Are they right?
Are they right?
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No, otherwise Obama would never have won. The electoral college is fucking retarded, but it keeps small states from going fucking nuts. In a popular vote election, small states' interests become even less important than they are in an electoral college system.
seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these people
>so confident you'll win in a landslide you don't care about the system
>the system is sexist, fucking white males
They had 8 years to do something about it, but when it was Obama winning the system worked. I look forward to at least 4 years of tears.
Wrong, and you're retarded
No. The electoral collage is impartial to race.
The objective of it is to make sure every single state has a say in the matter
Without it california and the NorthEast basically dictate everything that happens in between the two areas.
Say the demographics were reversed:
>Mexicans live in the middle of the US
>California is all white
These fucks would LOVE the electoral collage
I wonder how they came up with that title.
Did they actually think that calling a group a white supremacyst to devilize them in the eyes of the liberals was simply not enough so they slapped on sexist too, or what?
looks like they didnt learn their lesson.
get ready for a 2020 trump sweep.
>Are they right?
But think of this. If I go into Israel, could I claim there's institutional Jewish supremacy? It calls itself a Jewish nation after all.
Sure. This country belongs to whites so every feature of it is by default a tool for whites.
They loved it in '08
Keep on calling people racist and sexist. I'm looking forward to eight years of Trump instead of four.
Wait until the evidence comes in that not only did Trump win the popular vote in the final count, but that many of Hillary's votes were fraudulent.
No, I'm right, and very fucking smart.
That's why a racist like obongo did so well with it I guess
Culturally enabled Messiah complex that depends on their people being the ones to bring prosperity to the masses. This ends up with their minority community being at odds with the majority frequently as both groups have slightly to completely different goals for different undertakings. Gets them kicked out of a fuckton of countries.
>before election
>muh whites
>after election
>muh whites
Is any facet of Western civilization not an instrument of white supremacy and sexism?
No, you are an idiot. The electoral college system exists because the US is a federation and the choice of president was placed in the hands of the states to preserve that character.
Obama won both the popular and electoral votes. If you are referring to his winning the nomination despite Hillary winning more votes in the 2008 Democratic primary, that has nothing to do with the electoral college. Political parties are private organizations and determine how they choose their own nominees.
Yep, just double down on the retarded tactics that lost you nearly everything, including the Supreme Court. Going to be a fun 8 years.
live in a white country what do you expect? To have blacks running the whole thing? it aint supremacy its logical
checks and balances to avoid mob rule
this isn't even funny anymore at this point
Is a direct vote for the president in line with America's constitutional republic philosophy though?
Multiculturalism will critically fail over the next 20 years because "sharing is caring" inevitably becomes demonization of the dominant majority group and subversive attempts to demographically erode that group.
Racism began as "don't be a bigot to anyone of any race" and now its redefined as, quite literally, "kill whitey". Liberal jews expect whites to quarter this while being saints themselves, won't happen.
Okay, so Obama won the popular vote. Yet I thought the Electoral College was an 'instrument of white supremacy', so why didn't it stop Obama from winning?
I can't believe you're retarded enough to defend OP's image.
The electoral college is an instrument of Los Angeles and New York City not deciding every single presidential election.
Also, they're saying Hillary won the popular vote by around 200k votes. There are already widespread instances of voter fraud in the major cities that went blue. In the next few months, we will have accurate evidence of how many dead people, illegal immigrants, and other election fraud votes occurred. With the release of data from electronic Soros machines, we'll also know how many votes "magically" changed from Trump to Hillary.
By the end, we'll know that he won in a landslide were it not for the time honored democrat tradition of trying to steal an election.
More Jewish psi-ops. Disregard, my fellow north-American white Anglo-Saxon Protestants.
>be white
>build western civilization
>let shitskins into it because Jews and women told you it was a good idea
>yo dis be mine now
>we wuz
>we build dis
Of course it is a white system. Whites built it. These people have no place in it.
They would literally have their spirits crushed.
Top-kek. Objectivity totally lost.
They are completely wrong. the electoral college stops the rust belt from being disenfranchised because presidents would only campaign in large population districts to get elected and tell the rest of the country to suck it.
I trust this guy.
Yes, unless Hillary wins.
Jews are like a virus. They inject their racial politics into society to get everyone fighting.
Liberals need to become immune to it, like taking a vaccine, and not let it influence their behavior.
One example is Sara Silverman.
Sara will tell you all about how whitey is evil, how she'd love to murder Jesus, all day every day.
She is paid for this, its her career.
But say one thing bad about jews in front of Sara Silverman. See what happens.
This inequality of privilege will not stand.
I wasn't arguing to defend that. I was explaining why you are wrong.
As for the white character of our system, it was built by white men so of course it is white. Shitskins need to go build their own systems.
Anyone got an archive link? Btw I can't wait for Trump to be announced as winner of the popular vote, we can get a whole fresh round of tears.
oy vey. journalism at its finest
2016 is their first real experience with losing an election.
2020 will be "business as usual" in the disappointment department for them.
Or, shit, maybe Trump might actually be popular in 3 years.
Israel should burn. The amount of people who died and are still dying for your faggot ass "Jews only club" is disgusting.
it was created by a white fucking male so its inherently racist. These people have their own definitions and agendas of racism.
It's definitely music to my ears
vaccines are how you get autism.
My point was that if the electoral college was 'white supremacist' then Obama wouldn't have won. Then you called me a retard. And then you agreed with me.
K, thanks
If liberals really hated the electoral college so much, the first thing they'd do is change the election laws in CA and NY from winner-take-all to proportional electoral votes. How can anyone take them seriously if they're not willing to take the first step towards progress?
he called you a retard because you were wrong dude get over it
No because the entire middle of the country would have to do whatever the coasts decide. That is why the electoral college was installed to keep mob rule from deciding the fate of the country.
I was watching the live vote count, and Donald Trump was continually in the lead, and he won almost every state but technically Hillary won the popular vote. Given the fact that illegals were voting, and there was voting fraud I highly doubt that Hillary won the majority. And with that, they were practically close to a tie was Donald Trump clinched it.
You presented multiple points in your original post. You were wrong about the nature of the electoral college system.
the media is only digging themselves a bigger hole with this race baiting shit, this is exactly what got Trump elected
>The Electoral College Is an Instrument of White Supremacy - and Sexism
>and Sexism
They've gone so far with "everything is sexist" that it has become like a punchline or something.
Copy a sentence from a random text and add
>- and sexism
to the end.
Post results.
>The initial transmission and spread of the H1N1/2009 virus was rapid with 168 countries reporting infections by July 2009, with some 162,300 laboratory-confirmed cases and over 1,100 human deaths - and sexism
>Hillary spent tons of effort trying to turn Texas blue
>She didn't visit Michigan once
The absolute madwoman.
Was it an instrument of White Supremacy when it elected a black person for two terms?
Is it an instrument of white supremacy and sexism? no.
Is it a flawed system thats destined to divide the country further and further with every election? yes.
But I was right...
Don't they do their actual vote in December?
There's still a chance Hilldog can win.
Ah yes, the Jewish 'ubermenschen'
Democrats wanting to ditch electoral college don't know what they are getting into. Right now republicans are conceding several blue states, states like california, they don't even campaign there, democrats get a landslide victory there. If you were to move into popular vote, republicans would start to put effort into these huge population blue states, since the best bang for the buck is there. Meanwhile democrats would have to campaign in less populated red states. I don't think democrats would come as winners in this 'trade', they have more to lose in my opinion.
The electoral college was not designed in anticipation of the current situation.
When it was chosen, the USA consisted only of the original 13 colonies (plus non-state territories which didn't get to vote).
The Founding Fathers hoped and expected for there to be no political parties.
The electors of the electoral college were expected to be selected for good character, good judgement, and loyalty to their state, to meet and discuss who should be president before voting, not to be sent with strict orders of who to vote for. This way, the people would only have to recognize a elector from their regional community, not involve themselves in technical questions or try and judge people who live far away that they'd never met.
Political parties emerged and fucked most of this plan up, so the states started making rules requiring electors to become mere functionaries directed to vote for a specific presidential candidate chosen directly by the voters.
The current system emerged from the failure of the intended system.
I just want you to know. Israel is one of my favorite posters. You guys are actually pretty cool.
Globalists jews need to die though.
why didn't we listen?
Yes, one of your points was correct. congratulations.
Fucking kek, the electoral college actually benefits democrats, it was never dreamed of that he would flip mi, wi and pa while winning literally every swing state
Shut the fuck up you autistic fuck. Don't go around calling people retarded over minor points you sperglord fuck head.
Hundreds of thousands of trump supporters in New York/California ect. wouldn't have voted for him because they knew it would have been pointless
Likewise, many Clinton supporters in the red states would have done the same.
It is impossible to say who would have gotten more votes if there was no electoral college
It's painfully obvious you're a butthurt leftist here to talk shit because your candidate lost, you sodomite fuck.
Leftists just can't stop hammering in this racist/sexist/homophobic shit. How fucking long are they going to beat this dead horse?
The problems of the world are not that god damn simple.
no, electoral college could lose an election for a nigger just as it could for a white guy. it has been in place since the beginning of the country when only white men could vote
>mfw my ID
They didn't say that when Obama won. It's 2016 racism doesn't exist anymore.
This is true. Another thing to consider is that many people in states which have no chance of going Republican, like New York and California, don't even bother voting. I think it's a very safe bet that at least a few hundred thousand conservative Californians stayed at home because they knew that their votes didn't matter.
Not only does this mean that crying about the popular vote is silly since it reflects the electorate's understanding of the electoral college but it means that if we went to a system based purely on popular vote, you can expect a lot of people who previously stayed at home to show up at the polls now that their votes matter.
There would be some democrats in this group but a simple look at the electoral map tells you that the majority would be republican.
It exists for both reasons you fucking nigge
did you just sexual harass me?
I'm a leftist now? Thats weird because I don't remember ever being one. I also distinctly recall voting for Trump the other day.
What have I posted here to indicate this?
I think there are more complacent democrats who don't show up to vote than republicans in the forever blue states
White supremacy MAYBE, sexism made it go full retard
>git gud
Kind of but this is a good system to make sure that rural whites aren't left out of politics. They're people too and should have influence. Just like cities and large populations do with our system.
I'm interested in a hybrid electoral popular vote if it could be well designed.
You are not smart. You are rather dense. It was obvious from his initial post that he was attacking your understanding of the Electoral College.... Not the presumed inherent racism of the system.
>"what women really think"
>article written by a FUCKING WHITE MALE
>bitching about misogyny
: ^ )
Not trying to correct the record, genuinely just uninformed about this, but how did the Electoral College allow Obama to win?
didn't he win the popular vote?
Prove it. Here is a link to the relevant Federalist paper. Provide me with a contemporaneous source to support your position.
You are a dumb motherfucker. You stated incorrectly how the electoral worked and why it exists. You were wrong. You are an arrogant sob.
Turn it around on em...The electoral college is an instrument to avoid disenfranchisement.
Trump wins 31 states
Hillary wins 19 states
>like omg the electoral college is so sexist
wtf i hate democracy now
If you want a better reflection of the popular vote you don't need to get rid of the electoral system, you can just make it proportional like Maine. Of course that would weaken the voting power of the state because instead of being a big voting block it's now proportional.
Getting rid of the EC entirely would be stupid though, because it's designed around giving states power, since this is a federation.
>What Women Really Think
> Mark
>don't educate stupid people
Ok retard
Yeah just call the people who elected obongo sexist and racist.
Just like it convinced 60 million people not to vote fire Trump, oh wait that didn't work. Turns out people don't like being called white supremacists and sexist when they're not... fucking dumb liberal cucks...
>electoral is bad unless it's in my candidate's favor
I dunno, a lot of the safe red states are pretty small, population-wise. The big states that go red like Texas and Florida are pretty close contests. The people in Texas who care aren't staying home - Republicans only won it by 10% this time. Florida was a 1% win, as I'm sure you know.
Look at the big blue states, on the other hand: Cali went blue by 29%, NY by 22%. Liberals think they can flip Texas in the future since it's getting so close. You think the conservatives who live in California think they're ever gonna flip it when they lose by 2.6 million votes? No fucking way. They sit at home.
Getting rid of the electoral college is a terrible idea but would be a win for the right nonetheless.