seriously, wtf is wrong with this generation?

Other urls found in this thread:


Fucking play-doh? JC, they really are a pussy generation


>therapy dogs

Gen Z will save us.

Yeah it's crazy. My physics final was "Finger paint how you're feeling today". It was weird.

That is fake right?
I know these people are spoiled pampered children, but this HAS to be fake.

>exams "optional"

Does this mean I pass by default? Because there's a class I've been meaning to drop but I could feel a little disdain if it means getting a free pass.

>paying $10000 a year to play with play-doh

My University is offering Counciling and "Open Discussion" areas for people to speak of their anxiety after this election. No Play-doh though.


Therapy dogs and play-doh? What the fuck? They're university students, not fucking 4 year olds. Honestly, if I were lecturing and one of my students "cried-in" about Trump I'd fucking fail them for the semester in the spot.

These people are not adults.

I was attending UCSB on 9/11. We had class that day. Everyone managed to get through it.

They never grew up.

Dead serious. They're fucking overgrown children. Coddling, liberalism, and the internet stunted their mental growth. Their opinions are just regurgitating buzzfeed and facebook posts word for word.

That's fucking ridiculous.
Having brain enough to follow a uni education but not able to deal with a president getting elected...


Fuck I'm glad the next generation is so fucking based. They hate political correctness.

>making exams "optional"

i..i think i can feel the tears coming

>Institutions of higher education


I bet even the therapy dogs are confused as to why they are being petted by healthy adults and not retarded children

I feel embarrassed to be a young american

Colleges don't care as long as they get paid

>they blow off an entire years work
>they fuck the dogs
>then they make play-doh dicks to take home with them

what the fuck

I hate these people. Now I'm not a hard fuck I'd probably cry like a bitchnin a shell hole during a war but fuck these people can't handle a man becoming president? A man with different opinions than them?

They really can't literally even.

>Our generation will lead the revolution, you are on the wrong side of the history

>WTF, Trump won, #LiterallyShaking, gimme some Play-Doh

>maybe they shouldn't have acted like 4 year olds>>


I go to the University of South Carolina and there's nothing like this going on whatsoever btw

Based deep south

It's a relatively recent phenomenon. Colleges used to be full of bleeding heart pussies, but now they are filled with diaper filling toddlers.

I got an email from my alma mater asking for donations to help some of these students via funding mental health programs or someshit for coping. I'm so ashamed of my degree now.

This is corruption. Nothing more.

The campus hired some activist NGO to provide a program and all that.

This isn't my generation.

18 year olds aren't millenials. They're whatever the fuck comes next.

We were giant faggots so it's no suprise the next lot are even worse.


College is a meme

50% of all college students fail out.


no wonder the mexicans are taking all your jobs

I have no words. Liberalism MUST be diagnosed as a mental disorder, with symptoms including stagnation of maturation or regression to childhood.

Holy fuck what a bunch of pussies

Fucking play-doh



Fuck me, and to think I'm only a year or two older than these cucks


Was supposed to have an interview today. Didn't arrive. Called to check in on her. She didn't know interview was today and thought we were going to remind her. What the fuck.

Doggo the Therapy Dog will be made available for students and faculty (employees assistance program).


College day care centers.

Replacing Plato with play-doh. What's next?

Well... this is embarrassing.


>americans for further proven to be soft cock
Not even surprised desu

I would definitely classify myself as a manchild but holy fuck those are ridiculous. This is what happens when you guys vexmedals to everyone to make them feel special.

i can tell you what is wrong with this generation: a lack of male role models. these people grow up without a john wayne or even a fucking gary cooper for orientation. instead we get (((george clooney))) or (((brad pitt))).

>being this naive

if counseling consists of bitchslapping them, calling them giants faggots and telling them to get back to work, I will make a donation to your university

Because apparently we have to coddle all the little "special snowflakes" while they live in their bubbles.

>Fox news
No agenda there, surely this is an incredibly accurate portrayal of the situation. Why, they're almost as trustworthy as Infowars and Breitbart


My university offers """therapy dogs""" every exam week. What this really means is that they bring a bunch of cute puppers to the library and people pet them while they're on their way to go study.

I've never been just because I'm a grad student and most of my library work is done after midnight, but I would pet some doggos if my schedule ever lined up.

>not fucking 4 year olds.
i have a five year old daughter and she can handle an emotional crisis better than they do.

what is wrong with Americans

How do you not remember your own fucking job interview?

>10000 a year
It's more like 60000


this. /tg/ here. proud manchild too. but that? just plain retarded.

i got this email from my school. one of my liberal professors (who actually says "current year" and talks about tumblr) said she wouldnt take attendance because her army of sjw's got butthurt and said they couldnt go to class after the election

We just got done with a marathon 16 years of the Special Snowflakes Olympics.

what systems do you play? we will assess your power level. Also of course the question must be asked...

Do you Catan?

If you're a fucking moron, maybe.

I go to my state school for $10k a year and it's all covered by grants.

>seriously, wtf is wrong with this generation?

MSM has brainwashed millennials and turned them into manchildren. They believe that if they don't get exactly what they want it's literally the end of the world.

My wife is a student special needs administrator and she's fucking laughing at this. God I fucking hate your shitty generation millenials

>muh reliable sources
tell us more about the reliability of the polls pushed aggressively by ABCNNBCBS again

You're not considering giving her the job, right?

Go for it

No we have too many candidates to reschedule abyways

Overgrown child here, can confirm

I've spent the last decade in relative isolation and now I'm having to make up for the past 10 years of being locked away from the rest of the world.

>this people are going to be managers and politicians some day
i can't even.


these people are extreme pussies? What makes people so weak and frail? I've had fucking cancer twice and am as fearless as they get.

Fucking pussies need real problems in their lives, cuddle pieces of shit no wonder why these faggots kill themselves whenever a SERIOUS problem arises.

We need another war, this generation of low testosterone cuddle babies needs to die and be replaced by true alphas.

>actually believes what he sees on Fox News Channel

I wonder if this will get 20+ (you)s every time it is reposted

>There was a steady flow of students entering Ms. Boynton’s office Wednesday. They spent the day sprawled around the center, playing with Play-Doh and coloring in coloring books, as they sought comfort and distraction.

What the actual fuck?

Thought OP was a Photoshop, but found this article -


Unifag here
I don't see the problem with this whatsoever.
Less competition for me when I apply for graduate school and a future career. Also it's more likely that these indoctrinated niggers will drop out so even more scholarship monies for me.

Jesus, do any of these SJWs have a BMI under 40? I wouldn't even fuck that with OP's mom's dick.

Jesus christ wtf is wrong with that girl? Downs? Her face made me lol tho

Nigga fuck those other niggas im about to graduate and need a job hire me

i majored in marketing so i can spend all day grabbing women by the pussy

America is one big show, I feel so sad for the great inventors though who are currently
actually making big progress in Universities.
No, what comes out in the news about these
Uni's are the fucking "IM OFFENDUHD" generation and their hate for Trump.

I feel so bad for the good guys, the great ones who now barely make it into the news through the current puppet-show and emo-television.

Fuck now this is some top tier bantz.

Therapy dogs are so yesterday

Therapy Wombats have been proved vastly superior by Australian Warlocks.

they're big pussies

i figure i should say myfarog around here but, other than developing my own system, I have been running deathwatch and trail of cthulhu lately. used to run a lot cyberpunk (shadowrun & cp 2020) in the past.
also wfrp > d&d

>Do you Catan?
nah, no euro games plox. being a roleplayer, I need theme. arkham horror, dead of winter, basically boardgames that are RPGs light.

If whites are so great, how come they were corrupted and destroyed in a few generations?


>From a poor family
>Could never afford college because lol white
>Tried so desperately hard to get in, working multiple jobs I hated
>Finally manage to get the table scraps to afford college just a little bit
>Working hard towards med school
>Half my classes cancel because oh noes trump
>Living off of beans and ramen noodles for this shit

I hate liberals so god damn much

Easy there parents there parents did not want them so gave them what ever they wanted to shut them up so they grew up with no real rules or shame and now you have these people. You can not blame the kids it was all the parents.

WTFis wrong with this place! Friend mentioned on Facebook, disgusting.

Someone posted this video like it was a joke and I just cried.Fuck all of you


I've seen safe places with ball pits. These people never managed to control their own emotions, probably due to their parents pampering them and instant-folding whenever their kids started to become emotional. As a result they simply freak the fuck out and don't know how to handle a situation where they aren't immediately given what they want.

> "Open Discussion"

Go bullhorn it and talk about giving leftists no quarter.

I feel comforted just looking at that picture.

How nice of the USA to allow toddlers to attend college, kudos!


What the fuck?

A fucking Wombat would cure everything I deal with. Wtf could even come close to matter in the world or in my life when I have a wombat?

Jesus fuck, I want one

I go to the University of Maryland and literally 90% of the campus was in tears all this week. Midterm exams and classes were cancelled, the counselling office was overloaded, they brought in tons of therapy dogs. Its fucking ridiculous

read then kys

Goo goo gaga
goo goo