You idiots. You elected Trump. He is racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic. He will make usa the same shitstan as Russia, where president is also racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic.
You idiots. You elected Trump. He is racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic...
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Btfo already CTR
how is Russia sexist? don't women do just fine in Russia?
We're fucked. We're basically a Russian client state now.
You haven't read the newest command from CTR HQ yet. We are supposed to attack Trump supporters on him keeping parts of Obamacare now.
You idiot, your opinion is worthless for the next 8 years.
You base your opinions on subjective bullshit, and denying objective truth, stepping around facts and misleading/deceiving.. well we took a vote, and weve had enough of your stupid horseshit.
For the next 8 years, I wont read a single leftist opinion. I see stupid anti-Trump horseshit, read one line and say "blah blah"
Whole lot of blah blah lately, get used to being ignored you fucking retard.
Congress, Senate and Presidency. Fuck yourself, cry about it, and direct your complaints to the closest brick wall.
As long as America is run by American citizens for American citizens I don't really care so much about the virtual signalling bullshit.
People need to treat each other with mutual respect. It's a two-way street. A disrespectful nigger deserves to be called a nigger. A nice guy who happens to be black should be treated fairly. It's common sense people.
Your acting like the libs were this past decade.
We must take the high road or else they will have an excuse.
Average men salaries are 30% higher than women
Also women are just very badly and unrespectfuly treated in Russia.
Boo hoo, white genocide and cultural marxism are real - and must be stopped.. shove your opinions up your ass, we extremist response to communism now.
I was considering moving to the us ilegally, but , rasists, ruined my plans. Now Ihave to serve in russian military for a year.
You say like it's bad to be racist, sexist and homophobic and islamaphobic.. how i like kill muslims, tey tears..mmm
One side is flat out based on lying and deception, and our side is the opposite.
lol russia u goin to jail making fun ov ur supreme leader:^)
what did you think we were trying to achieve?
the only reason Hillary doesn't hate Muslims is because they pay her.
the last extreme response set nationalism back decades, how about we learn from our mistakes?
maybe trade the secretary job for an engineering one? idk man, it's just an idea
So when Trump won, all leftist opinions became totally invalid. Not only are they factually invalid, but people just disagree, they lost the discussion, its over. We acted, they lost, were doing, they dont get a say. Majority senate, congress and hardline president, all they can do is bitch and whine - and no one gives a flying fuck.
and fuck off
Poison the well much, comrade?
>implying America being like Russia would be a bad thing
At least Russia bothers to fight ISIS
Thats why he his awesome
That'sa spicy pasta!!
No, the only mistake Hitler made was being too soft and moderate. No half measures.
National Socialism was a complete success until the white jews like Churchill started a war they had no intention of being locked into, and Trumps platform was nothing short of Neo-National Socialism.
Kek true
Source: My ass
calm down. take a deep breath. know that if hillary won she would continue the cia faggotry in your neck of the woods and estonia or georgia would get hit with a propped up coup attempt
You can apologize any time, it's all your fault in the end.
>t. liberashka
even worse than podhuilovniki
Try to google.
This man is not lying. White american males are even starting to massacre canadians. I woke up this morning to a group of white males dragging us out of our home and outside.
I was horrified. We tried to resist but the white men wearing Make America Clean Again caps used long serrated pronged tools at the end of long wooden sticks to force us exactly where they wanted us.
Then, without so much as a remorse or pity, they took all my youngest daughters, picking them up by the handfulls and dumped them in a plastic bag which they proceeded to toss into a large plastic bin labelled "compost".
A stray gust of wind managed to blow me free and I escaped, but please tell everyone of how these trump supporter white males are literally raking canadians into piles and shoving us into bins. I'm literally shaking in the wind right now because my entire family has been ethnically cleansed and I have no idea what to do.
opinion discarded
Fantastic, that's exactly what I wanted to happen.
Women are paid 4% more than men, shove your bullshit up your ass, reminder your horseshit is invalid and we Trump now.
Youre not going to accomplish fuck all for the next 8 years, absolutely nothing, so type out all you want dipshit, youre only making more Trump voters 4 years from now.
That wasn't a mistake, it was the last revolt before complete globalist takeover.
We know exactly what we did and we did it for a reason go the fuck away
It's 100% necessary for the western way of life. Europistan is going to be full on fucked in 5-10 years. Australia, Russia, USA alliance all the way.
That's so pathetic to blame the success of the candidate you supported on your enemies.
When Trump starts fucking America in the ass by appointing a bunch of zionist Jews to positions of power and influence, will you blame those mean ol' politically correct leftists as well?
So what?
No more hope for americans.
No more hope for rusians, who wanted to go to us, especially my muslim friends.
ohuenniiye dela, nas skoro otpizdyat russisch kazaki lel
those words mean nothing
>He will make usa the same shitstan as Russia
Wrong. Russia is a shitstan because it is full of Russians. Most American whites are Germans.
What part of America first and MAGA dont you understand?
Just like not all gay ppl are faggots. But most ppl are faggots.
Lets check your post about Putin.
Yes, Churka-rasist, friend of Ramzan and other Chechen terrorists.
Yes. Kabaeva-fucker.
No, he is gay because of his contact kinds of sport.
Yes, Rusophob.
No, Churkas-lover.
show me one racist thing trump has said or done.
Wew lad
blahblahblah and blahbiddy blah and blah blah blah, etc and so forth
fuck me jeebus, give it a rest already
ive been on this board for over 1 1/2 years now and i still have not found out what btfo means. whst does it mean?
Implying there is no constant anti-caucasus propaganda.
>president is also racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic.
But he's none of those things. He is a brilliant politician (convinced the world that he's right-winger while bringing back communism). I doubt he actually cares about any of those things (because he didn't in his first term). Also he's a master of lies, preaches having children while people want children but can't afford leaving separately from their parents (due to regime he enables), preaches nationalism while taking normal european stance of "accept everyone into the country".
This people pray on the streets because no one wants to build mosques for them
stop with the "phobia" talk, you literally sound like every other brainwashed libcuck retard using made up reasons to pretend you're scared. The world has never been safer or better than it is right now.
We've survived just fine for thousands and thousands of years through countless wars, sicknesses, persecution, and malevolent rulers. There were times in history where if you were born in the low or middle class you were destined to a short life of backbreaking labor and zero individual rights. Where if you were a queer you'd just get killed, where if your skin was a certain color you'd just get enslaved, and where if you were female you'd have no right to speak unless spoken to.
Just relax, you have a good life. Nothing that any current world leader can possibly do will change that.
Nothing to worry about, unless you are a woman.
it stands for Blown The Fuck Out
May be you, in Canada, have a good life, but not we in Russia.
>racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic
Can't shills reduce their occult chant somehow? Choose one word and stick with it. Or abbreviate it.
Liberals are just scared of how based Russia is. We're in for a golden age, unshackled from our oppressors, white men will finally push our species forward.
CTR btfo
your life in Russia is still better today than it would have been 20 years ago, 50 years ago, 100 years ago, 200 years ago, I mean the fact that you aren't starving, and are sitting on a chair posting on an anonymous message board over the internet is an obvious example of how good you have it. Fuck man, 100 years ago you'd probably be huddled around a fire trying not to freeze to death right now while 20 feet of snow piled up outside your log cabin.
>He is racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic.
But so am I?
>basket of deplorables
Hillary got so blown the fuck out by the American people that her (((supporters))) feel the need to shill everywhere in a butthurt manner.
However, I am glad to see that CTR, while less numerous, has more energy (just like Trump told Bush).
You're absolutely right, look at these statistics, you can't get any more based than this
I was so lazy to do something productive and to lonely to have someone to speak, so I created this shittread from proxy. I am sorry, Sup Forums.
>racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic
Anyone who uses these words is a moron, completely invalid non-argument. These words are ridiculously overused and stretched out of context. Half arn't even real words and were infact created to be leading.
>not a phobia
>presumes this is a fear
>presumes this is an irrational fear.
its more of a show of protest and dominance honestly
if they really wanted a building a simple private or property owner can construct one as easily as a guy who builds a store, otherwise thats just welfarism