How many of you have jobs?
How many of you have jobs?
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I was a janitor but I realized I'm destined for bigger things.
What does that even mean?
I'm management consultant
Did you have to go to college for that?
Self working Electrician
>mfw £97,000 last year
Used to be a NEET and wageslave.
High school teacher. Engineering and Science.
In a state that doesn't use common core.
Most of my students are of Mexican descent.
Most of them are also Trump supporters.
university actually
I have a seasonal job.
What do your students say about him?
Studying management.
HVAC 1500 a week, doing alright.
Overpaid sparkies, your job is so easy but you make more than us in everything except sales and we do your job all the time REEEEEEEEEE
I literally get paid to write video game music
amdocks employee , 2nd year
Most of the underclassmen are neutral.
Most upperclassmen simply think that Clinton doesn't support industry, jobs, and people who don't live on the coasts.
A few are tinfoilers who are mega woke.
I haven't had a job in 7 years.
Now, I have no marketable skills and no future outside of food service, and being homeless is honestly preferable to working in the service industry. The pay is similar
journeyman level carpenter checking in
thank god it's my off season and i'm going to colombia for 3 months pretty soon here, it's going to be an evil winter
>coming up in here with your gordon wood ass
Im a small business owner.
Ive been raped for the last 3 years because of some regulation on Roll Your Own cigarette machines though.... Been rough...
Got an offer to manage a business selling medical equipment recently though.. So yes. I got a job.
I'm a train conductor.
I'm surrounded by socialist libtards who want to go on strike every other day ending in Y, and none of them know I'm voting Marine next elections.
Most of them have never worked a private job and keep complaining about their working conditions not realising they have it easier than most.
Chef at Wendy's.
>Now, I have no marketable skills and no future outside of food service, and being homeless is honestly preferable to working in the service industry. The pay is similar
God you're a faggot, trades are literally dying for new blood. I got into air a year ago and I didn't even apply, I just met someone who was a tech and he offered me a job. He wasn't even an owner, it was just a rule that if someone says you can join you're fucking in and that's it.
Minimum wage retail slave reporting in
Student and working for Heineken.
Studied geology and environmental planning.
Now make good eurocash counseling companies, preparing them for certification processes.
Besides that, I'm a self taught blacksmith, working in a niche that pays well, too. So either way, I'm settled.
How do you sell air? :^)
I do planetary microgravity research for a living.
I see. So a firm handshake it is, then. I guess I'm just a loser. Congratulations on acquiring a career. Good luck to you
I had a job at one point.
Professional uber driver here AMA
I do, I work for a (((bank))), though it's not international at least.
highly paid code monkey passing by.
I'm an accountant. I spend 99% of my time shitposting on my phone.
Fuck I hate my life.
>mfw I actually, seriously, legitimately """""work"""" for the EU
>mfw pay is shitty as hell
That's what I get for being a retarded teen interested in political studies.
all memes aside, why are the french so lazy ? maybe lazy isn't the right word i want to use, but they really seem to resent the idea of work in general
I want to be a carpenter but I don't know where to even start.
Your dad gave me a blowjob.
Why don't you join some of the right wing nationalist organizations?
Heading to UCF soon. Currently unemployed.
idk why that replied to you
I sterilize surgical instruments. Working on going up to the OR to be scrub tech. I know there's atleast one other faggot like me because I saw you post last month.
I'm a natural gas mechanic. I'm also a state-certified technicial engineer, but haven't gotten my diploma yet to write some applications.
>tfw to inteligent to get a job
you have to start at the bottom
be a laborer on a construction team, or even better be a laborer for a small business owner in construction who willing to teach you some stuff
the thing about tradesman is that we like to pass on our knowledge to people who are willing to learn and is not a lazy piece of shit
I haven't had a "real job" in years. Instead, I run a webdev business and several online stores. I make more money and I shit post on the internet all day.
I still get shit from people for not putting a suit on and sitting in a cubicle, though. I don't understand this cuck mindset that YOU MUST serve someone else or else you're a failure.
Quit being such a sanctimonious prick.
Look, getting a good job is a struggle.
But you can't allow yourself to wallow.
Make a plan and follow it, even if it is a slow one.
University is free if you're poor. Go to school part time and pick up some skills. Get skilled, get paid, man.
I had to pay my way through school, it took me 8 years. But I fucking did it, and I'm in a much better place, even if this is my plan B career, and it nearly failed, too.
I really hope you improve your lot in life, but seriously don't be a whiny bitch.
I used to work a lot with frenchbros. How did you come to that impression?
I tell my customers it's really cold air.
That's it, that's all you need. Just fucking walk in and be like "Hey I want work." I've hired people that way and so has everyone else here and once you're in it's even easier. I've already quit different positions and just walked into another shop and gone "I'm a service tech but on estimates my closing ratio is 60% and I can also install." I took a week long vacation without notice because I just felt like it, I've had companies change their policies such as getting everyone smart phones just because I said I needed that. It's fucking stupid how bad trades are hurting for people.
Around here a lot of companies are hiring fresh blood with training for carpenters, apprentices start out at like 12 an hour. Google companies involved in carpentry and just walk in.
I am a liberal arts student at a major university. Because of this my opinions on the election matter more than some hillbilly rural town "laborer." Its a travesty they even consider people in shitty flyover states as actual human beings lol.
that sounds great actually you probably make more money than cubicle dwellers and you don't even have to bust your ass like i do (carpenter here)
So do I just go to a construction site and ask for a job or is there some process I'm supposed to follow?
I'm a meme warrior. Unfortunately it doesn't pay for much, but it's kind of like volunteering.
Just got a promotion the other day after coming back from a paid 2 week holiday. Lifes good anons.
I am employed, OP. Why do you ask?
>I tell my customers it's really cold air.
HVAC jokes are the best jokes.
Don't know how it works in Canada, but you can get started with whatever state job boards you might have, or by signing up as a temp laborer for an agency.
I had one until an hour ago, I just quit because I realized that I'm not cut out for sales.
Yes. I own a business.
Lawyer (surprise surprise from a jew, i know)
it's easy money, and a work with never-ending demand.
every-time a costumer is please, he recommends me, and I get more clients, and as time goes on, my personal demand is increasing and so are my prices.
depends on the case.
some cases take 30 minutes and earn me bout 3500$ per case, some are hard but get me 50k$ per case. the most I made was 500k.
I work for a chemical repository, just got back
Get more bold like Henrik Palmgren. Turn memeing into a career.
Two years into my career and I'm falling into a pretty awesome role.
They call me a Business Intelligence Architect now, which is just a fancy term for saying that I get the right data, to the right place, at the right time, and show it in the right way.
I love my job though, and I take all the time off I want. Going to Miami for fun for two weeks over Thanksgiving, and I just spent a month in Germany.
White Texan, and voted for Trump.
Grew up poor. Picture:
nigger in car = a comfortable life
the window = being born in literal poverty
voldemort = me when I decided that I didn't want to be poor and worked my ass off to pay for college
Sorry for blogpost.
well, first it was just paying attention to world events. i notice that almost every other month there is a riot in paris or some other hell hole over the fact that they refuse to work over 32 hours a week or something like that
then i actually met some french people and they are just lazy thinkers in general, i could never imagine them as productive members of the workforce. like these french kids were saying because texas has alot of cattle farms, that's the reason global warming is so bad, and they just wouldn't listen to any sort of counter argument
i'm not really surprised they are letting the muslims seize their nation, they wouldn't want to raise a finger to defend it
He wants to sweep this country clean of niggers and muslims
Sweep on brother
54k a year
i started with my company by replying to a craigslist ad, after 3 years of busting my ass and working more than all my friends, i'm a skilled carpenter who travels the world
I'ma an office bitch
Custodian at a highschool so it's a 3 day weekend (veterans day today).
We then get off a whole paid week for thanksgiving in two weeks.
In December, we get two straight paid weeks off for Christmas and New Years.
I love working for the school district. Thinking about going to Texas for my christmas/new years break.
I always wondered, are you allowed to just walk onto other people's property? Some are quite protective, I had my situations because of that.
I deliver wings in a 800 horsepower mustang. Pretty good job for a college student desu
Establish a colony on Mars
>MFW I get my sociology degree and I'm now too qualified to do manual labor.
what do in texas ?
You wouldn't happen to make display cases for Coach and Tiffany's would you?
No, actually. I am a 25-year-old, svelte cute male currently 650k words into my debut six-part autobiography. I work a superficially interesting and respected job and live in a major city. If it weren't for my intense self-awareness and heightened intelligence and sensitive to external stimuli I would literally be one of the most sexually active members of my age group. Most people are incapable of appreciating just how much of a mental hurdle there is to overcome when you are a Will Hunting-tier genius like myself. It isn't easy. For all the upside (perfect ethical standards, increased insight into human motives, awesome memory capacity, and so on) there is a significant downside, especially when it comes to interacting with women, who are on the most part essentially looking for a dictator-type boyfriend to claim them physically and dominate them psychologically. When you are a pure, sensitive, erudite introvert like myself the idea of doing those things to anybody, let alone a girl, is as repulsive as any other type of behaviour which reminds us of the brute, irrational aspect of the human disposition. At this point, on the verge of international fame and renown as I am (I intend to self-publish my autobiography in Spring 2017), I am literally only willing to date a girl who is pale, petite, cute and completely docile without being a complete masochist. I have accepted that I will never find an intellectual peer to either befriend or date, so I am resigned to settling for someone who is at the very least a virgin (like myself) and who is at least curious about my intellectual capabilities, even if she (male) is incapable of relating to them.
Good will hunting, it's about a genius janitor
Fuckin courtesy clerk at a Kroger. $7.30 an hour before 7 PM and 7.95 after. I'm only getting like 12 hours a week now tho so times are tough. Need a better job but my schedule is already hectic with my mom being in the hospital and me going to school. Shit sucks senpai
Are you a frenchman on holiday in the US?
Why do you keep putting a space before your question marks?
Only frogs and other euros do that.
Left school at 15, been working for 45 years, was unemployed for 1 week once,self employed now, can claim (private) early retiement payments in a few months, still going to work though.
I agree strongly.
Try a different type of sales, I thought I'd suck but I'm a fucking monster at estimates because it turns out sperging out has it's time and places.
>tfw don't really do sales anymore so I don't get my sweet sweet 3k commission checks every week
It does feel wrong to use the word lazy, but when there's a law restricted the wotking hours to 35 per week while still paying for 39 hours, it's hard not to use another word.
Truth is many people, mostly on the right of the political spectrum, were against this law (the 35 hours law - as it's called here). The leftists wanted it, but nobody knew how it would be implemented. They still went ahead with it. and it's been a nightmare for employers because they have now to pay e,ployees as if they worked for 39 hours in a week (which is already not a lot if you ask me) while having them only work 35 hours. It doesn't sound like much but that's about 1 hour of work per day.
Now, in truth, french people would love to work more. But they can't. They are not legally allowed to work more than 35 hours a week.
Some companies can work around that. My job for instance, I sometimes work more than 35 hours in a given week, but my total hours at the end of the year must amount to the same hours as one year working 35 h a week.
Then you have the "it's septembre and still quite sunny outside, so fuck it I'm not gonna work today" folks. Teachers, students, and the like. Leftist people. Communists even (we had a surprisingly still popular communist party some 15 years ago, nuke us please).
Finally, remember that before Chirac, we had 14 years of a socialist president:
That's a long time to have a president, almost a whole generation. So leftist ideas have been anchored into a lot of younger people and that's why we got Hollande, who will more than likely not return for being the president with lowest popularity rates since WWII. Even his own administration isn't supportive of him running again.
Not sure where I'm getting at. I digressed quite a bit.
TL;DR: French aren't inherently lazy, it's just illegal for them to work.
>25 years old
>only make $18/h
Who else /failure/ here?
Holy shit you deserve way less than that
I'm self employed, I do epoxy/poly-urethane/acrylic/etc. floors and diamond grinding. Currently training 2 guys to work for me
>was a Starbucks store manager
>left job recently
>working in a kitchen now
I'm honestly way happier than I have been in a long time, but the pay is awful here and I'm having a hard time making ends meet due to previous lifestyle afforded by old salary.
I was going to say that isn't that bad but then I saw
>a fucking leaf
What is that, $2 USD per hour?
I work at Walmart :/
I was thinking about it. I was doing debt relief bullshit but that requires you to talk to broke retards all day and (pretend) to sympathize with them and offer them a way out of debt. Most people don't want to actually repay their debts in any way, they just want someone to give them money for free.
I have to drive to work through a god damn BLM chimpout tonight. Thanks Obama.
>25 years old
>make 3$ per hour
>it's an average pay here though so it's fine i guess
I have a friend who lives out there. I was out there in March for my week long spring break vacation as well. We went to some bars, ate some delicious Texan bbq, hiked out in the beautiful Texas landscape. I loved it, first time I been out in Texas (I live in Cuckifornia).
>tfw don't really do sales anymore so I don't get my sweet sweet 3k commission checks every week
Sir, I know you just asked us to replace you cooling unit, but I can assure you that you need to complete package, including new waste pipes, a new heating unit, a forced air venting system and, because you are a regular, you get your cooling unit for half the price! We are looking at 30k now, what a bargain. We are literally loosing money here."
And they still buy it.
Tbh I only worked with quite professional frog eaters. So I assume the typical frenchness doesn't apply that much in those cases.
I'd guess they are the product of their own history... a shitty centralized state for a long time, little self-determination and in places with weak government, little care by the state they are supposed to pay taxes to. The result: "Eh, I don't care. Wine and tits!"
They can be quite some nutjobs when it comes to rational decision making. Like young rebels that grew up without ceasing to rebel - they just choose more tame and pretty dumb new targets.
Painter and decorator on £300 a week working 3 days
>25 year old
You're not a failure, user. You just didn't take off the starting blocks as quickly as others would have. It's a long road ahead, you can still pick up the pace.