Planning on traveling to England next year.
How many beatings should I expect to get?
Planning on traveling to England next year.
How many beatings should I expect to get?
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As long as you aren't polish or a women wearing a hijab your alright.
he'll be fine
My Uni had loads of Finngolians m8.
All weird folk though, complete robots in any social environment.
You'll do fine, just avoid the major cities and go for the comfy mid-tier ones or countryside.
haha most of us are a bunch of cucks and nu males anyway
Why would anyone want to do that?
I really don't get why people get so offended over England's actual flag.
Oh good.
Thanks for your replies, friends.
fook off we're full
Literally none unless you say that Brexit is a good thing and that you adore our Nige
What about sombreros?
B-but wasn't Brexit a good thing?
My people are considering to FIXIT too.
I have a taco friend doing a master degree in london, he says they're quite alright.
But everybody in Sup Forums knows londonistan has fallen, so dunno outside of london what brits think of mexicucks.
Nor sure about England, but Scots will wave your flag as they invade Trump's golf courses to stomp on the green with their displeasure.
We best foreigners daily. So lots.
this should be our flag
Scotcucks are absolutely pathetic.
Hollywood has brainwashed us Americans into thinking Scottish are manly and cool like Braveheart.
I say that everyday m8
Do it !!!!
Trump is basically Scottish himself.
Depends where you are. Don't say Brexit is good in London... But everywhere else Brexit is good :) it's just the cucked Londoners who don't see it
Avoid slaggy nightclubs, pubs with flat roofs, and chip shops after 11pm and you'll be fine.
Going to pubs with flat roofs is just tempting fate.
Regardless if you believe this or not, after not being able to sleep for more than 5-6 days due to worry and stress over Brexit (early July), I was watching TV one day where i started hallucinating and saw a man with grey hair being sworn in as president, then random flashes of nukes going of in the next scenes just after. This shock me up for days then a few weeks after (July 16th) Trump announces the man i saw in my visions who goes by the name of "Mike Pence". So since these last few days with Trump being declared President with republicans controlling the house and the senate, it becomes more likely that Trump may either get impeached/stand down/Assassinated before the end of his first term.
All the while major countries are still gathering forces on their borders, Syria is still at play etc. You may feel as though WW3 has been prevented by stopping Hillary, but it has only delayed the inevitable. Pences' record shows he is pro war and i fear he will not hesitate to enter a major war in his presidency. Even today he has taken charge of selecting which people he wants to run in Trumps government...... You have been warned......
Never met any Finns (knowingly at least). You guys are pretty autistic so I'm sure you'd fit in well enough.
pls bring women
Depends how much you pay
Where in god's green land are you hoping to visit?
probably none lad just dont be a tit
Cleanse the world with nuclear fire, kek wills it
No bakes here, is this relevant?
Viz is always relevant. But if anything, they haven't captured the atmosphere of grotty hopelessness that exists in all flat-roof pubs.
Stick to China towns.
The ones in Glasgow are particularly welcoming I hear.
>french shit
the "george cross" is Italian shit.
England is pretty chill for the most part.
UK is only for black bulls and pakis my freund. white people from europe gets beaten
Finns would be a bit of of Novelty in Britain, a bit like Estonians?
We see loads of Baltics and Swedes but not many Finns.
I just hope you are not going to a shitty place.
Depends, where are you going my Suomi friend?
I fucking love Finns mate. I feel like they've got a sense of humour close to British dry black humour. You guys can fucking handle your drink too.