You really think he stands a chance? HHAHAHAHAHHAHAH
You really think he stands a chance? HHAHAHAHAHHAHAH
It's no use to talk sense to these people. They'll realize the facts when Trump loses the elections.
Trump is a piece of filth that will never be elected to anything.
Sup Forums is delusional, go outside guys
The American people would never elect /literallyhitler/ to the highest office in the land! Diversity is our strength!
Drumpf is finished
General election polls were accurate. He lost the popular vote.
No they weren't, she won by less than 1%.
IBD yet again was the most accurate.
She won the popular vote. The polls were right.
Can at least stop with the most retarded meme of all??
Look guys, I want Trump to win, but this is fucking stupid. He will never get PA. We need to get FL/NC/OH/NV/NH/ME2. Thats our only way
Obviously you don't know the definition of right.
The polls predicted that more people would vote for her.
The polls were right.
Clearly you are retarded.
How am I retarded?
The polls predicted that more people would vote for Hillary and that's exactly what happened.
Yes just like how Nate Silver was right when he gave Trump a 30% chance to win.
What about the polls state by state. Just stop.
You shut your whore mouth,syrup nigger.
I've been posting for several fucking months saying that Trump was gonna win PA.
Hillshills and other retards said "GTFO with your trump sign count, that's not accurate."
I kept saying it over and over and over and people kept ignoring me..
What these polls measure? Since Killary got more votes(so far) they were not so wrong
I don't know what % of chance he gave him, but the polls predicted that more people would vote for Hillary and that's exactly what happened.
You're as dumb as a brick
youre so fucking stupid. stop daydreaming about PA and lets go back to secure our bases
I don't understand.
I'll be drinking Drumpkins' tears on election day lmao! They think they're going to win lmao. Hillary landslide lmao.
They already lost. Hillary got more votes.
This. It would make sense if the national polls had her in a .5% lead, but state polls, like Wisconsin, had her up 6. FUCKING 6! The state polls were the most inaccurate.
Obama leaf, please.
I'm taking screenshots of all you pro-trump retards delusional posts so i can make a collage to spam on pol after you lose.
If by lost you mean Trump and we won you are correct.
Guys, I think the most genius thing Trump can do is step down. The outpour of support for Pence may give him a chance. Not a big one, but an actual chance
more people voted for hillary
Do you not understand the difference between the popular vote and the electoral college?
And by more people voted for Hillary, don't you mean illegals who shouldn't be able to vote but can thanks to a lack of voter ID laws in certain democrat-controlled territories?
you are repeatedly being told that Hillary didn't win by a big enough margin to account for how the pollsters were reporting before the election.
i don't think leafs can possibly grasp the concept of a democratic republic. it's apparently way too fucking difficult for them
Democracy exists for a reason. Pic related is what usually happens to leaders who weren't elected democratically.
>Insinuating insinuations.
Wait until the numbers are done, Schlomo. Only then may you proceed to cry out your puss.
you should try making that copypasta and image combo it's own thread a couple more times, faggot
Fucking hell, leaf, you're really retarded, aren't you?
That is correct. And she lost. Trump won.
Also, Hillary got that man killed.
A bunch of faggots who rot in cities do not get to decide every election. They get way too much power but at least the rest of us get some say.
Hopefully deportations will give us some breathing room.
It is the truth. Here's another example of someone who wasn't elected democratically.
Would you like to know what happened to him?
In retrospect this 100% PROVES the online polls were rigged.
I always knew they were. I watched them rig a few in real time.
No, the polls were right. More people voted for Hillary.
Tbqhfamalamadingdong i really though that he was going to loose and that the polls were correct. But it turns out Bill Mitchel was right.
Democracy isn't throwing open the borders and allowing masses of foreigners to vote against the people's interests, you fucking retarded leaf.
Are you actually Obama Leaf?
dude your false equivalence levels are off the fucking charts. jesus hell
Here's another example of a man who wasn't elected democratically.
As you can see, he's having a very bad day.
Dead people love Hillary, what can I say.
Also, the beaners who were bussed around to vote repeatedly love her
>never elected
president elect
You know Bush got reelected without the popular vote right? But keep on leafposting, you'll convince someone, I'm sure.
drumpfkins btfo
LMAO at al those Drumpkins who placed bets on online sportsbooks
>muh 1 to 9 odds
Repeat after me: Madam President!
What about Bush.
Isn't he still alive?
According to your fucktarded logic, he was elected "undemocratically".
At least you admit it
Pic related is what happens when you try to free your country from the IMF.
Yes, and by the end of his second term, the country was on the verge of a civil war.
lol the pollsters shilling for hillary made a bunch of the potential hillary stay home because they thought she was a shoe in hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa
Your attempts to make people hate democracy will only result in more anger and violence sooner or later.
I usually like canadians, but goddamn are you retarded.
Just look how scared are oppressive leaders in africa. They must be literally shaking because of fear in their heavily guarded palaces.
>the country was on the verge of a civil war.
He was. He left office with a 10% approval rating and most people wanted to kill him.
Violence started in Libya when Hillary and France decided that they couldn't have a country completely independent from the IMF, my leaf fella.
>Stupid Drumpfshills think Hillary won't win this thing
LMAO this is going to look like Goldwater all over again.
Don't worry boys Madame President will do a good job taking care of you guys.
No. That's what happens when you tell the West you want elections but they take you out for your billions worth of gold and oil.
No, that's what happens to all leaders who weren't elected democratically, sooner or later.
Apart from literally any US president who won via the electoral college instead of the popular vote.
Fuck off, you MUH DEMOCRACY cuckold.
How are you enjoying those riots?
Well I guess that pretty much confirms it...
WitnessedCheck 'em
retard confirmed
>niggers rioting
Maybe a threat if they could actually organize
>libs rioting
Do you have any plans to stop the riots? Usually, riots are resolved with a democratic election, but there are none of those planned any time soon.
You guys really think people out there like Drumpf?
Get out of your echo chamber, he's going to lose.
Get out talk to real people, everbody hates Drumpf.
We're mocking the Trump deniers, leaf. It's fun.
Looks like I'm #MentallyHill