>not gonna ban muslim
>merkel is the best leader
>not gonna build wall
>not gonna remove obamacare
>not gonna ban tpp
One word. Traitor
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Day of the rake soon leaf.
He's in consolation mode. It's fairly obvious that Obama warned him about how close to a civil war we're getting, and in light of the ongoing riots, he wants to calm people down so they accept his rule.
Wait to see what he does in January before you start calling him a traitor.
>civil war
can the melodrama
>wants to appoint Jamie Dimon as secretary of Treasury
Gullible sheeps.....
>liberals are shocked that they lost with Hillary fucking Clinton
>conservatives are shocked that Donald Trump, low and behold, IS a con artist an holds his donors interests above his own voters
This is the future you chose America, we don't wanna hear the fucking complaints for another 4-8 years
T-These are just leftist memes, right lads?
He's not actually backing down right?
omg ok... if this does not convince people that he is a traitor then I dont know what to say
One flag.
>will cause destabilization (riots etc.)
>will create a police state (to protect people form chimp out)
>will restrict rights
>will set the word up for total socialism after America turns to shit
All part of the plan.
I'm starting to think that Trump was controlled oposition all along, The zionists played us again
This thread is bullshit but he'd be better than Hillary either way
Trump also promised to put Hilary in jail. Now he says its not a priority.
As long as he drops the Ukies on the Maidan, I'm a happy man.
you seriously expected a politician to keep their word?
You realize if he repeals and replaces ObamaCare with single payer, almost everyone will love it.
I did tell you guys so in every single besminov thread.
It's really obvious if you look at the big picture.
Why was it ever? Policy is more important.
nobody ever questioned that
He's not a politician until January, you un-american fucktard. Keep your opinions limited to your own country.
Transgender bathrooms are more important than locking up Hillary.... are you serious?
only if America keeps its politics limited to itself
which it never did
Alright lets get one thing straight.
Trump is NOT president YET. We have until January. Meanwhile Obama is still in power, and still can do a lot of nasty shit to fuck up whatever Trump is GOING to do. So Trump is in a VERY DANGEROUS position until he is officially our President.
So what he's doing is saying what the global elite want to hear. Just wait until he's inaugurated. Just wait until he alone is the most powerful man in the world. THEN we're going to see the real magic happen.
Until then, he's going to be the bitch of the global interests and (((them))), so cool your jets, stop with the bait please, and accept our lord and savior into our white house.
wtf are you talking about ?
hey you guys im the antichrist none of you probably believe this but i will take over the world july 24, 2020 just watch the opening ceremony of the tokyo olympics to see my first speech
im not here to try to convince anyone that im legit im just dropping by to say that im active on Sup Forums and threads like these make me feel very relieved the new world order will still commence in 2020 just as planned my dictatorship will not be derailed by the puppet trump
He manipulated the dumb burger to vote for him and now he can do what's actually best for the country instead of what the uneducated rednecks want
That makes him smart
TRUMP: I agree with that 100%, except pre-existing conditions, I would absolutely get rid of ObamaCare. I want to keep pre- existing conditions. It's a modern age, and I think we have to have it.
Q: The insurance companies say is that the only way that they can cover people with pre-existing conditions is to have a mandate requiring everybody purchase health insurance. Are they wrong?
TRUMP: I think they're wrong 100%. Look, the insurance companies take care of the politicians [and vice-versa]. The insurance companies are making an absolute fortune. Yes, they will keep preexisting conditions, and that would be a great thing.
>get rid of ObamaCare
>keep pre-existing conditions
What the fuck did you expect? You thought that position being called the 'revolving door' was a meme? Paulson and Geitner didn't clue you in on how this was going to go?
Next time I'll vote democrat.
Are you the guy from the other Soros thread?
Are the Tokyo Olympics still happening cause I'm planning a trip over there then to buy figurines and watch black people run fast
American citizens, spread this!
TPP is already dead
You see what he did there?
> Look, the insurance companies take care of the politicians [and vice-versa]. The insurance companies are making an absolute fortune. Yes, they will keep preexisting conditions, and that would be a great thing.
Fuck your profits, America first.
>will not approve of any business activity unless that business has a positive impact on the nation as a whole
Cover them, or fuck you. Americans>Insurance companies, take a hit or take a hike, Chaim.
Makes sense. We need more people to post this. I didnt know this stupid american gay law.
also dooubles?!?!!?
>Not in office yet
Kek ctr leaf ruining leaf's name in shitposting the shitpost
I see your point. But i'm curious what will your nation do if he wont hold to any of his promises? Is it true that you will be bent over and will have to take it for 4 years?
>TPP cancelled
>friendly and not so friendly countries desperately phoning washington begging for brownie points with the Don
>investor confidence renewed in America
>undesireables leaving the country
>potential illegals deciding not to cross the border anymore
>ISIS' funding has disappeared on top of them already losing ground, they could be done with in a matter of weeks
So do we say that Obama is suddenly based or that Trump is such an effective leader that just his presence alone is all that is necessary to make America great again?
Why would you be surprised.
Make America Merchant Again
pic related
Simply fucking glorious.
Duterte did the same in regards to China. He said things they wanted to hear and they made a deal.
They tried to paint Trump as a racist, misogynist, etc. and now they're trying to paint him as a backpedaller.
zz when will Sup Forums fags understand that ctr is just le epic troll that is always here
>Merkle is the best leader
Wtf are you talking about leaf
go back to bed ontariofag
Thanks my man, have a good one.
I see him cracking down on a lot of things, his reforms on terms will definitely be a good thing.
He won't ban islam, he will just attempt to reverse the "you cannot touch islam" veiw the western "liberal" media has (a long with other pc issues like blm and reparations, sjw etc)
He won't build a literal wall. Just a stricter and more expensive border control.
Won't repeal Obamacare, and won't do away with tpp.
hes trying to calm down things, he'll come in full force in jan trust me leaf
Read pic related, I typed it up a while ago and its all quoted from his book.
He is obviously a National Socialist, people are just totally politically blind to not see it.
He even called directly for his republican party to be a "Workers Party"
>Russia is ready to mend relationships with America meaning no WWIII
>1000 mooslimes are fucking off
>8 trannies have killed themselves for being complete ignorant retards already
He's not even president yet and he doesn't sound like a traitor to me.
he said that in an interview a day ago I think
you know we doxed you faggots to the FEC and FBI right?
You know people are already aming deals right?
You know we can't be fooled by your bullshit or be stopped in anyway right?
CTR here already? Getting paid till 2020? Don't put too much effort in again, you will lose.
>election comes
> jews trick us making hilliary an enormous person a hero everyone will vote for her
> she starts fucking up people feel sorry for her lets make her win
> keeps going on and on
> election day jews think that we will win and make her the winner
> rig trump
wanna know why, the riots, the riots right now people are burning down shit and beating people hard, the jews wanted this to happen so then we can collapse as a country. Right now the stock market is crashing aswell dow has a huge falling chance in December. So the exact plan is to make trump win so they can start killing us and have obama in office for a third term then eventually war with russia and china will happen. We got played like a fucking fiddle. If we chose the Clinton route which is the most fucking retarded one, we would have had a good economy but instant war before she took office so trumps route is the slow painful death and not getting in route. Plus a bad economic collapse with us starving and swat everywhere. Which that was the plan after all collapse the world then clean it up with one world currency and population control.
>not gonna ban muslim
His position was to ban Muslims from high risk areas of the world until the vetting process improves.
>merkel is the best leader
Wow, he said something nice about a world leader and key ally? Sounds like every President ever.
>not gonna build wall
He's going to build a fucking wall, allow states to actually enforce immigration, and harshly enforce immigration while kicking out criminal illegal aliens. He was never going to deport every single illegal, it's not realistic. As long as he does the other aspects, that's fine.
>not gonna remove obamacare
He recently said that he's going to repeal it, or heavily amend it. Obamacare did help a lot of people, the problem is the premiums. It passed as a half-assed bill loaded with awful shit, and discouraged competition.
>not gonna ban tpp
TPP is already dead and buried, champ.
Fuck off, Leaf.
So yea, insurance companies wont be able to deny pre-existing conditions because that leaves Americans out in the cold, without care.
You think Germany would deny people healthcare because they had the condition before the National Socialists came to power? Fuck no.
Why are you fucks blaming Trump? Blame yourselves for being so stupid. Bow down to your emperor cucks.
Trump is a SALESMAN and BUSINESS GUY. Thus, of it's the art of the deal to exaggerate a lot the stuff he proposes. Tells you a lot of things to attract you to buy this one thing.
Follow Trump or get crushed like the libs and SJWs. He will still MAGA.
Holy fuck that symmetry
Top kek
He has to be quiet until January. Think about it guys, the country is close to civil war
Well to be perfectly honest Trump is painting himself as a backpedaler. I hope that stuff about waiting until January isn't just Sup Forums denial
Reddit, just go.
Real Sup Forumsacks are absolutely fine with the 2 things hes keeping from Obamacare, you didnt even read the article, youre not from here.
>All this denial
You are hilarious, Sup Forums.
Be canadian , be a leaf, be a novice shitposter
....liberaltears bitchtits, why don't you go rub your man tits with your friends you cunt
Nice to have you back, CTR
>not really
The FBI is still investigating her foundation.
citation needed
I have bad news for you
>Gullible sheeps.....
>shitposting leafs.....
i still see no source shills.
vote sniper rifle next time
Yeah, in this point in history the future is very unclear. And you're right, he's doing it himself. What's best that can be done for pol is what it's been doing. Telling the truth, exposing the truth, seeing through bullshit.
I'm starting to think they've got you nerd virgins chained up in a basement somewhere.
Shitposting intensifies.
I'm not talking about everyone in this thread but some naysayers and others from other threads wondering that Trump is wrong.
>muh reddit
Projection. Go back to /r/t_d
I only care for the deportation, wall and muds ban
>merkel is the best leader
Day of the Little Teapot Short and Stout soon, britbong. Prepare yourself.
they kept on saying we were in denial the entire election and it turned out we were right. Got a feeling this is going to keep happening.
Plus, he already killed TPP.
>Corrected Sup Forums right in the record
>now that he's won he doesn't need to release his tax returns
Absolute madman.
Day of the liposuction first methinks
At least he will repeal net neutrality so Sup Forums will be behind a paywall that the american stormweenies' mom's boyfriend won't pay for.
>wanting to start a civil war before becoming president
fuck off leaf
Not sure about the rest but I did just see where he was quoted as wanting to keep the main provision of Obamacare.
I knew there was a change he would do what the rest do and 180 on many things. Turns out he may very well just be another sleezeball politician who lies to get votes and then fucks his supporters. I hope not but it's looking possible.