South Park Theory

The newest season of South Park is an allegorical satire of our society.

We will only be able to fully understand its accuracy and importance in a few years time.


Cartman is the pussy-whipped cuck. Like many man today, he has devolved - used to be a mean-spirited bully (inb4 "that's not a good thing") and an alpha male in the making, now he has a gf and he is completely brainwashed and guilt-tripped into believing he is nothing more than a privileged white man.

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Butters used to be the typical beta male. The nice guy, always taken advantage of, emasculated. That has now changed.

Butters has woken up and he is slowly evolving into a man and getting in touch with his masculinity.

He has swallowed the red pill. But, he is still in the "anger" phase.

Wasnt he the guy that always name the kike?

>cartman is the pussy whipped cuck

stopped reading there, have you ever watched southpark ?

>Member Berries

This one is pretty obvious. Member Berries symbolize our generation's infantile and constant nostalgia-tripping.

"Everything was better back then."

"Member old video games?"

"Love Nintendo 64"

"Just found this little beauty while cleaning my childhood room" (sounds like an /r/pics post, doesn't it?)

Plebbit is the main source of this infantile need of our generation to remain childish. We now have 30 year olds watching superhero movies, reading comic books and playing video games.

This has also influenced another demographic - old "they took our jerbs" people who blame everything and everyone for failing in life, except themselves.

They're a part of the reason Trump (Garrison) won.

Have you watched the newest season?

Except this season is legitimately bad due to lack of content in each episode.

Its like filler episodes of Dragonball Z where Goku charges for like four episodes.


Trolls are Pol.

Influencing the world from the shadows, fucked up individuals trolling the world, using what they refer to as "meme magic" to change our society and sometimes just to fuck with people.

I agree, to an extent.

Not nearly as funny as previous seasons, but still the best satire on television.

yeah this season started off great but devolved into regurgitating the same jokes over and over again

Fuck sake we aren't retarded we know wut it means

Bill and Bill gentlemans club

>PC Principal

He was a much more prominent character in the previous season, but now he is slowly fading away and only appearing from time to time, agitated and slightly confused.

He symbolizes the end of PC culture - we are at the beginning of it. Now that Trump has been elected, a paradigm has shifted and fascism masquerading as political correctness is on its deathbed.

>(inb4 "that's not a good thing")
Yea being a sociopath is a great thing..

Stop pretending that Matt and Trey aren't just winging it

Still hoping for a mind-blowing culmination of the season. They still have time to pull it off.

If they don't, this will be the worst season of South Park (excluding the first few).

Good satire, nice symbolism, just not that funny.

>mean-spirited bully (inb4 "that's not a good thing")
Don't like hearing the truth, huh? You gonna get triggered?

Cry more.

I was hoping for a grand finale too but that last episode was a fucking mess and ruined the whole season for me. Also the fact that they didn't even acknowledge Pres. Trump as a possibility shows that they finally lost touch.

Was messy because they had to rewrite it when Trump won. Maybe they manage to make up for it until the end of the season?

>implying cartman has actually changed and doesn't just see that the new way to be a judgmental dickhead to everyone is to be PC

The way the last episode was kind of fragmented can be easily explained, especially considering that they skipped a week of production over the elections.

They obviously held up to see how the election would go, and change the episode accordingly. But the main structure was clearly made to account for a Hillary win, plus some placeholder moments (like the bridge scene) that were clearly made to be interchangeable based on who won.

Also, the way all of Bill's lines are rushed when he mentions himself being the first gentleman is because they obviously crammed the "Almost first gentleman" nomer into an already-made script where it wasn't supposed to be.


He's just pussy-whipped and trying to bang Heidi.


They had to rewrite and recut it in like 12 hours even though they had two weeks to prepare. Their whole overarching plot doesn't make any sense now.

you thought you were so special secret agent, now you're in troll jail and got rickrolled


Troll arc has potential, but its so goddamn slow because rather than have 15 minutes of troll arc, we get 4 minutes an episode over the entire season. So its getting stale.

I also snatched this gem from the comments of the episode review.

you haven't watched the new season

>Troll arc has potential, but its so goddamn slow because rather than have 15 minutes of troll arc, we get 4 minutes an episode over the entire season. So its getting stale.

It is slow. I'm waiting for it to culminate. Hoping for a brilliant grand finale. About the only thing that can salvage this season from being the worst ever. Can they pull it off?

South Park is shit. The writers are clearly out of touch with reality and have completely misinterpreted all current events this season. Also, their massive bias was extremely transparent in the last hastily cobbled together episode showing that they've been full of shit about being "neutral" this entire time.

I envy your optimism, but South Park has a reputation for giving a douchbag finale.

I cite last season's sentient advertisements and pretty much every other season finale and the Game of Thrones multi-part's weak finish.

I can happen, such as Imagionationland and the Buck Rogers arcs. But I don't hold any hope.

FUck what south park has become, let them so suck progressive dick some more.

Cartman just wants pussy and is getting it from a cute girl. A lot of desperate fat virgin neckbeards have turned traitor for that very reason alone.
But deep down they don't believe it. Deep down they know they sold their souls and ideals. The beauty is that they know it but won't admit it.

Look at all these rares!

>showing that they've been full of shit about being "neutral" this entire time.

What does that even mean?
Everyone thought Clinton was going to win by a landslide, and their job is pushing out animation in a timely manner.
How is it a proof of betrayal that they dared base a plot around what 90% of people thought would happen?

Wut? Y?

people like you underestimate just how deeply these people believe the bullshit they espouse. please don't, or you'll be just as bad as everyone who ignored Trump voters.

these people live in an alternate reality they've created for themselves with their social media echo chambers, most of them while they're young and impressionable (tumblr anyone?).

their retarded fucking worldview is the only worldview they have, they've either never known any different or they've completely replaced reality with their self-insert fanfiction of victimhood and "oppression".

I don't know the solution to this problem, and I'm hoping that just "giving it time and letting trump do his thing" will work out, but i'm honestly not sure. the complete rejection of reality from my sjw friends has scared the shit out of me, because it's all happening exactly like I predicted a few weeks ago when I saw the way things were heading

They live in their own parallel universe. Social media echo chambers is a good way to put it too. These people have no idea how the world functions, we're talking about deeply demented individuals - yet, they are incredibly entitled. Absolute insanity.

Got into an argument with some girl the other day. Talked about transgenderism and the endless number of genders and similar things.

Me: "So, I feel like a dog and that makes me a dog?"

Her: "If that's what you really feel, than yes."

Me: *talk about science and how retarded what she's saying is*

Her: "Religion is stupid"

Me: "I agree, I'm talking about science"

Her: "Me too, religion is just another science."


No matter what kind of proof you have or present, they refuse to believe it and will even find it offensive.

What has this world turned into?

>(excluding the first few)
the first few seasons where the best ones faggot

The correct answer to how we win is through continued Meme Magic.

Memetic warfare changes the very thoughts of the people who see the dank memes. How have liberals been so successful? Because they own the tv, movies and music. Everything on the television, radio and movie theater promototes liberal, NWO globalist values.

They are successful because they brainwash normies. So we must fight fire with fire, Mememtic Warfare is our propaganda. This election is prove that Meme Magic works.

Do not argue with facts. Argue with emotion. You will never win an argument with facts.

If you can make them feel your "facts" are better, you win.

Very counter-intuitive but I can see it working.

You forgot one more thing.


A shady foreign nation pulling the strings in the background, spying on millions and bringing chaos to the world.


Cartmen is a typical cuck who is ashamed of his past and will throw anything and anyone under the bus to prevent others from finding out about his past.

Since when does your country have internet?

Do liberals use facts? Are they successful without facts?

Arguing only with facts is not only hobbling yourself, you're playing the game as they want you to play it. Conservative lose because they play the game according the the rules the Liberals impose.

Trump won because he didn't follow any of these stupid ass rules.

Dude dbz is the best show evrr, member the freiza arc?

Guess I should start watching South Park again.

My favorite episode was the two-parter where Stan's parents get divorced and becomes an alcoholic.


How can Cartman be the cuck when he's the only one in contact with the girls?

here's the problem with that though:

people have been taught to
- think with feelings
- empathize with everyone's feelings (except subhumans [trump voters, white males, etc.])

this creates a feedback loop. all it takes is a handful of tweets on your timeline saying "OMG TEH END TIEMZ IS HERE" or "OMG LOOK AT THIS RACIST PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE NOTE THAT A TRUMP SUPPORTER LEFT ON MY CAR TODAY AND I TOTALLY DIDN'T WRITE MYSELF" to cause someone to assimilate the emotions being expressed and internalize them.

once they're in this vulnerable emotional state, they'll automatically believe and agree with everything said by people who share similar emotional sentiments, and reject anything from anyone who's "being too calm" "trying to be rational" etc.

I wonder if this isn't our biggest challenge of all: having to engage with overemotional libtards on THEIR level

no matter how much you point out that Trump is the most LGBT-friendly president-elect of all time (afaik), no matter how many times you send them videos of Trump saying that he wants to protect our LGBT citizens, no matter how many times you link them to a photo of Trump holding a goddamn LGBT flag up, they'll still ignore it because it doesn't sit right with their heightened emotional state

if memes are "thought-viruses", what do we call these "emotion-viruses"?

You're being just as stupid as TYT interviewing a Trump supporter who is giving obvious signals that he is a Sup Forumsack and they just take everything he says seriously.

Cartman was always a cowardly, sentimental, opportunistic piece of shit at core. He's totally in character right now.

Not really
The first few were just them shitting on your dinerplate and smashing it with a hammer.

When the series grew up a bit they managed to sculpt their shit into art, putting it on the centre of the table for everyone to admire and criticize.

Ther last few seasons are general shit. Uninspired crap trying too hard while being unable to hide the fatigue of them getting bored sculpting shit.

And yet the first Meme War has ended with a Pepe victory.

Smug Pepe is empowering and masculine. Trump's entire campaign was based on the alpha male ideals. Everyone likes alpha males, women love them, dudes both want to be and be around alphas.

They haven't ripped into Hillary Clinton anywhere near as much as they should have and have made no mention of all the incriminating shit on wikileaks.

if you're butthurt about them not supporting trump, then I don't know what you expected. The creators of South Park have always been libeterians, Trump's campaign made him out to be authortarian and he's said things like he wants to shut down the colbert report even though that's against the first amendment.

That's the problem. It's a cartoon. They don't have to go along with what everyone else thinks. Now they're caught with their pants down because they followed the popular sentiment, which is funny.

chose one, faggot.

Religion isn't stupid though


lmao edgelord

has this election taught you nothing you fucking faggot?

the Left lost because they put their fingers in their ears and shut out anyone who tried to say anything contrary to their opinion. they cut emotional ties off with anyone who disagreed with their retarded fucking ideology, locked themselves in an echo chamber of social media, and now they're suffocating in it

you think we should do the same thing?

or do you think we should Make America Great Again and reach out to our libtarded brothers and xisters? you don't have to like or agree with them, but they don't have to like or agree with everything you say either.

we need to unite instead of divide, you dumb cunt

>an alpha male in the making
Nope, he fucked that up a long time ago.

This first two seasons aged really bad and are only really enjoyable if your memory of them is blinded by nostalgia. The "jokes" mostly consisted of fart/poop jokes and just being edgy for the sake of being edgy.

When I finally watched south park for the first time a few years ago I started with season 1&2. I was going to give up on the show until I skipped to season 3 when the show finally got good. Similar to how family guy got into it's prime in season 3.

Its like learning a script for a play.
Someone says something like "Trump is a racist!" and they will respond with their line.
They dont think, they just react - input/output without processing.

With this method, they can reduce potential negative attention, because all their "friends" do the same thing.

They can hold multiple ideas that are incoherent, it doesnt matter to them.

Meme can be a thought-virus and a emotion-virus at the same time, the consument will decide what kind of virus it is.

I think, we should isolate this people, give them some time for themself in a prison-like environment. If they have nothing to do, then they will probably start using their brain and start to question themself.

>we need to unite instead of divide, you dumb cunt

uniting with losers is squandering victory. Unite compromise and work together is codeword for appeasing our enemies and gaining nothing.

Negotiation is not capitulation.

But what about the last few seasons?
I find the quite uninspired. A vibe of boredom and routine seems to have set in. This season is the worst of all.
They stepped away from single stand-alone episodes and it is going downhill ever since.

>negotiation is not capitulation
It is, you faggot. You either destroy your enemy until they unconditionally surrender or you're a fucking cuck.

The libcucks have yet to unconditionally surrender. So if you aren't out there destroying them, you are a fucking cuck.

Trips of truth

South Park has been dead since like 2011. When they hired Bill Hader the show went full cuck.

It was sad to watch happen actually. I was a fan since episode 1, and to see it die in front of my eyes was like watching a parent die of a slow cancer. Each episode was progressively worse... After the Episode where tweek and Craig are gay anime characters I was DONE and I never looked back

It seems to democrats lost a lot of their power this election because their party started to get a little too far left with their base with supporting stupid social issues like tranny "rights" and BLM. They focused too much on social issues and identity politics and not enough about economic issues like job growth.

Bernie and Trump were popular because they wasn't wasting so much energy on identity politics. I'm happy Trump showed that the republican party didn't have to go far left on issues like immigration to stay relevant.

I agree that the last few seasons have started getting kind of bad. I was talking about how South Park didn't start reaching the "prime" of their quality until season 3. The first two seasons bored me out of my mind too.

>"Trump is a racist!"
You're right is a knee-jerk regurgitation. A simple response against any Trump stimulus.

So any mention of Trump will result in the same conditioned response. Which is why facts don't work.

Next time someone says "Trump is racist" tell them their words are intolerant. You will stop them in their tracks and they will engage defense mode.

Now you can't reprogram them in defense mode, but you can change the subject. So then you start to meme about something that sounds/feels good, and they will crawl out of their mental defense. Then you can redpill them with whatever.

Kinda like training a dog.

>where Goku charges for like four episodes.
He charged a spirit bomb for one episode people need to stop this shit

Your solution never worked. You assume that liberals are rational and will stay to the negotiation result.

If you show a little bit of weakness or ignore them for a moment, they will start attacking again.

I semi-agree with this. I like parts of what they are going for thematically, but that doesn't necessarily mean it is entertaining to watch.

He's a full blown cuck in the latest season. If I was writing this shit I would reveal he was faking it the whole time to prove a point about how following media trends destroys nations, because the media is controlled by the (((real trolls))) that Denmark is trying to hunt and has mistaken for regular Internet trolls.

>all leftists are sjw marxists
>all democrats are sjw marxists
This is the same as saying all right wingers are neo nazis

>we need to unite instead of divide
This is just lip service. Two people with completely different visions cannot unite unless it's against a common foe.

beat it Trey, turn off proxy, the internet and make a baseketball 2 or something, shits not funny anymore

Leave it to New Zealand to be retarded. This is war, you either destroy your opponent or you're a cuck.

little faggot who is butt hurt because they shit on trump spotted.

i stayed up all night and morning and got to my polling location 20 minutes early to vote for trump and i can tell you that this season is one of the best they've had yet. sack up, kid.

too obvious 1/10, its the best I can do.

>Kinda like training a dog

Nope, that doesnt work!

Plato´s Allegory of the cave is a great example.
They will go back to their social circle and get brainwashed again.

You have to isolate them from their old social-circle and give them a lot of positive attention.
That is a lot of work, you will create a person that is co-pedentent to you.

>You have to isolate them from their old social-circle and give them a lot of positive attention.

And how would you do that in this day and age?

Redpill them all you want in RL, they can still go back to tumblr and plebbit and just keep feeding their delusions.


>gets put in his place
>refutes nothing

that's a good little bitch. keep crying lmao.

I want to adopt Butters as my son.