Why is being white now considered an insult?
I go to school and I hear kids talking and they insult each other saying "that's so white", or "Only white people do that!".
Why is being white now considered an insult?
I go to school and I hear kids talking and they insult each other saying "that's so white", or "Only white people do that!".
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(((education system)))
>Why is being white now considered an insult?
Because you go to highschool with a bunch of niggers and shitskins. Highschool is a fucking joke, just finish and never look back. Most of the cool kids I knew in highschool turned into junkies or died.
thank your dad for being a broke bitch
why do white people love bland food?
good to know they will all reinforce their own failures now that being anything but a full blown commie thug is considered white and now considered an insult
it's similar to black kids making jokes about how dark eachother's mothers are etc.
why are you so insecure about your race? too much cuck porn?
why do white people kiss their dogs on the mouth and fuck them?
thats changed nigger
gen z is now redpilled as ever and gen alpha will purge the millenial fucks
white people literally don't have any culture so they literally just take from other cultures... its sad lmao
Lol we used to do something similar to that in 7th grade, except we called everything Jewish. "That's pretty Jewish," "What are you, Jewish?" etc. It eventually got to the point where the teachers called an assembly to tell the students to cut it out, giving us the whole "love and tolerance" spiel.
Try being blond in the middle-east.
I'm extremely blond. I've often been called names, but I really don't care.
I look down at the dark-skinned insects with pity. Their insults are a mere speck in the face of my magnificence.
White people don't have any culture? Maybe in the US you faggot.
The culture is so pervasive and everywhere you don't notice it.
No, white people ARE the culture. Every other culture outside of mud hut societies is shit added onto (or subtracted from) white culture.
Bu...but.... 9/10 african tribes practice bestiality today, shower in cow piss every morning, and drink urine from elephants.
Because success is demonized
You wuz kangz I'm guessing?
>Why is being white now considered an insult?
>post orange orangutan
lol wut.
p.s. i feel orangutan president is the best successor to chimpanzee president.
Niggers are embarrassingly insecure, as they should be. They hate how much white people have achieved, and how their achievements top out at twerking.
Because we actually work and don't have time to season fucking chicken.
Jealousy, if you were a simple minded lazy fuck you would bash on them too. Gotta collect DAT EBT MONEY BOI!!!!
Precisely. Not only that, but their constant culture vulture agenda is such a joke, not even they actually believe it.
>"that's so white"
Welcome to the 90s.
I don't know, it's an age old insult when used in proper context.
Get back to milking those maple trees, Gord
Successful brainwashing of the children into future extinction. It's time to take our countries back.
They racialized white people and got a republican sweep on Tuesday.
Thing they regret it? because the further they push, the harder the racialized white race will push back.
Leaf fag gtfo low tier bait btw
Because people of other races don't think you're as awesome as you think you are. You guys are violent, neurotic, disturbed dog fuckers. The problem with your race is that you use mankind's ability to reason to rationalize away your bullshit. Whether it's genocide, sodomy or "Asian tacos" white people can find an excuse for anything. I don't hate you guys, I simply understand you for the devils you are.
That's the result of identity politics
They hate us cause they aint us.
Were the most powerful race in the world with the smallest numbers. Power and success breeds jealousy.
They're trying to make us the niggers. (((Media))) is most definitely right.
>Whites have no culture
most school shooters in the US are white
most serial killers in the US are white
most rapists in the US are white
most pedophiles in the US are white
hmmmm.. I wonder if there's a pattern here........
btw why do white people get so salty when this stuff is pointed out?
Only whites and asians (to a lesser extent) have culture.
Get out of my country you revolting faggot.
It's white people do to other people and then cry and whine when it happens to them.
That's what gravy is for.
Also nice singular cherry pick that doesn't apply to any other "white food"
Because (((they))) said it was cool to act like a nigger
>most people in the US are white
>Why is being white now considered an insult?
Success breeds jealousy.
Not a single one of those is true.
Most pedophiles are black, over 70% of sexual assaults are committed by blacks.
55% of murders are committed by black male youths (3% of the population), also the majority of serial killers and school shooters.
46% of blacks on welfare.
74% of domestic violence by the 3% black male youth minority.
90% of interracial crime black on white.
Inferiority complex non-whites have
>Why is being white now considered an insult?
It's been somewhat of an insult for a long time now.
I'm sure it's been used a hell of a lot more lately though.
you getting this mad just proves that I'm right, or why would you be so mad about it? lmaooooo
most drug dealers are blacks
most drug users are black
most killers are blacks
most criminals are blacks
most people with aids are blacks
most poor people are blacks
the list goes on..
>white people don't have any culture so they literally just take from other cultures
So which African culture did these guys steal this from?
Could that perhaps be because, the US is mostly white.
>most school shooters in the US are white
Blacks are 13% of the US population and commit 16% of mass shootings.
Asians are 4% of the US population and commit 9% of mass shootings.
Whites actually commit far fewer mass shootings than other races but general prejudice against whites in society has led this to be ignored.
Statistically, an Asian is more likely to engage in mass shootings than any other ethnic group. Whites are conversely least likely to perform a mass shooting.
(NB - this is ignoring the fact that over 60% of all mass shootings by "whites" in the USA are carried out by Jews.)
>most serial killers in the US are white
Blacks are disproportionately likely to be serial killers by an order of magnitude.
>most rapists in the US are white
Blacks are disproportionately likely to be rapists.
>most pedophiles in the US are white
Blacks are disproportionately likely to be paedophiles.
>hmmmm.. I wonder if there's a pattern here........
There is indeed.
Don't worry it's just what other people say. Being white is actually fucking sick
African Americans tried to build a culture around their West African heritage, but realised the people of West Africa sold them into slavery and today think they're a bit weird.
Then they tried the 'white people owe us coz they grandads wuz slave owners', until they realised most white Americans are recent immigrants and that being Afro-American or Black Caribbean virtually GUARANTEES white, slave-owning ancestry
Now their culture consists of talking about the wonders of fried chicken, collard greens and macaroni cheese on the internet, with the occasional picture of cuck porn thrown in too
Not only is their own food culture shit, it centres around the plebeians' bird: chicken. Where are their recipes for pheasant, guinea fowl, pigeon, duck, etc?
They only drink the piss because there is no clean water. Would you not drink piss if you were going to die a horrifyingly painful death instead?
No one's mad at a chimp silly chimp.
Just pointing out retarded lies with factual information.
Maybe in the Balkans this is true, but not in the US, just because there's a fuckton more whites than blacks here.
Blacks are disproportionately more likely to be criminals, though.
Because racist jews are pushing the agenda of complete lies...
Did you notice, that Clinton campaign was SEXIST (hated Trump's masculinity while he did not attack her femininity or lesbian orientation) and she wanted to be elected because of her GENDER (female privilege), that she was RACIST (used BLM, faced minorities for being minorities) same as Obama was president elected for RACIST reasons (elected for color of skin!), that she was a hater, she was puppet of banks (i.e. not democratic and not left-wing politician!) while Trump is National Socialist (give people jobs by building highways and industry - does it remind of something?) ...
Did you notice, that media made a narrative of complete opposite of Truth ?! and many people are now fighting a supposed Monster, while the actual Monster was defeated...
This is exactly what happens when language and, more importantly, the meaning of language which we all agreed upon is decaying due to degeneracy being acceptable and glorified. It's time to a stand against the niggers, spics, liberals, feminists once and for all.
>no more half measures
Time to get the US up and running
I'll just leave this here.
But you are the new niggers. You got no jobs. Your women don't respect you. You're disrespected in your own homeland. And to top it off everyone assumes that you're evil without proof. You guys aren't in education, employment or training. You do nothing but talk shit all day about people you'll never meet. You're niggas now my nigga!
the jews, pic related
Thats a fucken turkey, britbong
Tell them they are on the wrong side of history and the rest of the country disagrees with their petty identity politics bullshit
Moslem immigrants do the same here in Denmark and shame each other for getting good grades and actually having a job or going to rock concerts
But the majority of jobs in the U.S. are held by whites...
The highest amount of students in the west are white.
this. the peaking meme is real, and if you peak in highschool you're almost definitely fucked
>petty identity politics bullshit
It would be more bearable if they hadn't attempted to push the concept of 'people of colour', in a desperate attempt to claim a connection with the civilisations of North Africa, the Middle East, Asia and South America
Once again we have a huwite mail forming is opinions from tired memes and tropes. If you knew shit about Black folks (which you don't) you'd know that real niggas eat surf and turf.
You just cherry picked a handful of damaged people that are prevalent in all races. You are brainwashed.
White people are the best to continue the human race. It is our duty as a species to put our best traits forward and crush the weak. I believe genocide is a good thing. However we dont need to kill. We need to breed ourselves like cattle. This is the best way of ascension that we know how to execute.
because blacks have poor self esteem and want to feel cool in their special group
Because being loser nigger monkey is the hip new trend now-a-days.
You're honestly going to ask that after this election?
>Destroy environment
>Give literally everything to the rich, while destroying the middle class, then playing victim
>Allow literal terrorists to walk free because they're White
Gee, I can't imagine why anyone would have a problem with White men at this point. Can you?
>Yeah, yeah, but outside of having no morals and being an evil force of destruction, why do you hate us? Cause those aren't valid reasons!
White culture = Western civilisation
Western civilisation is highly advanced, and thus a little too cerebral in its aims for some people. That's why it is at least respected by East Asians, if nobody else.
Ever heard of probability?
That's a nigger coping mechanism againt the successful and the mentally superior. It makes them feel less pathetic and self loathing.
Stay mad you stupid fucking nigger.
You have to realize libcucks and minorities actually are like those strawmen images.
Not an argument.
>Ask question
>Get mad at answer
You're the one who's drowning in an ocean of salt here.
You disgust me you leaf cuck
Only a nigger would fuck an animal. As with giving your cat or dog a kiss, literally nothing wrong with that. Especially when some dogs like to try and french kiss their owners.
Don't worry OP, Day Of The Rope is coming.
Whites created modern civilization
Sounds pretty jewish.
Tell them to go to Africa if they hate whites so much.
Fuck you for posting that gif.
Yes, which is why you need to be destroyed. It should be a red flag that modern civilization is such a turd that even the White men who created it can't stand it.
Who does that to a chicken
Has anyone in this thread been here longer than 6 months?
Jesus fucking Christ
>"Only white people do that!"
>"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
>circumnavigate the globe
>discover Antarctica
>conquer at least some part of every nation on Earth
>dive the Challenger Deep
>conquer Everest (this one admittedly a joint enterprise with based Nepalis)
>harness the power of steam and electricity
>make heavier than air flight possible
>uncover the origins of our species
>uncover the origins of life
>uncover the origins of our planet
>uncover the origins of our solar system
>uncover the origins of our universe
>eradicate disease
>discover protons, neutrons and electrons
>split the atom
The list is endless, my good man