wait wut
h-he'll still build the wall though right guys?
wait wut
h-he'll still build the wall though right guys?
maybe if you read what he actually fucking said, you wouldn't be such a flaming faggot about it.
who gives a fuck? HE WON
He's keeping the prexisting condition part, which makes complete sense.
the liberals are still taking main stream media as bible
faggot OP
He is saying he doesn't want to get rid of the stipulation in it that allows insurance companies to discriminate based on past pre-existing conditions UNTIL he has something better to replace it with.
That is all. It is a very empathetic move from a benevolent man.
Really I hate the all or nothing buzzword mentality. If something makes sense we should be supporting it regardless of the name or way it was implemented.
Americans had been warned about New York values LOL
And staying on parents plan till 26. I love how he may keep a thing or two and the media is like
>H-he's keeping obamacare!
He's going to be keeping the two good parts, extending insurance plans to children and preventing discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions. The entire marketplace idea is getting scrapped.
had an interesting thought earlier tbqh lads, maybe (((they))) wanted trump to become president. now he's in power they can sit him down and tell him he either complies with what they tell him to do or he gets JFK'd. since he's such a controversial figure nobody would even blink an eye if he got assassinated
>now there are good parts of obamacare according to Sup Forums, just because trump reversed course on completely repealing and replacing obamacare
my sides. trump is a democrat's dream.
Pretty much the only good part of obamacare
Two years. Two years of this. TWO FUCKING YEARS.
Holy fuck. It's like you've learned nothing at fucking all. All the media deception, the spin, the blatant lies and half-truths, the emotional manipulation, the faulty polls, the "experts" who got literally every prediction wrong this entire election, and you STILL, for reasons I cannot even begin to fathom, trust the media and get all of your information from clickbait articles--or worse, just the HEADLINES of those clickbait articles. These are people who have been explicitly trying to manipulate you for years, people you KNOW have been trying to manipulate you because they've been found out so many times during the past few months, and yet you greedily slurp down everything they pump into your brain you like a good little AIDS-ridden faggot.
Is there a stage even worse than being bluepilled? Because I think OP is on it.
Yes I'm mad, fuck you.
try saying that to the faggots protesting
Trump is by far the best option but it is indeed worrying how our ledditor compatriots accept everything he says and change their opinions to whatever Trump's are.
Prime example: Israel is now unironically referred to as America's greatest ally on Sup Forums. It took a nationalist winning for JIDF to win. wat de fugg :DDDDD
INB4 Sup Forums starts believing the (((MSM)) and their attempt to undermine his support before he is even sworn in.
why do you think Sup Forums cares about obama care?
He said repeal and replace
An intelligent burger! Have some lib tears.
>keeping two legs of a three-legged stool
Good luck with that.
We take what we can get you fucking leaf. We've known about him liking the pre-existing conditions part for a long damn time.
LeL who the fuck on Sup Forums is for Israel?
If I'm still having to pay a fine, that shit can rot, and I won't vote for him again if he flops.
I'm not complaining about the Obamacare provisions since my problem with the bill is actually that it didn't go far enough and you guys suck at healthcare. My point was that basically whatever Trump says is instantly the best position and anything else is shill territory, which is retarded. Trump is the best you can get, that doesn't mean that he's the best period.
I've seen lots of posters say retarded things like "we have to support israel against the sand niggers hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" lately and there are a resurgence among obvious actual JIDF posters who haven't even showed up here for like 2 years until now.
Basically this kek. Just some more Art of the Deal were seeing here. He doesnt have to repeal it just renegotiate it and the left acts like hes taking back his promise when he says this.
Wew lad
He actually did say it though, regardless of it being reported most heavily in Jewish sources.
Please don't disband nato until at least 3 years has passed. (We're rebuilding our military starting next year so let us get ahead and hopefully the rest of Europe follows suit )
It's almost like Obama and how everything he wanted was shit/
This is a shit thread.
>Trump flip-flips on Obamacare
Will this be the end of Trump's campaign?
(Hint: Yes!)
>The Wall Street Journal reports
literally nothing
>tfw he kept that part of the plan as a gift to us
We all know the press is going to try to shit on him every single day during his term.
Oh he forgot to mention Israel as the exception once?
Don't trust the media.
as long as he doesnt start ww3 i couldnt give two shits into his domestic policies. Killary lost. Thats all that matters.
Repeal obamacare nao gais lol
How can they get away with blatantly inciteful and wrong clickbait titles.
When did MSM become rags like huffingtonpost?
Thanks Bongs for paying for the BBC
He doesn't need to build a wall. All that he needs to do is to cut them off of welfare. They'll self deport, except for the ones who are a net positive for our economy.
Trump gets more reasonable after nomination.
Few things change.
His voters start to hate him.
Democrats will never let it go. Will angrily vote him out in 2020.
Clinton and DNC are purged.
I don't care at all about left/right, or liberal/conservatism or Democrat/Republican.
The one and only thing I care about is a strong leader making competent decisions. Trump is on his way to the White House. He can do with it what he will. I have faith in him.
>Haha look he's actually compromising and leaving in the bits that some people on both sides will think is beneficial
>Haha Trump BTFO?
Those right wing death squads aren't coming either, what a shame :(
To be fair /x/ is literally one person.
>How can they get away with blatantly inciteful and wrong clickbait titles.
That's literally been the media's game this entire election and it failed immensely
>(((The Wall Street Journal reports)))
You mean the same kike rag that claimed Hillary would win in a landslide? No one believes the lies of the kikes now, fuck you jews.
Wow so we all of the sudden believe the media again ?
lmao do you honestly believe he's actually going to build a literal, physical wall across the US-Mexico border?
does anyone here actually believe he's going to build a wall on the US-mexican border? and make mexico pay for it? in his first term?
you guys don't really believe that, right?
>thinking the wall will save us
except he should remove it all. Obviously wont happen, but when they write up the legislation is when they negotiate. You don't start caving in right away
Anyone who didn't think he was going to make deals wasn't paying attention earlier on in his campaign when he wasn't dropping hot bantz.
He literally campaigned as a deal maker who would work. Even with opponents.
>his plan to completely repeal Obamacare
what the fuck part of
did these mongoloids not understand
So are you going to link the article or what faggot
Mike "It makes me tick when guys suck dick" Pence
Is he still getting rid of the penalty thing at least? I've been sweating bullets about that, I'm a poorfag and can't afford health insurance, and getting my tax return every year helps.
and the 26 year olds on healthcare
Trump proves to be a smart and reasonable person, people still attack him.
They'll never be happy. People will get more money on their paychecks, more safety, more opportunity, and 4 years from now will still try to vote out racist Drumpf.
How long until Sup Forums turns on (((Trump))) and (((Putin)))?
I give you all 2-3 months.
Well no shit. ACA is nothing more than a bandaid. If you remove it with no plan to replace it, you see a steep price hike, then everyone clamors for ACA again. This is with of course not dealing with the Democrats who will fight to keep it.
plz respond to this post
Obamacare is currently responsible for 25mil or something americans healthcare, if he gets rid of it they will be out of healthcare, instead hes going to replace it with something better like he said. It won't be Obama care. He can't overturn anything outright because he lacks a 2/3rds majority but he can propose ammendments to the act.
At this point I'm beginning to think that this flood of threads linking articles with clickbait headlines is not just a demoralization campaign, but an attempt to squash enthusiasm for Trump and construct a narrative that he plans to not follow up on literally any of his promises. That's why they're presenting his potential choices for his administration as if they're his definite choices (they did the same thing after the primaries with his VP pick), putting out deceptive headlines about his policy stances, omitting that many of the things they're reporting on he already talked about months ago, etcetera.
I think the aim here is to cultivate an environment in which they can either cheat him out of the electoral college win or immediately impeach him in office and avoid a mass uprising of his followers. They want to disillusion anyone who supports him now, so that we won't be motivated to do anything when they make their move.
It's so transparent it's insulting. We DO need to be paying close attention to Trump's decisions and use whatever lines of communication we have with him to make it clear when we disapprove (and by we I don't mean Sup Forums, I mean "we, the electorate") or are concerned by his choices. We can't become "Yes Men", because that's the kind of bubble that led to the Democrats losing so handily this election.
But we also need to remember that the media has an active interest in opposing Trump, and that hasn't changed simply because he won. If anything, they will only redouble their efforts.
it'll be the opposite of bush.
instead of people saying their still feeling the negative effects of bush's presidency, every time Trump does something great for the country people will be saying it was residual effects of Obama's presidency.
>trump letting trannies pass where they want
>no wall
>no obamacare repeal
>likely to back down on plenty of other shit
Trump is trolling America in its fucking entirety, I'm fucking dying
Sup Forums on suicide watch
>To completely repeal Obamacara
He never pledged that. It was to repeal AND replace, of course he'd keep some clauses. Even if he wrote one from scratch without seeing Obamacare they'd have a few similar clauses.
BBC twisting facts as usual
Trump was ALWAYS a business man who cuts deals you fucking cuck. He was NEVER going to go in there and start slapping everyone with his cock. He's going to work deals between both Democrats and Republicans as a neutral party. He's not some fiscal conservative, and has never been his entire life. What matters is that he's not a fucking cuck, and will stand up to the Establishment and Soros.
Whatever he does it'll be for the benefit of the middle-class.
Nice, I was worried about this. Very good news.
I only wanted him to get rid of the individual mandate the rest was ok
WSJ Concern trolling
yea sure. you happy now faggot?
>wait wut
Nobody actually believed he was doing 95% of the things he promised. We understand it was said with a wink and a nod.
The point was that he said what no other politician was willing to say because of political correctness. The more gross he was, the more we wanted him.
Of course he's not going to build a wall, or break up families, or any of that. It was rhetoric, and only fucking morons and irrational SJWs failed to realize it.
Have never read the book. It ain't rocket science. You go high they go low and the kung fu (or lack thereof) is in how far above (or below) the middle you end up.
Anybody that can stop emoting for half a minute will have figured this out by now.
Btw, high school dropout here.
His team is already preparing to go to war with all the republicans that didn't fully support him. Including the fucking house speaker.
This will be far from a republican/conservative presidency. And maybe that's a good thing. Will be hilarious to see everything unfold over the next 4 years.
>He can't overturn anything outright because he lacks a 2/3rds majority
republicans control both house and senate. they can overturn it day one if they want.
The problem is that the republican party is infested with neo cons, who are basically democrats who like war and welfare, so it won't happen so easily.
This is what shills actually believe.
>three-legged stool
What did he mean by this?
He knows exactly what he's doing. He's throwing some meat to Obama so he doesn't legislate every roadblock he can get away with during the transition. He also knows it probably won't work.
>He's keeping the prexisting condition part
Very well.
>which makes complete sense
That makes no sense. It makes no sense now.
You need the wall though so that when the next faggot comes along they can't just change everything trump did and start letting them all back in again.
Lmao at this mental gymnasium of a thread.
Trump is backing out on his word here and it throws everything else hes said into question. You should be angry with him.
The alternative was Hillary, so it's not like there was ever a choice. But we could have had someone actually good.
CTR is back.
It's called anchoring. Asking for something ridiculous and meeting the other person a little further down to where you actually wanted to be.
>Obamacare will be repealed, but only the most expensive aspects will be kept
>Wall is not going to be built, Border security will just be increased to reasonable levels
>Term limits will be in place but it'll be a high number like 4
>Millions of Illegals will be deported, but they will be given time to adjust to other countries.
If you thought he was going to complete his promises at 100%, you're an idiot. He's going to meet the globalists at halfway which is the best anyone can hope for.
They have 51% control, to repeal it needs a 60% supermajority. As its now dems turn to drag their feet at every opportunity that's not going to happen.
I'll be interested if they drop the fee for those uninsured, while leaving the preexisting clause in. That they can do, but it would be a really shitty costly move.
No, read the fucking article and not a twitter headline
it is a fact that Trump said he wanted to repeal Obama care
the article doesn't say he wants to completely renege on his promise, you would know this if you read it
The entire concept here is to trash everything except protections for people with pre existing conditions and to allow people to stay on their parent's insurance until they're 26, possibly a bit younger?
The rest of Obamacare will be replaced or outright trashed, including the mandate and subsequent penalties.
And that's totally fine.
We spent 1 and a half years proving the MSM is lying through its teeth the whole damn time
And days after Trump wins people completely ignore that and start trusting them again, jesus fuck so many gullible retards
JIDF never left, I'm sure of that. If anything they've pretended to be Trump supporters at times and played the clueless leddit fag role and posted shit like "stop with the antisemitism guys!"