What are some liberal/left beliefs that you hold or opinions you agree with?
>pro increase in infrastructure spending
What are some liberal/left beliefs that you hold or opinions you agree with?
>pro increase in infrastructure spending
That leafs need to be carried away to burning facilities by state run services
Well, you can't have national socialism without socialism.
>open borders
>affirmative action
>increased spending on infrastructure is left-liberal
idgaf about abortion, but the gov't shouldn't fund it
idgaf about gay marriage, but the gov't shouldn't have a role in marriage at all
Pro choice
Pro legalization
Canada needs election reform
Higher tax on the rich (but lower tax on corporations)
Gay marriage
I'm also against racism and sexism but the left doesn't realize that they've become racist and sexist.
>Pro liveable minimum wage
>Pro affordable housing
>Pro higher tax rates for the super rich
>Pro free education
>Pro universal healthcare
>Pro consumer protection laws
>Pro choice
>Pro anime
>Pro video games
Open to keynesian economics and government supported healthcare. Far-right socially.
>Increase in infrastructure spending
Please no, not at least here in Ontario, its not needed. Tired of the QEW constantly under construction for god knows what reason, nothing is ever done. Unless you are making some badass bridge across lake ontario, stop fucking with the roads
right to property? freedome of speech? is that liberal? maybe classical
>pro increase in infrastructure spending
That isn't an exclusive neo-liberal point.
Higher taxes on the rich.
Single payer healthcare. As long as they also allow private practices
>free speech
Liberals are trying to take away that right by implementing hate speech laws.
The left could see a massive surge in popularity if they only just stopped chalking all disagreements up to racism/sexism/homophobia. I hold many leftist beliefs, and I'm not a FUCKING STRAIGHT WHITE MALE, but I cannot fucking support their obsession with absolute behavioral control. It is unbearable fucking horseshit.
Leftists need to start up a Make Leftism Great Again movement or something.
Pro choice
Drug manufacture, distribution, and possession / use should be legal
Prostitution should be legal and regulated
>>pro increase in infrastructure spending
We need this but the conservacucks in Congress are going to fight Trump on it. I hope he kicks their asses.
When I was 10 years younger I thought that Canada would be a cool new hybrid race of asians and whites. But then I got older and reality sunk in. All non whites are locusts that devour as much free shit as they can, then move on.
Mixed race children account for 0.03% of our population so almost nobody is mixing.
Pro choice means you want full term babies to be able to be aborted, which puts you 1 degree away from post-birth abortion, which is actually being advocated by university professors etc at this point.
Youre scum, learn the debate youre engaging in, no one says you cant abort anything except a tiny minority, the same number arguing for post birth abortion.
>I want to be able to end my babies life
Thats you.
Legalized marijuana
Literally nothing else
All you babykillers need Jesus
I don't think any honestly.
Maybe pro-free speech? But even that doesn't seem like a "liberal" belief anymore.
>pro increase in infrastructure spending
W-was sickening saying that but it's pretty cost effective in comparison.
>muh blanda the post
what a disgusting people and country
It's due to the brainwashing here.
>What are some liberal/left beliefs that you hold or opinions you agree with?
Single-payer healthcare.
Global warming is real (but over-hyped)
Clean energy over coal (when it makes economic sense)
Nothing wrong with Mexicans and Muslims who work hard, assimilate, and don't leech off the system. Come to America legally and join our society.
Some gun control to keep them out of the hands of criminals and nutjobs, as long as you aren't taking them from regular citizens.
Yeah, I'll cede that point. Meant more spending into business infrastructure (more factories). Especially combined with tax cuts on corps and incentives for medium-sized (and up) businesses.
True. It's been a very popular point here in Canada among the liberal party though.
>The left could see a massive surge in popularity if they only just stopped chalking all disagreements up to racism/sexism/homophobia.
I would have voted Democrat if not for that bullshit.
>>pro increase in infrastructure spending
That's not a belief liberals hold.
I believe that the most capable should be given enough leeway to succeed as much as they can, and that those who are too weak should be taken care of in a modest way. And I also believe that no person should ever reach into another person's life, if they aren't harming anyone. Also, I believe in fair and transparent democracy, free speech and free assembly. Freedom of the press is big too. And that laws should be enforced when someone is harming another person. Also, I think quantitative easing is useful, if used sparingly. Pretty boring, but also a pretty solid plan for the last 70 years. I'm going to miss it, if it disappears.
>won't someone please think of the children
I don't fucking care anymore. Unwanted babies are neglected by their parents, they're a burden on the tax payer, they grow up commiting crimes and they continue to do so until they die during a drug deal gone bad.
Drug addicted poor fucks should be sterilized on top of being allowed to abort whenever they want.
Yes, I know, I'm Hitler and all that shit, but if you'd spend any time around these people you'd know it was the only way. They are absolutely hopeless and they ruin everything.
Some environmental shit.
I think there should be a massive government program like the Manhattan project, to switch all mass travel to hydrogen fuel and magnetic high speed rail.
I think there should be another system in place to prevent the apocalyptic population surge of double digit IQ Africans. I usually don't go in for the population control meme because I skipped out on the r/ selection meme. But holy shit bros, something needs to be done fast.
I believe taxes should be higher on billionaires. I think healthcare is kind of a basic human right. And yea, I believe the human rights meme too.
I want to break out the guillotines for a lot of the banking elite families.
Is this all leftist or just fash as fuck?
>>pro increase in infrastructure spending
>Promised Billions in infrastructure spendings
>Spent 31 billions on brown people instead
Really make you think.
>Legalized marijuana
>Gay marriage (so long as you don't force churches to do it, otherwise who gives a shit)
That's it.
Killing children is wrong.
Sup Forums is just the Democrats if the Democrats hated jews and niggers.
Pro choice.
Gay marriage
That's about it. I'm still for that we should gas transsexuals and niggers.
>there is too much traffic
>the solution is to build less infrastructure
single payer healthcare system
Also things we can learn from Japan:
School lunches are atrocious in america, nutrition in general is a big deal here and noone seems to give a fuck except michelle obama in america.
Our education system and level of respect for educators in america is pathetic. There is a lot here so I will not talk more on it.
Personal accountability. I believe the lack of this in modern america is possibly the single biggest problem america faces. The cultural revolution in the 1960's destroyed this ethic and possibly america with it.
>social infrastructure
I still dont know what that is or how you spend money on it.
pro make anime real
None, whatsoever.
>hatred of big banks and big business
>consumer protection
>what is keynesianism
>more spending into business infrastructure (more factories)
So you want our tax dollars to go directly to big business. That's brave.
he means infrastructure as in high speed rail, roads, schools, hospitals. I think thats what he means. I think the majority of us actually think the Republican notion that "government spending is bad" as nothing more than bullshit. In my economics class I was redpilled on how government can actually make money back from investing in infrastructure and how it creates jobs.
Re: hydrogen
There's no infrastructure for hydrogen as a propellant and it comes with all sorts of risks.
It would be better to maximize nuclear plants (and fund R&D efforts into new nuclear reactors) as primary source of electricity in mainland Canada - but that dyke Wynne will find a way to price gouge Ontarians anyways.
Legalized and regulated substances. Not just marijuana. Include LSD, Psilocybin, DMT, etc...
you're too rational for this board
please leave
>Pro choice
We have enough people in the world, if any thing we should start paying people for aborted fetus's, make it more worthwhile than welfare so black ghetto woman stop having dozens of kids.
>Legalize drugs
We are not going to win the war on drugs, if we legalize it we essentially kill black markets and if we value personal freedoms we should let people kill themselves off with it. This would also help with surplus populations
Alot of homos from the gay boards like /lgbt/, /fit/, and Sup Forums are here. We are surprisingly very pro gay. We just hate faggots.
I want meaningful business growth, namely to encourage a transition from mom-n-pop small businesses into medium-size businesses that employ more than 5 people.
The idea is that with more cash freed up by businesses, that they'll (wisely) invest in increasing productivity and that usually results in job creation.
I've seen a conservative general on /lgbt/ a few times. Before it got taken over as a 100% tranny board.
>pro legalization
That's pretty much it.
>Make Leftism Great Again
i've been thinking about writing a manifesto
maybe i'll name it that
Workers should own the means of production
>pro increase in infrastructure spending
>let gays do whatever they want including adoption and let trans use whatever bathroom they want (there's no urinals in women's bathrooms anyway, nobody will see the penis)
>legislative women equality (but that has already been achieved)
There is a few legitimate arguments for price gouging but every time I hear them, its so hard to fight the urge to tell those people to go fuck themselves and punch them in the fucking teeth.
>There's no infrastructure for hydrogen as a propellant and it comes with all sorts of risks.
There is risk for all fuels. We can hack it.
>It would be better to maximize nuclear plants
I think we should be doing this as well! I would actually prefer that private businesses do it with heavy government oversight, so that they aren't cutting corners financially le BP style.
I want government to go hardmode in developing newer forms of fuel, doing shit previously thought impossible and etc.. But I don't know if its leftist or fascist to think like that. I really want it to be fascist user.
It's effects may be exaggerated a bit but Global warming isn't a myth.
i think nuclear power stations in the US are already private
Im a classical liberal so I pretty much believe people should be able to do, believe and say whatever the fuck the want so long as they are responsible for that and don't infringe the rights of others.
I want less taxes across all levels of income, I think universal healthcare is shit, free education is ok with me but I prefer subsidized education.
Some market regulation but only enough that companies cannot commit outright fraud or scam costumers.
Mostly I don't like socialist policies, they usually end up benefiting the rich rather than making all classes equal.
>Pro anime
>Pro video games
What in the fuck are you smoking? How are those in any way leftist positions?
but heavily subsidized and regulated
i work in power
pro-abortion of course
pro things that can be dangerous to yourself (not to others)
In general, I'd take right economics (strongly against taxing the rich because it discourages people from striving to the rich) with left social policies (if someone wants to marry a man it's their own goddamn business.)
What's pro choice, I'm new here?
>What's pro choice, I'm new here?
Pro-abortion. But I guess pro-abortion sounds like you support abortions themselves, rather than the right to have an abortion.
Reasonable minimum wages,
paid maternity/paternity leave (even if just for PR purposes) and tax deduction of child care expenses (to a certain limit. gotta animate those people to pump out a few white kids),
pro choice & stem cell research,
consumer protection,
Net Neutrality,
Clean energy (And support research in it),
immigration (But with the caveat of them having to assimilate),
environmental protection where possible,
limited gun control (I.e. no criminal record, prior training),
non-discrimination laws (i.e. an actual meritocracy >implying :^) )
Pro choice is pro abortion, just a more politically safe term
america rack disciprine!
>Net neutrality
all people deserve happy lives
it is how we get there and define happy that is the problem
It isn't? Huh, I stand corrected then.
My bad.
Yeah, that's what I thought. I'll keep saying proudly "I'm pro-abortion".
At least on the US it isn't. I don't know about your country though.
Anti capital punishment. More killing solves nothing.
They are user. But we need moar of them.
abortion is the most successful eugenics program in the western world
if you are on the right and against it you are probably a retarded christ cuck
Who is this sperm fiend?
>against big banks and business
Enforce the Sherman Anti-trust Act
>higher minimum wage, tie it to rate of inflation
>sensible environmental regulations
>legalize drugs, prostitution, etc.
>pacifism/reduce military spending
I'm pretty much conservative only on fiscal issues.
I've often debated this with myself and have never reached a conclusion. On one side I believe that there's no reason to burden the taxpayers with the well-being of someone who disregards the freedom and rights of others. But on the other hand I believe that killing doesn't quite send the right message.
Honestly I think that forced labour is a viable punishment but its probably seen as inhumane (even though anyone who deserves the capital punishment has more than earned inhumane treatment)
Remember when Canada was #2 to Nazi Germany in the eugenics game?
>Pro-choice (until 3rd term)
>Income-based affirmative action
>Gun safety class for a handgun license (ala boating license)
>End the Drug War
>Break up big banks
>Break up big media
>Break up big pharma
>Campaign finance reform
Usually right-wing politicians blame video games and pornography and whatnot on causing violence.
>Pro choice
>Freedom of religion (except islam)
>Gay rights
>Free education
>Free healthcare
Does Sup Forums think I am cucked?
Down with the government?*
*they will only hold this viewpoint for a limited time
Ottawa is The City That Is Always Under Construction, but the roads are shit and improvement is needed.
>t. half-leaf
What is it that draws you to Sup Forums?
No but stop calling it "Free" education and "Free" healthcare. There's no such thing.
Pro-legalization or decriminalization
Same state-related benefits for gay marriage
Recyling I guess (relating to civil services like garbage collection), some environmentalist position but I believe in the importance of private property rights and protecting those from violations by neighbors
I'm pretty much influenced by libertarian, austrian ideas.
Nazis did believe in private property rights
Would Public be a better word? Cause I also hate the word 'universal'.
no liberal is just another word for psyop to me.
>in favor of rounding up opposition and shooting them.
I'll take public. It may feel free... but it isn't. No such thing as a free lunch.
Issue with nuke is that you can't really make nuclear powered cars...
Great for trains and trams, which can be fed electricity straight from grid, but you need a medium for free-roaming vehicles.
Batteries a obviously an option but muh rare earths, hydrogen fuel cells could actually be a reasonable alternative.
"Classical Liberalism"
Given English common law tradition, which presupposes that government must be limited to be legitimate and people enjoy innate rights that they did not get from the State, pretty much just leave folks alone.
Not saying nuclear cars, but if the electricity from which electric cars draw from is nuclear-sourced, then it's clean.
There's little environmental incentive for EVs in a locale where the primary source of electricity from burning fossil fuels.
Evolution is real.
Climate change is caused by our massive carbon emissions.
Tax the wealthy, they can afford it.
Universal healthcare is awesome.
>Universal healthcare is awesome.
That why leafs come here to get major operations?
>t.voted for justin