Of course I don't agree with everything, but she makes some solid points
They're Starting to Catch On Guys
I don't harbor any disdain for any particular group, except perhaps ideological ones. I think progressivism is cancer though and has been pushed by the elites to control the masses.
Is there any point to this any longer? I mean, Trump won and Losers lost as losers tend to do.
>crux of entire argument is simply
>white people are becoming angry at problems
>doesnt make any excuse for problems, or try to argue they dont exist
>just calls white people losers and rayciss in a condescending wall of text
oh wow nice opinions there buddy lmao
>She doesn't understand a Finn complaining about multiculturalism
Isn't Finland dealing with an assload of refugees?
Just because they don't DIRECTLY affect the guy she knows doesn't mean he can't be concerned for his entire country.
Close, but she's way off
I'm just here for the GETS
they have every reason to fear a white conservative backlash against forced/enforced social programs. Clearly they have been wondering where it was the entire time they have been declaring victory over CIS/Heteros.
They're brain damaged but they aren't stupid.
And what does she propose to attack this problem? There is nothing they can do to stop this trend.
And she forgot that people come here to laugh too. And that some liberal attittudes already provoke those feelings
hhaha, she's do deluded that she cant see that liberals are the new fascists
Progressivism is healthy only when it is in due course. Forcing progress in a society is unhealthy and results in what we have right now.
Not an argument
>Progressivism is healthy only when it is in due course.
Sure, some might call that conservatism though.
everyones a fascist and everyones a little bit racist. Political correctness helped us all to work together despite our differences.
Trump ran on anti-political correctness and now that's he's elected, this country is going to tear itself apart from the inside. Both sides will be free to show their true power levels. If PC isn't restored, expect a war to happen soon
So what's her solution? Because I was never raised to be like that but I'm sick and tired of being told I'm evil. I'm sick of being a useless virgin hated by people. What would I get out of acting liberal?
I've tried to hold onto my left views but I just don't care any more. If all these cunts got gassed to death I just wouldn't care.
These people offer nothing to me.
Oh, for sure. It's not like we're doing this whole thing over every 2 to 4 years.
literally who?
Your logic is flawed to the point you shouldn't even be responded to.
But user that's exactly what I wanted to happen so keep expressing your opinion you are a useful idiot
This woman is one grain of sand length away from being red pilled
throughout all of her tweets she never once acknowledges the possibility that "progressive" people are more hostile towards those that dont share their beliefs which is my biggest issue with her. If she can't even acknowledge and look at both sides rationally her halfway true knowledge and anecdotes are meaningless to me.
>They truly believe that it is feminists, globalists, anti-racism activists, liberals who are the true fascists in the world.
You all don't let people talk anything that you disaprove of, and feel you have the right to beat people up (physical assault) just because they say such things, because they hurt your feelings. Yes, you are fascist as fuck.
And worse, you are not a fascism that helps economic growth and well-being of the nation, but instead you empoverish everyone, makes everybody miserable and hate each other, because you always need something to complain about.
Go fuck yourself, libtards.
God bless emperor Trump. May he shine the example of the success that is nationalism.
White people are taking there country back get used to it
She's right you know
still missing the point
Schools aren't feminized because women are women, they are that way because of subversive Marxism push by generations of cadres.
She's right; we do pretend to be libtards.
We are also right in our opinions on the state of the West.
>bash cis scum brains in if they support the other guy!
>omg those dumbasses think we're fascists and lie about who they're voting for for some reason
This is so true, that any cuck here trying to deny it make a fool of himself even more than he already is.
>Political correctness helped us all to work together despite our differences
Censorship helps no one
Why he fuck isn't she putting the blame on White Women? Of course the white males voted trump, its the white females who abandoned ship and voted for the fucking oompa loompa.
#BlackFeminism #WomanOfColor #TakingBackFeminism
The problem is, "political correctness" has been taken WAY too far. When it is acceptable for people like Lena Dunham to make videos celebrating the extinction of white men; when the Left is constantly crying about "cultural appropriation" because white people eat certain foods or wear Halloween costumes; when we're told that white people cannot be the victims of racism, and need to feel guilty about what their ancestors did; it doesn't bring people together. That shit was tearing people apart long before Trump ran for office. He just capitalized on the division and hatred that the Left has been pushing for years.
Political correctness eats itself alive as it basically becomes a game of "Oppression Olympics" where everyone is fighting to be the bigger victim. Some of them are already turning on white women for being too oppressed. It's almost too good to be true.
>Some of them are already turning on white women for being too oppressed
too privileged*
This. Anytime I hear a smart nigger talking college level words I just smile and pass gas.
lmao this is gay as fuck
fuck liberals, leftists and brown people
I thought after the revolution we would have to reeducate white women but it looks like the left will take care of that for us.
After they get lit on fire and have their skulls crushed in they will get the picture that they are on the wrong side.
bitch needs to lurk more.
Her problem is, of course, that she doesn't disprove anything. Liberals/leftists DO want to destroy western civilization. Their entire ideology is based on altering the current order by any means necessary (which is why, for example, they support both radical feminism and islam at the same time). The rural Finn might not personally see the destruction of multiculturalism, but he's well aware of what is happening in Helsinki or Sweden and so on. Speaking your mind in a public setting CAN cost you your job and social status if you are right-wing. The only ones who are able to change any of this are young white men.
And white people were slaves to the black Moors in the past, don't they need reparation for that?
She does make some points but what really saved us was niggers being lazy and not voting
I agree with this. Whites are going to become full blown Nazis and I'll be laughing.
This too. It's like training a parrot. Empty, meaningless and pitiful.
So you're literally confirming their argument by being racist.
>they're wrong because i say so
meaningless word. nobody cares about being called racist any more
I'm a liberal, and I hate political correctness. My strategy has been to make forceful arguments on rational grounds whenever I'm directly confronted with PC nonsense. I kind of decided not to take the far right-wing nationalist "I worship an ancient egyptian frog god" route. Seemed more...I dunno, what's the word...sane. I refused to let fear get to me, and I stand up for myself whenever someone serves me a platter of PC shit. You guys should try standing up for yourselves..much healthier.
She's stupid because I'm Hispanic and still voted for trump
Maybe just maybe people are tired of retarded liberal policies and this fake pseudo-progressiveness where non whites are just nothing more than a number/slave and used as pawns used in their stupid arguments in supporting of their ideology
That's not even what Sup Forums represents.
But you still can get your ass kicked.
The word most certainly isn't meaningless. It just has been overly applied in the wrong context(s).
too little too late
We are the jews now
ooga booga
Define it then. And why on earth should I care about it?
Her theory is blown to smithereens once a Latino voted for Trump.
I am that bean.
>convinced them liberals were colluding to destroy white Western manhood
Don't need any convincing when you can easily determine "Water sure is wet."
And then these deluded people attempt to make judgment calls about manliness and the way of men, without understanding it even slightly. (Not to mention most of them don't understand the convoluted roles that women have fallen into.)
>They truly believe that it is feminists, globalists, anti-racism activists, liberals...
I don't believe, I know. Witnessed it first hand most of my adult life. But of course, my experience doesn't count, does it?
The left became the sexists and racists they so despised.
>Saying nigger and mudslime on the internet is as bad as commiting terrorist attacks
But liberals DO want to destroy western civilization, they ARE plotting the end of white manhood, and feminism/libtard culture IS part of the reason why longterm relationships are harder to get these days.
She doesn't even attempt to disprove anything. She's looking at the issues on the table and handwaving them as if they don't matter and we should just resign to the liberal worldview.
And the was just the bitch's name
>online redicalization due to sexual frustration
Yup, dead on.
>I just smile and pass gas
The moment I read this I farted.
Racism- the belief that a particular race or set of races has inherent superior qualities to some other particular race or set of races. This belief then generates a normative maxim such that the perceived inferior race is to be treated with a lack of dignity that is typically afforded to the perceived superior race(s). Racism basically claims that certain races are not dignified human beings. So, this definition doesn't apply to PC trite.
As for why you should care, I dunno so that you don't go around claiming that a word that has had a fixed meaning for at least a century is meaningless.
What is it son? Nothing smell like napalm at the morning eh?
You jump in your chair, push the button and watch and it feels like you're real man, motherfucking unstoppable killing machine?
>anybody who supports trump hates coloreds and whores
>muslims are good boys who dindu nuffin, it really white people
And I stopped reading after only 3 texts. Nice.
I voted Trump because I'm a pedophile and hate how oppressed LGBT claims that they are. If only 10% of what they fear he will do were true, at least I would die happy in the gas chamber with them.
>"logic" in scare quotes
Should I deny her argument the same way? Or would that be ignorant?
>"Young men came to these online groups for tips on picking up girls & came out believing that it was up to them to save western civilization"
>Close, but she's way off
That makes no sense but I couldn't have said it better myself.
Really gets the noggin joggin. Shame she did not name the jew.
You can tell what she's genuinely angry about is that these people don't expose themselves to be targeted by these fascists.
That's what she's saying is the issue here, that they can't easily identify and silence people expressing a different opinion, that they're so dishonest for not openly trusting those looking to destroy them.
>tfw I ironically wear ironic t-shirts to Starbucks, echo the words of my 'peers', pretend to like Lagy Gagab, etc...while hating every second as I pretend to be a normie -- literally every single time I go outside
>tfw 2slippery2slip
Underrated post.
Continuum fallacy.
>marginalizing a large, powerful group and cornering them
>being honestly surprised at "extremists" popping up
How much self-awareness can someone lack before they aren't considered human anymore?
I love how the very first post is saying this is happening because feminist women are fucking terrible parents.
It's all just a happy basket of fluffy conspiracy theories.
She's wrong, a lot have been doing this because it's fucking hilarious. Saving the world is just icing on the cake.
Good thing we're not reddit. Or alt-right.
She confused the red pill with /r/TheRedPill is all.
stopped reading there
>stem degrees from elite institutions
>didn't do well in high school
the entire thing is built out of confirmation bias
>I'm sick of being a useless virgin hated by people.
You're a virgin because you're boring and have shit social skills, not because the white man is the devil
>We are literally online ISIS
>treated with a lack of dignity
>are not dignified human beings
Correct. They don't deserve it. These people are savages. The sooner the entire third world is nuked the better. There is no reason I should treat them with dignity.
>How could a guy who goes months w/o seeing POC be so adamant about failings of "multiculturalism"?
the exact same could be said about people supporting multiculturalism in san fagcisco or portland or other mostly white liberal areas, what is this bitch smoking?
>They were raised by single feminist mothers
>But it's totally the internet's fault
of course.
Thanks Russia. I wish Putin weren't into filthy boys, or I'd move there.
>if you disagree you are racist
>see you disagree so you are racist
Keep bleating, sheep.
This. They openly admit that they want to destroy white people, white culture and white men in particular (It's now expanding to white women because wow they didn't all vote gender line how traitorous).
Eight years ago, I voted for Obama. I gave the left a chance. And, for the last eight years I've been told that I'm scum, that I'm the worst kind of person ever, that I shouldn't even be allowed to exist, that I'm racist, sexist, homophobic (despite the fact that I'm bisexual), xenophobic and a Nazi all because I'm a white male.
And that pushed me to join the other side, and subsequently back Trump. You can't ask for an entire section of society to back your views on anything of value when you're telling them to their face that they are hurrr durrr literally the worst type of human on the planet, that their existence is an e existential threat to black and brown folks.
You can't have it both ways. They forced white men, and are now forcing white women to side against them. Even if some of us disagree with the policies of the right, it's better to go with them and at least feel human than be treated like I'm a monster by the left just because of the color of my skin or the fact that I have a cock.
And yet, they call us racist. They call us sexist. Pot, meet fucking kettle.
dumb bitch
>M-muh dick
Fucking niggers
Well, of course, I disagree with your position, but it isn't my goal to convince you otherwise on this point. However, I did succeed in convincing you that the term 'racism' isn't meaningless, so I'll take that victory.
But she's wrong. I didn't vote because I disliked both options and wasn't going to vote for liberals after they spent the last few years demonizing white men for existing.
I have to thank all you brothers though. Trumps victory and their behavior since has been the red pill people like me needed.
I'm going to sign up for CCW classes this week.