ITT liberal tears
ITT liberal tears
Other urls found in this thread:
>right wing
its like they don't know history or something.
>won't actually move to canada
>won't actually an hero
why can't they keep their promises?
fuck off we're full
Laci Green is a dumb bitch and an attention whore.
Such spiteful goblins
Where do they get these insane ideas that Trump is fucking literal Hitler?
He's such a lovable dude.
He's not PC. So what. He's never said shit like he was going to gas the niggers. He appears to like anyone who's a fucking American.
Was there ever video that went along with this?
>I was totally beat, guys, I swear
>decreasing the size of government is fascism
>Huma is apparently wandering the streets and crying
>left wing
It's like you don't know words or something.
I made some comics from it.
>proceeds to go to bed and gets fucked by a white guy
Yes trust the ((google)) goy, facism is the evil right wingers! So right wing with all that limited government!
I'm busy today but maybe you guys could make some more.
I want to fuck that cow
As a white guy this makes it sound safer for me to keep white guys in power.
You'd have to be pretty stupid to support putting people into power who hate you.
>wanting to uphold laws is EXTREME right-wing views and practices
Fuck off the right-wing is not the ones in the streets calling for the deaths of millions of whites.
Its like you cant read your own image
Hint:general use
I want Laci Green to kick me in the balls.
>Having an absolute majority is Facism
Wew, never thought of Blair as a Fascist.
I'm sorry, there are just far too many memes in that sentence for me to take anything you're saying seriously. Trump is not a fascist, the Republican party is not fascist, but Fascism is a right wing political philosophy just like communism is a leftist political philosophy, though not all leftists are communist. They are words with crystal clear definitions. It's really not up for debate.
reeeee stop throwing around the word Fascism when you obviously don't even have the dictonary definition down
Not bending to every SJW whim is not fucking fascisim.
(((Literally shaking)))
Holy shit.
These are great.
Keep em coming based Aussie.
>crucify someone for the colour of their skin or the thing between their legs
>stop people from being able to voice opinions
>not fascism
Was there this much crying over the electoral college when Bush beat Gore?
Yes. But not as much in the way of dindu riots. We were a more civilized folk back then.
I'm not saying that they are. But Fascism is a right wing political ideology. That is not to say that ALL RIGHT WING IDEOLOGY IS FASCIST, you ignorant rube.
I don't understand what she means by textbook fascism.
Even more, people think it's worse due to social media
Gore didn't concede until like a month later
those emojis top it off
they both give me the jitters
Asserting right wing folks are a left wing ideology..
Does not meet the minimum requirements to complain.
>thx mane
People weren't happy, but Bush didn't have the same reputation as Trump, and the country wasn't quite so sharply divided about literally every small thing.
i dont care wgar your post is about but checked
Trump isn't even a Republican. He just used the Republican party because he thought it had the best chance of getting him into office. His views don't really align with them any more than they do with the Dems, he was advocating for the Democrats too a few years back.
How do these people not see their massive hypocrisy? It's actually infuriating.
There's 40-50 million retards like this in the states alone. These people need to be defeated permanently.
Pretty sure when I was in school in the 90s, it was considered left wing. Maybe that was the Berenstein universe, we can't be sure.
>the moment you realize we all live in the nightmare of Nate Silver
No. Cuz the supreme court could easily make the decision. Only problem is this time there are only 8 justices. Not 9. So the dnc plan to screw the gop out of using the supreme court completely fucking backfired in their faces...
The only chance they have now is for the electoral college to change their mind. Which would never happen. Trump would have to rape a school bus full of children and even then he might still have a shot at being potus...
Praise Kek
>being so fucking retarded you can't see the obvious bias in that image
you need help
Not tears, made me angry tbqh.
She has some great tits.
Shame about the face.
They are brainwashed since birth into thinking only their opinion is objectively acceptable and that whoever thinks otherwise is an horrible individual.
I'm glad they're tearing themselves apart right now.
ugh! her feet look like theyd feel really nice to massage for some reason
No, it's always been a right wing thing. Granted, the typical American idea of left and right wing is not quite the same as classical left and right wing. I think a point of confusion for a lot of people is that the Nazis were considered a fascist regime (which they were), but they called themselves National Socialists. Granted, they were no more Socialist than the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is Democratic.
>watch viral video
>"We need to debate guys"
>"Except I'll unfriend you you fucking racist."
How can you watch a video, HEAR THE POINT and completely ignore it for the rest of your post after stating it?
She's already been doxxed.
Does James Woods browse Sup Forums?
Feelings ain't free, the safe spaces of equality and tolerance gotta be littered with the semen of refugees. Donald JOHN Trump aka "Drumpf" is not my presidnet, he is CISHET shitlord and probably Facist as well :D :D. SOCIAL JUSTICE not law and ORDER okiedoke. Praise Marx.
He praises authoritarian leaders for being authoritarian, incites violence, and invokes racism and xenophobia. Hitler is clearly far worse, but the parallels are clear to see, and frightening
The Bush-Gore election is what tore this country in half - the nation hasn't been the same since. The media focus on the "protests" but this is a sliver of the population - look at the actual electoral county map, the country isn't actually divided. In the 2000 election, liberals of all ages lost their shit, and we didn't even have social media then.The current outrage is primarily by teens and people in their 20s - in 2000, it was people of all ages.
>you need help
I guess I do. Please, user. Help me. Where is the fucking bias in that image?
Such a shame this cunt is such a cunt, because her tits are divine.
Oh I didn't know that, cunt deserved it.
You're fucking retarded.
Stupid fucking bitch
Kek has been with us, and we shall prevail
I really don't get this.
Life will go on even if the candidate you voted for didn't get elected. A mandate lasts four years, if he's as bad as you think he won't get reelected, how's he gonna permanently ruin your country in just one mandate?
Even if he was literally,Hitler what's he gonna do? It takes more than four years to build and properly organize a concentration camp.
I dunno, but looking at his Twitter he seems to be a very based man. I'd buy him a drink.
Why do so many of them take selfies of themselves crying?
Just imagining them checking their reflection then holding out their latest iphone to take some pics, picking the best one to upload. All while crying.
>look at me guys
>I cry, here's my proof
>gimme likes
>speech is only free if it doesn't hurt my feefees
Top Kek
Fascism is authoritarian, Stalin and Mao were both leftist fascists.
You forgot what she tweeted when she thought Clinton was going to win
Good, stay out.
One less moron breathing this AMERICAN air.
>captcha has storefront with OBAMA in all caps
and never forget that we made you cry when we fucked you and your "culture"...
The problem with fearmongering and labeling people as bigot, racist, sexist, and xenophobe so much that you actually start to believe it is that when you lose, you legitimately lose your shit. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Because they are stupid attention whores.
>casually exuding the fact that fascism is a result of one-party system.
then fuck off
In the 1990's - politics was much less polarized. Abortion was still a powerful wedge issue of course, but there was less hate between the American people on the Left, and those of us on the Right. The hate that did exist was directed at the leaders, not the followers.
Keep in mind that Republicans had good control of Congress (House and Senate), good State level control in most States, and a Supreme Court that leaned Right. So although Bill Clinton was President - not much was actually passed. Newt Gingrich made damn sure that virtually nothing got done. Besides, Bill Clinton was not as left-leaning as Obama would later be. Clinton and Gore were Midwestern Democrats, much more "Centrist" that "Left" and this is easily forgotten.
Welfare was reformed, the military was scaled back (but at the time it really and truly needed to be since the Cold was won). Our economy was doing well...
The AWB was by far the most "Leftwing" thing Clinton did - and fuck him for doing it, and Ruby Ridge/WACO was a huge test for America in terms of accepting or rejecting Federal Power. We passed the test, there was extremely strong push back - and the Government backed down. The NRA explored in numbers, the VAST majority of States passed carry laws. In the end, the results were actually positive.
So going into 2000, conservatives did not fear Gore becoming President. No one said it would be the end of America. We wanted Bush - mainly because you have to have a matching pair of President + Congress/Senate to actually pass things. For a long time the Government had been at logger heads (unable to do much).