Trump rioters arrested in Portland
meme canon food almost half of them.
Do a thatcher and kill them with cavalry
"The Guac"
Has the ability to scale northern facing walls
They look like a bunch of inbred retards.
Let me tell you something about Britain (since the Nige redpilling)
Listen, burgers. You see these libcucks, shitskins and degenertaes?
They would of had badly broken noses before having their mugshot.
You see, the thing with Brits and Slavs, is that we have right wing football hooligans, who beat up lefties and feminists, plus muslims.
"Pube-Chin pete"
Has the power to fire razor sharp pubic hair at his enemies
>third row down 3 over
Is that an Orc?
deport them
And they seem to be exactly as I expected them to look like.
Guy on the top row, third from right got exactly what they all deserve.
"The skunk"
Can emit hi-powered weed from his armpits, instantly KO'ing his enemies
"The Tran"
Can shapeshift, Xer true form is that of an alligator
"The Tacobowl"
Has incredible hand speed, Can assemble a taco in less than 1/2 of a second
"Mandingo Manny"
Can summon 5 niggers with his ancient cunestone
"Jon Snow"
Is the true king of Westeros
i appreciate the hell out of this
This guy is considering going gay in jail
"Mongol Mike"
Can hit a moving target with his bow from 200ft on horseback
>not smugmaster 9000
Can headbutt through 200mm of reinforced steel
>implying he has a choice
Absorbs all he touches, His power is a gift and a curse
"Banshee Beth"
Her sonic screech can crumble buildings
"Lesbian Lilly"
Has the ability of flight via bursts of her queefs
"Friendzone Frank"
Can turn invisible to women only
you were on a roll and then you tripped
Can shoot pure wasabi from his eyes at his enemies, Burning them alive
this one is gold
I love it. Include me in the screencap if there is one.
Someone screenshot this thread, and put me in it cunt.
"Ulgar Wolfsbane"
Has honed his dwarfven axe skills to that of a master
reminder that all black haired/brunettes are not white
God damn these two killed me. Thanks for the hot fire famalam
>guess who?
Can change her hair colour to match her surroundings
no dyed hair on any of them, wow
Now we need to kill all of them to make an example, and I bet the riots stop.
I got banned for this
some purple hair on one of them m8
"Riot Ant"
Can lift 100x his own body weight in stolen TV's
These aren't mugshots just photos against a grey backdrop
jesus christ
Can see into the future
shit, didn't see that
still a lot less than where i was (nyc, times square)
>not a single blonde person
>Dat chink
I bet the fucker was burning a ton of shit, no wonder Trump blames climate change on them.
Has retractable steel fingernails
You're a fucking liar but it's a lie I will believ.
do the bottom left already britbro
Uhh, racist and sexist much?
I don't get it. Obviously the joke he's a jew, but who the fuck is that?
Look again lol
Someone better be screencapping this.
Pure gold
That makes it somewhat upsetting, I expect coons to act like this, not white men.
What Kikery is going on in the Northwest?
2nd row, 1st from the left
Clicked to see if I know any of these degenerates. I seriously hope they get charged with terrorism. On the local news this morning they said they were throwing molotovs and busting up parking cars. Mayor meanwhile is not saying a fucking thing about it and hiding like the pussy he is.
>brown eyes + brown hair
À mémé was bien tonight. Kek bless.
Don't see anyone there darker than a latte.
Peter sutcliffe
but you dont beat up the politicians and international bankers and financiers who sold your country down the river
kindly fuck off George
He looks Filipino to me. They have loads of fags in their gene pool so it doesn't surprise me.
This thread is gold
Checked. Kek triples spoke and it became teue by the britbong user will. Maymay m magic is really real.
Put me in the screen cap.
Not really, most of them look Hispanic excluding the black and the Asian dude. The rest could be something else...
>this thread
What a bunch of fucking faggots they all are. I bet they all have YouTube channels where they spout their special brand of ultra-liberalism so their cuck followers. I’m surprised they were brave enough to venture outside of their university campus safe zone.
Keep on fighting the good fight for the Democrats who cared so little about you that they stole the hope of Bernie Sanders away. Just like they had always planned to.
guys, the one starting the fight yesterday were anarchists.
it's the same in france. a protest is going on, some anarchists or radical antifa join, start hurling shit, riot police, some original protestors join because they're retarded and get fired up.
>not smugly smiling for your mugshot even if it means getting a bonk to the ribs
fucking plebs
>this fucking thread
Someone Screencap this,it's pure gold
>Hey its ok guys, its not the protesters its the errr, "anarchists".... fuck off, anyone who joins one of these protest is an anarchist.
More like JUST Snow
lets get the triple i leaked on these.
just trying to explain why many of the arrested look the way they do.
This is why I keep coming to this place, kek.
looks like someones been crying
its called blackbloc tactics its done for the lulz/mobrule
OP you are great
>those thousand-cock states on the wimmin
Hope you liked them guys
Don't called them Trump rioters, called them what they are, Soros Rioters.
Its amazing how all violent lefties look alike, you can just pick them. All pussies while on their own
Ahmed, this is in Portland. All there is are libcucks, shitskins, and degenerates.
Is that Kripp?
This, get this shit trending. Make it clear these people are traitors and disposable globalist pawns.
its called subversion you nigger
please stop my dick can only go so hard
Jesus, look at these fucking mongoloids. Prime specimens, each and every one of them. Wonder how much drug money the Soros people gave them to pull this shit?