Why do Liberals never acknowledge the Asian population?
Why do Liberals never acknowledge the Asian population?
Because they don't make good victims
they think all of them know karate, are magical girls, or pilot mecha
They are smarter than nigs, latins and liberals
Asians aren't welfare leaches, they don't want white pity
because they don't cry and wait for gibs
They have honor in them and actually work to make a living and are offended when they are called victims.
What liberals are basicly doing to """minorities""" is treating them like actual subhumans and retards who need special care.
Because they're succesfull despite all the made up systems of oppression.
It fucks with their narrative.
Literal first generation immigrants get into Ivy League schools, despite discrimination due to affirmative action for niggers. They have higher household income than whites, higher degree attainment, home ownership, etc.
They are colored people that do better than whites.
There are even gook tech company founders, because of the ease of getting venture capital funding for Harvard and Stanford alumni.
Why the vote democrat, I just don't get. On paper, they should be Republicans.
Because they're cucks for BWC
smallest minority class and least "oppressed".
>tfw Asian and I don't get to collect gibsmedats
Because Asians are hilariously soulless when it comes to ideas like sensitivity and diversity. Liberals will eat at their restaurants and appropriate mangled versions of their culture and philosophy, sure, but what the average Asian has to say about politics, religion, and philosophy is so triggering to the American Liberal that it would melt their faces off if they ever acknowledged it.
All Vietnamese-Germans I know are either Doctors, Pilots or Scientists.
80%% of muslim brown people are criminals. drug dealers and the like.
because they don't fit the narrative that minorities commit violent crimes, have an achievement gap, etc etc because of systemic racism and not enough money being showered on them.
>Why the vote democrat, I just don't get. On paper, they should be Republicans.
They are still immigrants
>Why do Liberals never acknowledge the Asian population?
Because they are too smart for the globalists comfort.
Leftists literally only care about replacing the populations of various nations with other populations that are dumber, and thus more easily controlled by the globalists.
Leftists hate asians, basically.... but they don't really have a lot of political power in western nations, so leftists don't really acknowledge them.
I'm Half german half chinese, voted for Trump. MAKE AMERICA STRAIGHT AGAIN
They're inconvenient. A minority group that is less violent, more intelligent, makes more money, and are less likely to be in jail than whites on average? Yeah, of course Liberals aren't going to acknowledge them.
Based Rooftop Koreans
wow, that's a fucking red pill right there
Fpbp, victimhood is an essential part of this modern kind of liberalism.
I work at a Chinese restaurant as the only white guy, and everyone here loves trump .
They are a minority, whites outnumber everyone
chinese-american here. voted trump
fuck liberals and fuck their victim mentality
Because doing so would demolish their 'white supremacy' lies.
I'm glad they dont. I always cringe when some white idiot thinks I'm being opressed as a minority.
because Asians don't vote
because they can form functional communities, succeed in society and take care of themselves, which is the last thing leftists want minority groups to do.
They don't seem to fall for jew tricks as easily.
And whereas there are loads of chinese near me, you pretty much never see them ever at political events or on line at the polls. They're yuge for asian organizations, but other than that they seem to stay out of it.
>in white countries whites are the majority and that is a problem
How come the liberal argument never applies globally?
Asians are far more right wing than whites and they have the global majority.
Asian Americans do better than any other race and are on par with Jews in terms of financial success. They don't need handouts like niggers, spics, and white trash do. They only vote Democrat because they buy into the narrative that the GOP is the party of only white people.
they don't vote, are not affected by either candidate and voting is a waste of time
muh model minorities.
Because you're not perpetual victims
because they don't need to be saved by the great white father.
libruls are most racist people you will ever meet.
Asians are the only useful migrants. Typically they are not politically correct, especially in their own nations. Liberals probably ignore them as they would have to acknowledge the amount of black on easy victim Asian crime
Affirmative Action hurts Asians pretty bad as well.
Also, in San Francisco, there are a lot of crimes against Asians that rarely make the mainstream news so the elites in San Francisco can pretend nothing is wrong in their expensive shithole city.
A minority that is better off then white people doesn't fit the narrative
>They only vote Democrat because they buy into the narrative that the GOP is the party of only white people
Also values. Remember that their culture back home places different emphasis on different things, things that might seem more important to you are less to them and vice versa.
It is because Asians are extremely similar to whites and very successful race.
>t. someone trying to defend their choice to live in Hongcouver
The other big part in all this is that the highest concentrations of them live in deep blue states. Democrats would be throwing money and energy towards a non-existent problem by trying to pander to their vote.
>Asians are far more right wing than whites and they have the global majority.
Nope and nope.
Try again
Asians are based, but a lot of them that I meet today seem to be leaning towards SJW shit, and they idolize black culture. There are a lot of asian wiggers that listen to hip hop and talk shit about whites. I understand you don't want to be the typical asian "nerd", but please don't act black. Most white guys will accept you in their group.
Asian immigrants are based as fuck.
Stop talking to so many Flips.
This. Dopey dorky racist asians who are too autistic to not tell you to your face exactly what they think are pretty cool.
The ones who try to act like trash in order to be cool are terrible.
The tradeschool in my city is like 40% asian FOBs. I swear half the technologists, technicians, and operators in my city under the age of 40 are Asian immigrants.
These people make me want to kill myself
That's because chinks destroys the argument for affirmative action. Stuyvesant, NYC's most prestigious high school which requires a test to get in, has 73% Asians and half of them qualifies for free school lunches because they come from poor families who parents were fresh off the boat from China. They don't come from rich families like those in Vancouver.
Asians (and pajeets if i'm not wrong) don't have that "helpless minority" mindset that niggers and spics have.
Half Korean, half white and voted for Trump.
It's hard to redpill other Asians bc
>m-muh royatree m-muh pridu
gets in the way of shilling for the pro-immigration libs that made it possible for them to contribute to society. Never forget/10
If Billy Bob would stop with the agookaJap shit they'd all be republican, if not Elliot Rodger.
If I was ever an Asian immigrant, I would likely swear off politics forever if I ever immigrated to America because politics in Asia are a thousand times more extreme than America.
For example, Taiwan's Congress had several instance of Taiwanese Congressmen getting into brawls right inside the building plenty of times.
Mass protests in Hong Kong happen every year without anything really being accomplished.
Mainland China is ruled by an oligarchy of families connected by some way to the powerbrokers that surrounded Mao and regularly compete against each other until one becomes the new Chinese President who purges his other rivals only for the cycle to repeat itself once more.
Like look up the Chinese farming system dedicated exclusively for the Chinese elites. They don't even eat the same food as the commoners in Mainland China.
Southeast Asia has even worst politics. Feels like there is a coup attempt in Southeast Asia every year.
So yeah, you can understand why Asians have so much political apathy because politics is dirty business, even more so in Asia.
Heck, look what happened in South Korea.
A fucking cult managed to brainwash South Korea's prime minister since she was young.
And the even stranger thing is that the Western Media barely acknowledges South Korea's religious cult scandal even though some shitty Korean pop music video had way more coverage that lasted months.
And the average Asian parent would rather their children be doctors or engineers rather than a mayor or another politician.
They want their children to have STEM related careers not government careers most of the time.
That's american born asians, trying to rebel against parent's traditional values. But even in Korea the youth loves to idolize American culture, and the worst parts of it (sluttiness, hip hop, acting like cunts) Makes me sad.
Yeah, definitely strong "go along get along" mentality and they'll go ahead and exploit the system to succeed like it's an expectation.
Kind of a dangerous inclination, really, but still a neat quality for a significant minority to possess to counterbalance the others.
My father's family came over with nothing, and most of my aunts and Uncles make over 6 figures in Cali.
A lot voted Trump. We're anti-commi and many in my family have served in the military.
Doesn't count though because you have European ancestry.