. Those chimps don't know what to do with technology, they don't even know how to maintain it. It's a literal zoo
THAT is actually a good Idea, we don't need them here. Send them all back cause they are black. We build them a hut or two, living there they will do.
It worked for America and Europe after wwii. Why not? We get rich and they become exploitable labor?
They have an entire fucking continent full of resources.
They don't deserve a single fucking penny.
fucking germany just fucking die already
That's good for your country you retard, fix their homes they don't immigrate.
> marshall plan for Africa
How about marshall rommel's plan for Africa.
>"economic boost"
>AKA more GIBS
Fuck i love how ruthless the chinese are. They have no racial guilt, and they just fucking demolish the negros
so what? we have legitimate reason for deniying them refugee status.
> look, we helped you there thus things can't possibly that bad, right? goodbye!
Why is Sup Forums against colonizing Africa again, especially if Germany is doing it?
Fully agree, we need an example for Europe of what open borders an cuckholdery will do to one of the most prosperous and peaceful nations. The warning would redpill Europe permanently
Listen, listen, LISTEN
It makes sense to pay africa the money
Since Germany is a country, which is unable to defend its borders or people against any threat
>B-but my colonialism Mr. Chongmong...
>Get shot
You're right, the West never owned Africa, my apologies leaf
You don't have to kill them.
You simply have to leave them alone, but prevent any from coming into your lands.
Left to their own devices, they'll overbreed, squander resources, kill each other, die of starvation, and eventually, in Sub Saharan Africa's case, would revert back eventually to an equilibrium where people go back to premodern living close to the land in reasonable sized tribes, while in Arab land, power would eventually consolidate again in the hands of dictators who would at least keep the relative peace by force.
Don't help them, it only prolongs disorder and suffering. Let their nature play itself out and eventually the social structure most natural and necessary for them will assert itself.
Simply let a race or ethnicity "do itself".
Well I would disagree
Iran is doing great considering how isolated it was all these years, even taking slow steps away from Islamic fundamentalism
Nigeria, Angola and Ethiopia are booming pretty hard now that the whole Cold War era proxy wars settled down.
But all things considered, right course of action should be to isolate them and let them figure it out
Wouldn't this make the world better over all? Take control, keep them at home.
>The thing is they will steal/fuck it all up so we will just loose money PLUS have "refugees".
This is the most important part. They're not going to use the money wisely. They're going to neglect whatever we build or spend the money or frivolous shit.
Requesting the story of the guy who went to volunteer in Africa, advised a local farmer to buy fertilizer two years in a row to increase profit, and then had the farmer squander the profit on gifts for his relatives so that the next year the crops failed.
Our number 1 priority should be teaching them agriculture. After that, natural evolution should take its place and they should be entering the middle ages by 2200
Seriously: why's this bad tho? If their economies flourish, they won't come here anymore and we'll get new markets to sell our products to
A Marshall Plan for Africa is definitely a smaller price to pay than to feed them here or trying to keep them out by force
>Nigeria, Angola and Ethiopia are booming pretty hard
Their economies are only growing in line with their population. Essentially, their per capita productivity is barely rising. But because their population is doubling every twenty years, the extra mouths to feed add what looks like value to their economies.
>Chinese cut the niggers already dirt poor pay and when they protested they opened fire on them.
Or just let the chinese with their 4 billion men to 1 billion women ratio take over the continent and yellow up the mudbloods into something more desireable.
>throw more money at africa
ye because that worked so well so far
>Seriously: why's this bad tho?
Read the thread. gives a pretty concise explanation.
You're attributing German order and lack of corruption to people who still wage wars between villages and rape toddlers because they believe it'll cure HIV.
Wow, nobody has tried this before!
Why would I want a smarter, more capable version of Africans in the world?
What good would that do us? They'd only demand more from us and from our societies, as if they have a right to it.