Was this wrong?

Was this wrong?

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Media pushed too hard one way, we the people pushed back

you need to be 35 to run for president

This is dumb.

I'd vote for any woman with ethnocentric policies.

It was never an issue. (((They))) picked the wrong woman.

actually its more true after Tuesday than ever before!

Answer me two questions.

Since the inception of the United States Constitution, has it ever explicitly stated a women, a black person, or a non-land owner could NOT run for president?

Has electing a president based solely on identity politics ever achieved prosperity?

I welcome a good first female president, not Clinton.


Xhe still could be president. Gender is a social construct after all.

Xhe won't be the first woman president though that would be Georgina Washington.

Nothing stopping a woman from being President. Hillary had her chance and fucked it up. She wasn't the right person for the job and didn't have the right policies. Still probably wins popular vote. This cartoon is stupid.


>spear chuckers think hussein was some kind of modern day MLK who allowed negroids to become president

Reminder that NOT A SINGLE MOTHERFUCKER brought up the issue of Gender when Sarah Palin was running due to the fact that she is a Republican.

>Liberals are biased hypocrite shitlords
More at 11.

A black woman ran for president decades ago.

The first woman running for president is happened nearly a century ago. Fascinating how quick the left is to destroy their own history in the name of being victims.



If liberals hadn't harassed the fuck out of Sarah Palin in an effort to preserve the "first female president" card for Hillary, she might've ran years ago. Ignore hypocritical libtards.

She had other issues that were a bigger problem like being bat shit insane.

She didn't lose because she's a woman.

The fact that the left still can't understand this is why they're lost.

Fuck women if they had picked a half-decent candidate she would have won

It's alot sooner than you think.


Thatcher was UK's PM long before Bill the Rapist and his wife became relevant.

>A Dog
>Not a duck.

A person's race, sex, ethnicity, etc. absolutely don't matter as long as the person can be a good president.
The problem is that modern liberals don't understand this and voted for Obama because he's black and for Hillary because she's a woman.
And who's racist and sexist now?

i know i will in a few months
checkmate libs

This, I would gladly vote for a woman that wasn't an evil thieving, lying, murdering piece of shit if her views and policies lined up with mine.

Hell, I would forgive the thieving, lying, murdering part as long as I agreed with her politics

It's weird how the left became the side of sexism, racism, pro war and corporate interests.

And they don't even seem to realize it.

Wait... people didn't believe blacks could be president until a black man became president? So... how did a black man become president if he didn't believe he could become president? Why did he even try?

This logic is blatantly retarded.

Duke "Ruff up those niggers" The Dog is the white man's candidate.

I know this is meant as hyperbole, but there is a bit of truth to it... If a woman gets elected president then the progressive narrative will become.... "We need a gay president" then if that happens it would be "We need a trans president" it just goes and goes. You can't appease them because as soon as you accept one thing, they will just come up with something more absurd and ridiculous and try to force it on the world.

Based Theresa May

Also this meme woman

Kek agrees

>Was this wrong?

Not even sure what it's trying to say.

The whole problem is that leftists care more about the demographics of their nominee, than picking someone who would be good for the nation.

They wanted a female president so bad, that they picked the worst female possible as their candidate.

Seriously, guys... next time you want to pick a female politician to rally behind, make sure she's not Evil.

Because it makes you look like a fucking TOOL to vote for a criminal just because she has a vagina.

Duck are a bunch of incestuous, filicididal, rapists, who have no respect for traffic laws, and shit on the side walk.
Only Muslims and Indians would vote for a fucking duck.

once pedophilia becomes socially acceptable they're going to ask for a pedophile president and the FLOTUS will be a child

The top echelons of politics the world over is teeming with female leaders.


>White boy became Successful business man and reality TV star.
>Nigger became a spine less pussy who create more racial tension in US.
>White girl become felony criminal and Wall Street sellout.


Literally every time she opens her mouth


She stole 200k dollars worth of furniture and silverware from the WH.


Seth Rich.

This election really was weird. The right supported a man who had no political ties, no Super PACs, and no real friends in Washington. The left supported the biggest recipient of corporate donations ever, extensive ties to wall street, and who was completely detached from the common man/woman. Hillary admitted years ago (probably in the 2008 election) that she hasn't even driven a car since the early 90s.

It's like a complete paradigm shift, and lefties are now out in the streets demanding that their candidate be handed the election even though she lost. It's baffling, but I guess that's how we evolve.

White men founded the United States. If other demographic groups expect to be president, they can found their own country.

There has never been a racial or gender requirement to be president.

Women are the majority in America and have had the vote for 100 years. If women bemoan the lack of a woman president, that's their own fault.

Plenty of people said they'd only chosen her to try and secure the female vote

absolutely this. The MUH FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT meme will be pushed even harder in future elections...

>People on the Left refuse to vote for Michelle Bachmann
>It has nothing to with her vagina, just her policies

>People on the Right refuse to vote for Hillary Clinton
>It's because they hate all women, not just this specific one

The lack of self-awareness is unreal

I bet if they ran elisabeth "pocohantas" warren she'd actually have won considering how many people hated trump

I don't think she lost because she was a woman.

Rule well pupper!


You don't elect a president so you can check off a box in your Diversity Handbook That Shows Everyone How Tolerant I Am.

Failing to look beyond race is racist.

Failing to look beyond sex is sexist.

So how did Obama run for President if prior to 2008 no negro could be president

It's retarded

He stole the election from Hillary Clinton, just like that fucking RACIST Drumpf is doing now.

Women's suffrage in America is also the reason a woman lost in 2016.

Women are the majority in America. This was their choice.

It's not men's fault that women are natural enemies, and are more likely to want to mate with/elect men with deeper voices.

When a woman runs as a white nationalist candidate. I'll shitposting my heart out for her.

It still is. Hillary lost. Hasn't that dumb bitch on the right heard the news?

If the Democrats are smart they'll groom Tulsi Gabbard for a higher position. She's closer to a Jim Webb type, pro-gun, military veteran, hard on terrorism, but a woman and has charisma Hillary lacks.

A dog presidency would be pretty dope tbqh

The only reason McCain picked her is so he could play the Woman Card against Obama, since Hillary was out and could no longer play it.

However, the threat of McCain dying and allowing a President Palin was horrifying.

I'm honestly happy for women that Hillary didn't win. Imagine what it would be like getting into politics as a woman with someone like Hillary setting the standard for what a female leader looks like. She'd be a fucking embarrassment to women everywhere, but no one would admit that and people would start to believe that this is the best women can do. I respect women enough to say that they deserve someone better to represent them.

This doesn't make any sense. Obviously black kids were thinking they could be president before 2008, because in 2008 a black guy became president. He didn't start thinking he could be president the moment he became the president.

Women think that somehow women aren't capable of being corrupt like "old white men".

I grew up in the 80s and I never once heard "Any of you boys can be president". I only ever was told that "Anyone can be president and that is one of the reasons why this country is so great."

Hell yeah they did.
Hopefully they fix it for 2020.

black men were running for prez decades before obama and they knew that dream could actually happen

women are born nation wreckers, the last thing they could ever do is rule ethically or respect their own culture. all they do is spread aids and fuck niggers.


I'll support a white nationalist female.

Why are the children talking about becoming president in the past tense?

They never could. They're too young but they can become president.

>We the people


It's racist to vote for/against someone based on race.

It's sexist to vote for/against someone based on sex.

Obama was elected based on the Race Card.

Now that a woman has failed to be elected based on the Vagina Card, everyone is wondering "OMG WHY IS AMERICA SO PREJUDICED?"

>You can't do it if no one has done it before you
Great attitude there leftist.

Absolutely. Just more libtears. First campaign donation I made was to Fiorina. Would back Condi if she ran. Or the ghost of Thatcher. Sure I'm not the only one. It's about what we think they'll do. That is all.

I'll tell you why all this "first woman president" stuff is bullshit.

The natural progression goes like so: a whole bunch of white males as president, then a white female president, and then a coloured president. That's like the "progressive stack" you are always hearing about.

By electing Obama, they already just skipped a step. There isn't any urgency to go back fill in the gap. It would mean nothing.


>You can't appease them because as soon as you accept one thing, they will just come up with something more absurd and ridiculous and try to force it on the world.
This guy gets it. A hundred years ago the left was about helping the working-class, now they're about helping muslims and trannies. The search for the next Great Oppressed Minority will never end because without one there would be no reason for the Left to exist.

She's perfect.

he's right though. it just doesn't include him, obviously.


It's becuse Hillary is the face of everything people dislike about politics

If the Dems had run Warren and Gabbard they would of won in a total landslide with and the first female pres and vice pres.

underrated post

Jesus the more I think about this election the more I get baffled

It still amazes me how the left doesn't understand what the electoral college is even 16 years after Bush vs Gore (and Trump won his election with 40 more delegates than needed).

That was the dumbest move the McCain campaign made. Trying to counter Obama's blackness by choosing a female conservative was a dumb idea even on paper. It's too fucking obvious. Then they went and picked an incompetent bitch from Nowhere, Alaska.
There were other women up for consideration too and they picked Palin and she was not primed or ready for the spot light.
I remember I was close to voting for McCain as a democrat because I could see through Obama's facade and false promises but Palin turned me off real hard.

But Hillary lost

Nobody cries if there's not a black president in China, or Japan, or Germany, or Norway, or any other country where there is a distinct ethnic group.

Lots of countries have tried the female president thing, and it hasn't always worked out. Brazil. South Korea. Lots of places.

Voting based on appearance is shallow and retarded.

Although Melania Trump makes a hell of a better First Lady than Bill Clinton.

someone put spurdo in there

She also supports alot of Sanders economic polices and is opposed to america's involvement in the ME.

but never an atheist. never.

dogs are atheists

I dont want niggers or women to be president

I think its called first laddie if its a guy

Good, women shouldn't be leading anything.

obama was a kid in 2008?
really makes your soup stew


Les doubles de la victoire !
Méïque France grètte euguaine.

BTW anglos. Why do you say "I could be president" ? Just "president".
Isn't "president" a _countable_ noun?

Obama was black, but he wasn't a nigger


Every future female president would have to defend and rationalize and explain every stupid fucking shitty thing Queen Hillary did.

Blah blah such a trailblazer.

Just like Hillary would have to own Obama's legacy, every future female president would have to own Hillary's legacy.

I'm half convinced that the elites wanted Hillary to win so they could sabotage all future female presidents in America.

Sander is a cypto jew atheist and it's obvious the Trump isn't particularly religious either. Infact one of the biggest turn offs for Cruze was just how religious he was.

Kek brings truth, like usual.

This is the root of what they don't understand.