I hope you Drumpflets are proud of yourselves. Years of social justice and progress all undone in one night. Look at all the hate you've created. I'm literally shaking right now. This is disgusting. All these hate crimes are on you. You will be responsible for destroying America.
Fuck all of you
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you deserve it
I don't deserve any of this. I voted for Clinton. She won the popular vote. You fascist fucks. This is what happens when white men are in charge.
why is everyone in the world suddenly this gay bully who is extremely sensitive to everything and is trolled way too easily
like i would tell you to go kill yourself but it would be too good for you. go visit your nearest hospital and beg for a lobotomy immediately.
Please let me in Canada.
>all these hate crimes we SJW crybullies are doing are on you.
On the contrary. Social justice will now be forced to the point of insanity now.
Your true colors are showing now. You demon
I'm not the demon. You are probably a fucking white man.
>social justice
You can see yourself out faggot
Kill yourself nigger. Put your baboon neck in a fuck noose and die.
Nice meme, faget
m8 you realize CTR is defunded, right? Everyone here knows you're just a regular shitposter.
any fellow americans can explain how to fuck this people can walk in american streets?
>Years of social justice and progress all undone in one night
thank you for confirming, I feel incredibly satisfied
Please don't call me a monkey. It's very racist.
>calling someone else shit-poster
Lol. Please shut up. You have no idea what America is going through right now.
nig nog gimme da bix n00ds
also, still sage :)
Tough shit, nigger. Must fucking suck to wake up everyday, just to look in the mirror and wonder if your dad was a gorilla. I really should be nicer though; see how upset this gorilla is?
>implying earth is not flat
Seriously, just end it.
There is that moronic word again. Drumpflet. Drumpkin. Drmpf.
Who the fuck takes you serious
You guys we're going in the wrong direction. I thought we were commie comrads. WTF I HATE ALL YOU NOW WTF
Can I still get away with murder if my insanity premeditated it?
My roommates walking a thin blue line.
This is only the beginning.
You SJW's should be scared.
I actually haven't seen any progress since SJW became a thing.
The world made the most advances in science and prosperity when it was still totally ruled by whites.
Really makes you think.
Lets get some PGP encryption and exchange lists of names, addresses and phone numbers.
Worth more than money.
Aren't all the hate crimes being committed by false flaggers though...its your own community imploding on itself
Fiends, drug dealers and homosexuals all have something in common.
They need to die.
get fucked
Next time I'll vote democrat!
> social justice
yeah, sure
what am I even looking at in the background
Really made me think. Guess #ImWithHer now
>Years of social justice and progress all undone in one night
That was precisely the point.
>Years of social justice and progress all undone in one night