In his first interview since the election...

>In his first interview since the election, Donald Trump tells the Wall Street Journal that he may be willing to leave in place two key elements of President Obama's healthcare reform law.

>The provision allowing children to stay on their parents' healthcare plan until the age of 26, as well as the prohibition against insurers denying coverage because of pre-existing conditions may remain in place, he said.

>“I like those very much,” Mr. Trump said about those two elements of the law, which he had previously vowed to "repeal and replace".

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>I get my news mainly from Sup Forums memes and am too stupid to know that he said this during the election, but this obnoxious picture indicates that the joke is somehow on you

Sounds great.

Hopefully he will implement the Sup Forums plan of banning prescription drug advertisements from television.

It means the companies cant refuse you health care based on previously existing conditions as well as other things.

Trump wants to fix the state barrier and ability to charge whatever problem as well as the government dime issue.

You know, those things signed into Obamas plan to completely fuck it but he let it.

The main problem was that it encouraged monopoly, those two things without a monopoly fuck over only the jews

I knew he would leave these two things in because they're popular.

Trump is actually pretty moderate, but people don't realize this because of idiotic media coverage on both sides.

He will probably repeal it, fix some of the things even a lot of Democrats hate, give it a new name, bring it back, and clam victory.

Now that the fines are rampped up the premium increase is small. Most people are buying the insurance, so the number with pre-existing conditions is negligible.

>the only two decent thing about obongocare

That's good

These things make complete sense though

are you fucking stupid?

Trump said he would replace Obamacare with something not shitty.

Fuck off now Schlomo.

Unlike the GOP congress, Trump isn't dumb enough to just let 20 million people lose their insurance because of pre-existing conditions.

>his new health plan has the least retarded parts of Obamacare in it
>therefore it's the same as Obamacare

I agree
I just laugh at the likes of Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell for being fags when it comes to health care reform

Neither of those are bad

>The provision allowing children to stay on their parents' healthcare plan until the age of 26
Fucking hell. Why do we have to coddle these fucking millenials so much?


>Both of those are good

Did you guys think when he said 'repeal obamacare' he meant "Im just gonna let everyone die in the streets" like its some alt-right survival of the fittest dystopian fantasy?

>Trump makes a completely reasonable compromise

>Somehow this is supposed to make me upset

>implying everyone on this board isnt a millennial.

>Sup Forums crows about TRUMP and OBAMA WORST PRESIDENT for 18 months
>trump elected
>Sup Forums turns around and becomes policy experts in under 48 hours, declares parts of the obamacare bill good

Not really surprised desu.
Millennials are all secret liberals they just detest that sjw shit



>Bills and policy should be all or nothing, black and white
>If you like 5% of Obamacare it means you love it.

Thats literally not how this works.

But that's a good thing, trump is taking what works and keeping it law and removing stuff that shouldn't have been in it.

Yeah and those are the only two good parts of it you dumb cunt

So we're still on the slow progressive road to socialized health care. Got it.


>obamacare was 100% terrible
I don't get this meme.
Those are fine things to keep.

He's making the right decision and you know it. Those are the actual good parts of the law.

Great. A bunch of conservative talk radio hosts discussed that Obamacare would have been decent had it been laid out over time.

The bits and pieces of Obamacare that are good will remain and the rest of the trash will be thrown out.

Based Trump.

No he's not. He's keeping everything that makes Obamacare Obamacare, adding a couple twists and lying that he's for change.

insurance is literally a socialist construct

trump supporters' assholes blown the fuck out

The two things that are actually popular, good. I am so glad I was able to be on my mom's insurance until I was 26. THANKS OBAMA.

When did socialism imply no working? If anything socialism could work with assigned jobs and education from birth.

So he's leaving the only two good parts of the law intact? Who cares?

Smart move.

>The only 2 good things about Obamacare
>Trump wants to keep them
>Shills still going mad
You're only making us stronger


Those aren't the reason Obamacare is an awful piece of shit

witnessed rare flag

But those are still two reasonable regulations to give insurers

The individual mandate is the only thing that fucks Obamacare in the ass. And it's gonna be gone.

His supporters are all "but he promised!!!" as if they don't know that Trump's promises have always been only the start of the negotiating process.

Trump is also consolidating his support. Independents don't want "repeal and replace", but to instead get rid of the bad and keep the good.

Awesome, took the best parts of Obamacare and throw away the rest. Really stuck it to them racists

>yfw in the 2008 primary Obama was against an insurance mandate while Hillary was for one, then he implemented the mandate anyways
>also Joe Lieberman killed the public option which was the whole reason why liberals supported the ACA


that is not a rare flag, he is on every cuckold or interracial thread

those are both objectively good you fuckhead

Fo like two days Sup Forums was actually good. Now it feels like it's not worth coming here again. Or the shills found a new job.
Is it gonna be like that until January (which is when this kind of threads might actually be called understandable)?

This is the new CTR meme.

They pretend to be the caricature of a Trump supporter and act like he's already letting us down.

this is great, this held a lot of people i know from him because they were worried about preexisting conditions. perfect.

Those are the only good things Obama's done in his 8 years in office, other than mending relations with Cuba.

That was one of the main things my family was worried about since we have a history of heart conditions and trait for type 1 diabetes.

If this is true I actually expect him to be a better president than anyone could have thought, LONG LIVE EMPEROR TRUMP.

Oh great! I was actually he left those in there in what ever he replaces obamacare with.

this guy gets better an better

Paul Ryan needs to stop being so smug

the Democratic Party has been destroyed, but so has the Republican Party. The "R next to Trump's name is meaningless. all this election showed is any rich celebrity can win an election.

a genuine, traditional, white, male Republican will never get into office ever again. the demographics make it impossible. blacks hate white men

Good. Only retarded Cruzites ever though he was going to completely gut healthcare.

His intent was ALWAYS to keep the good parts, but fix the some of the budgetary issues and make the whole system more affordable.


Why does this keep getting posted like we are old school Republicans we can give a shit about Obama care.

That's fucking pathetic. I imagine most people here already know Trump's policy proposals.

No problems with this stop replicating threads, CTR

>insurance is literally a socialist construct
A voluntary one.

A mandate that you must buy insurance is an unconstitutional violation of a person's purchasing power.

Which is besides the point, for the design of Obamacare (or now Trumpcare) is to 'progressively' create an unworkable situation, to be followed up with the """"2nd fix,"""" at which point insurance companies will no longer be a part of the arrangement or the debate. It'll be straight up socialist health care, care of the "stupidity of the American people."

>The individual mandate is the only thing that fucks Obamacare in the ass. And it's gonna be gone.
No it isn't. Trump literally said he was for the individual mandate in the course of the campaign.

And then promptly flipped off the subject because of what the implications were.

In general I can't stand Trump, but those really are the two best things about Obamacare, bar none. Otherwise it's pretty shitty. That's not all his fault, republican obstructionism really crippled it, but that doesn't magically make it not shitty.

Sounds like an intelligent and compassionate stance to take.

Sounds good, well played mr president!

What a sack of shit. There's no limit to the audacity that orange fucking cheeto has.


In the Bill Clinton era after he lost the House of Representatives to Gingrich this was called



Is that supposed to be bad? Those are the only two good parts of Obamacare. He said he'd do that a year ago.

He said this exact shit a bunch of times, even in his stump speeches. Just proves the media weren't listening to him at all and only switched on when he said something about mexicans or muslims.

>That's not all his fault, republican obstructionism really crippled it
Republicans didn't have one fucking thing to do with it. The legislation was pushed through in toto, using violations of Senate rules, when the Democrats had complete control of congress.

>In general I can't stand Trump, but those really are the two best things about Obamacare, bar none
They're gimme dats. You're for gimmie dats.

>Sounds like an intelligent and compassionate stance to take.
Just like 'compassionate conservatism.' its a branding tool to soft sell progressive socialism by under another label.



Keep the only good things, toss the rest.

I'm pretty sure whenever they tried to reform it they left these two parts in there.

>mfw when liberals are spreading this story thinking Trump just did a 180 on healthcare, convincing themselves that Trump has been a secret liberal this whole time, and feeling smug that Trump is 'backstabbing' his supporters. Even though this has been his plan for healthcare all along.

Can't wait for tomorrow's Dilbertman blog.

Also good.

Throw the rest of it out.

How exactly is that bad? Keeping something he wants rather than re-doing everything.
The stupid shit will get removed no matter what though.

>Republicans didn't have one fucking thing to do with it. The legislation was pushed through in toto, using violations of Senate rules, when the Democrats had complete control of congress.
Which is NOT to say that today's Republicans aren't on board the progressive agenda. The GOP establishment has always been ready to swallow the left's agenda and push for the same thing, only at a different pace.

>not voting for the True Conservative

>ITT people who don't understand that the entire reason Obamacare is failing is primarily due to the pre-existing condition clause

Hey guys, I'm just gonna wait until I have cancer and then go get health insurance then because they can't deny me. The insurance companies can definitely make money when their risk pool is full to the brim with cancer patients. While I'm at it, I'll get a bill through Congress that says you can wait until you total your car to get car insurance.

UMMMM zero repub support on obummercare

Fox said they wony do it!

oh god I see this meme for every game now

t. "Stupidity of the American people."

This, it's because if he fully removed it he would lose in a landslide in 2020

>Bosnia and Herzegovina
How many landmines did you have to avoid to post this?

ITT: Idiots don't see this is just the beginning of him slowly expanding the range of items to include from Obamacare. The alternative is "replacing" Obamacare with something that is all but Obamacare because fucking up the healthcare of 20 million people isn't politically smart.

Remember to sage by typing "sage" into the options field. This forces a thread to the bottom of the catalog. You can also report troll threads by clicking on the arrow after the OP's post number and hitting Report.

FYI he always said he would keep those.

Two years. Two years of this. TWO FUCKING YEARS.


Holy fuck. It's like you've learned nothing at fucking all. All the media deception, the spin, the blatant lies and half-truths, the emotional manipulation, the faulty polls, the "experts" who got literally every prediction wrong this entire election, and you STILL, for reasons I cannot even begin to fathom, trust the media and get all of your information from clickbait articles--or worse, just the HEADLINES of those clickbait articles. These are people who have been explicitly trying to manipulate you for years, people you KNOW have been trying to manipulate you because they've been found out so many times during the past few months, and yet you greedily slurp down everything they pump into your brain you like a good little AIDS-ridden faggot.

Is there a stage even worse than being bluepilled? Because I think OP is on it.

Yes I'm mad, fuck you.

Those were the only two useful things in there. Why work to repeal them when you'd put them back in anyway?

I never understood how someone could rationalize insurance for a pre-existing condition. That's like selling scratch-off tickets that are already scratched. It's not insurance at that point. I am vehemently against government handouts but they make a hell of a lot more sense than forcing companies to insure a pre-existing condition.

Because the bill is so shit that I'd be fine without those two provisions just to get rid of the damn thing.

Obamacare is failing because it was written by lobbyists to grant virtual monopolies to insurance companies.

>democrats win, invent a 3rd rail of American politics
>republicans win, but can't touch it
>democrats win, invent a new 3rd rail of American politics
>republicans win, but can't touch it
>democrats win, invent yet another 3rd rail of American politics
>republicans win
>we've won guys! salty tears of liberals are so delicious!

>but we'd lose next time if we touch that 3rd rail, so lets not

It is failing because it was designed to fail.

Trump had alluded to in the primaries that he wanted to keep these parts, because they are actually somewhat reasonable provisions.

This is the new CTR meme to pretend that Trump is flip flopping on things that he said he would actually do, and anyone would understand if they paid attention at all.

>all of Sup Forums posts are made by the same people

There's many vocal jackasses on the internet. They've just moved to the threads circlejerking about liberal salt and will return once they realise their Trump erection is only sustainable with sounders.