How do we make sure the pendulum stays to the right?
How do we make sure the pendulum stays to the right?
i dunno, hold it there? i'm not a physicist
idk strike fear in the hearts of our enemies
Youre going to need a lot of helicopters.
It won't. Life is all about balance, the east used to be advanced and rich when the west was poor and now it's the other way round. A few years under right wing rule and people will earn for left wing and vice versa.
There is nothing you can do about it, relax, fall in love, have a large happy family and help those in need. God bless
You must infect the left with memes so when the pendulum swings they will just be another alt right with a different color
Gas all Jews.
By perpetuating the hate against white women creating an Us vs Them mentality and making sure they never vote liberal again.
Help spread #BlackFeminism
very insightful, thank you pajeet
>When victory is certain
Plant your feet firmly, be vigilant, never abandon your values, dutifully protect your people and family with honor.
>When times are dark and victory seems the most distant
Plant your feet firmly, be vigilant, never abandon your values, dutifully protect your people and family with honor.
You must understand that evil will take many forms and will never be fully defeated.
Move the entire pendulum right
You can`t. You can only stop it from swinging left by making sure that it does not swing at all.
You have to ask?
and to fuck over some socialist somewhere
Make sure we dont make the mistakes we made in 1996 and 2004-2006.
Basically actually do things right actually bring people together and chip away at the margins of minorities so that more of them vote republican while making sure all the whites that voted for us stay that way.
Easiest way to do this is actually prove that republican leadership makes sense and not get to giddy about what we do. Actually being the fucking adults in the room wont hurt either.
get rid of california
i take it you havn't been paying attention to this election
remove the other balls from the pendulum
Shit, I came in here to say just that!
Kill 50.000 of the most left leaners every year. Straight up murder 50.000 people who seem to be lefty faggots.
Well, I really didn't expect to see this, but fuck it, I don't care anymore, fuck your values, fuck your race, I wanna watch the world burn.
Do a good job, the world is expecting you to lead. So far, you're leadership has been a little disappointing. But it's only been two days, so we are all hoping you will pull your shit together and lead.
Here's a good place to start: Operation Sup Forums 100% employment. Mobilise your efforts to figure out how to get every Sup Forumslack training or a job. Make it your goal to make Sup Forums a ghost town during work hours. If you can do that, it will set a good example, and there will be a little bit more acceptance of the right.
cuthulu swims left
Fuck off poo.
We must sustain the imperium.
We don't, we maintain the balance to challenge ourselves.
It wont stay to the right, but enjoy the next 50-60 years of Conservatism.
>100% employment
That's he federal reserves job. If they can't do it they shouldn't exist.
This is a good idea. Well said.
You're implying that the pendulum has even swung to the right.
Trump may have won, but the establishment at large is still inundated by leftist faggots. Changing the media and education systems will take generations.
These stupid cucks are concerned with changin the SCOTUS and other positions within the government, I haven't heard one of these fucking rednecks talk about putting conservatives into colleges, a bunch of fucking inbreeds, more so seeing that they're all a bunch of Jew clandestine Jew worshipers too.
Cut the strings of all the balls
It won't stay.
Conservatism/Right always ends up giving birth to liberalism, vice versa.
It's a vicious cycle.
Americans have a great opportunity to divide the left and make them impotent for a decade or more going forward.
You need to nurture the "progressives" to become fully divided by race, encouraging blm-type retards to make their rhetoric more harsh and anti-white -- glorifying assaults of whites and the like, shitting on white women more. Get them to place black radical candidates in every primary possible and encourage them to refuse to listen to any white.
You also need to build up the green party as a refuge for progressives who aren't anti-white but are turned off by DNC corruption. But you need to push the green party from the environment to the cultural -- tranny rights must supersede all other issues, white feminists must have the loudest voice.
And you need to help push an anti-bernie movement within the DNC, blaming him for being too radical and pushing to get a corporate "moderate" like Tim Kaine nominated next time. Make the DNC be split between blacks with an overt anti-white agenda and pro-corporate whites with an anti-worker agenda.
Finally, you need to amplify the message that the republicans are the party of workers rights and job creation.
>workers rights
I agree with you user, the GOP must be supportive of workers union states in the midwest in order to consolidate those electoral gains.
Use the potential energy to slide the whole apparatus right.
Any energy that would have gone into slamming the opposing ball left should go elsewhere - into the apparatus so that the right ball comes to rest softly against the others.
This right here. On top of that while the right has the power to do it now, they need to not cause any serious fuck-ups. These next 4 years are going to be eggshells if the cards aren't played right.
>fuck we're the jew NWO lizard people now
>the east used to be advanced and rich
Also we aren't at point in pic. We;re the right ball apparently at rest touching the others with all five in a line. It is about to swing upward to the right,.
The fact that Trump won the rust belt proves that jobs and rule of law are more important than showing how tolerant you are. Really the most important thing to to put pressure on corrupt republicucks to not shit all over the working man, and primary any of them that fail to do that. But encouraging the left to be identity politics vs. corporatism will help.
You can't. Trump will either disappoint his voters or destroy the economy with idiotic protectionist policies and a sky-high deficit. By 2020 the republican voter base will be unenthusiastic, giving an edge to the democrats.
>the east used to be advanced and rich
When was this?
You make sure we don't swing too hard to the right, so the swing back to the left won't be too hard either
Hold the boat for a few years.
As soon as most ignorant Sjw starting working and feeling on their skin their "privilege" the work will be done.
Fuck the Media, its days are over.
>east used to be advanced and rich
He's referring to trade, when Europeans went to trade in India, often the Indians would laugh at the European goods which were nothing special.
Fug, America was good for pelts back then.
We need to shut down the gravitons
The way I see it, this will only galvanise the left even further. A society in which they feel oppressed actually serves their needs. The only reason they've been able to make a commodity out of their feelings is because their lives are so comfortable, it's all they have left to complain about. Now, depending how hard the Trump presidency goes, they might have an opportunity to complain about real grievances.
So as such, I imagine he's going to only have four years. We're probably entering an era where the pendulum swings back left and right more and more.
I think this is all down to technology and the internet. Information flies around so fast now.
Tilt the table.
Looks like the DNC wants to have the party run by a Muslim going forward. How can Trump compete?
try not to fuck up and do what you can to seem reasonable. dont pull a ben shapiro and say shit like "taxes are like putting a gun to some ones head and demanding money". dont do that
he has said things that are pretty good arguments but he was controlled opposition who coined the term alt right
This is more than right or left. Its a battle of Western ideals against tyranny.
And not all Jews and "Left" are evil. This is bigger. Much bigger.
are you a swami?
Hope that the left becomes even more radicalized than it currently is.
This is why Trump needs to focus most of his attention on places like the rust belt. Show the people who voted against you, that you are on their side. While still following through with promises like the wall, and other political reforms. This is how Democracy is supposed to work, lead by example. Give them no reason to question your party, give them reason to question theirs.
The cycle is 100 years long. It's root is the birth-rate. The cycle turns back around 2050s after the baby boom starts around 2030s causes a adult/worker boom in 2050s.
So long as the left continues to be radical and continues their descent into absolute madness, the right will remain at the head.
We have to learn from the mistakes of the left though.
1. A negative message will deter people away from you.
2. Forcing our issues and platform way too quickly will result in heavy, heavy backlash.
3. We must be careful not to divide ourselves into sub-groups.
I'm sure there are more lessons, but I feel that if we look very closely and objectively at what went wrong with the left, we may be able to keep peaceful right wing rule for a millennia.
We collapse the world and rebuild it, like Rome.
By mass suiciding.:)
Take note anons
This is how we retain power
The left is doing a good job at it themselves.
>screaming and crying like babies
>saying that there's going to be anotha shoah
>false flagging
>blocking highways
You literally have to do nothing.
The left is doing this job for us with their extreme retarded behaviour.
Some friends who were left leaning started to hate the left after they saw the hystery in america after the votes.
The left is on the wrong side of history.
>How do we make sure the pendulum stays to the right?
Cut the other strings, and don't give a fuck when they call us out on it
nothing in life is static
the pendulum swings, the carousel turns, civilizations rise and fall. What matters is what humanity learns throughout the natural cycles of reality, and how they apply it to the next cycle.
By removing every other ball of course.
>Provide better/more social welfare programs but with strings such as work-to-welfare, drug testing, "enforced morality".
>Reign in the media. Create libel laws that mass media must abide by or face civil suits.
>Use regulatory powers and tax the internet. Amazon, Twitter, HuffPo, Vox should all be taxed and regulated to enforce political impartiality.
>Pass campaign finance reform and anti-corruption legislation. Public financing would be ideal.
I think it's possible to achieve a new point of balance. Look at the UK: Labour party were way more socialist before Thatcher than after. Now they are socialist again after being so btfo'd by Conservative, but with almost no chances of returning to power.
Plus, depure your Unis and media, Murrica. You don't know how much this is important for the rest of the world.
I honestly thought the pendulum would swing back to the left but they're just too retarded.
As long as the right is good to the workers and doesn't go back to that christfag BS it should be good.
Grab it by the pussy.
Thank you wise cooly.
This right here
Leftists are enraged 52% of white women voted for Trump
As recently as Tuesday at 7 PM I heard some smarmy cunt on CNN saying Hillary's "sleeper demo" would be white women married I Trump supporters
By wining, success will make people see the truth.