This neocon dick is going to run the show.
This neocon dick is going to run the show
this what every liberal faggot has been saying
I'm worried that the republicans will entrape and then impeach donald.
Trump only promised that to John "1 for 38" Kasich. Mike "If he makes you jerk it, you complete the circuit" Pence will only take the backstage as Trump implements executive orders to deport criminal aliens, build the wall, etc. and cooperate with Congress to enact his legislative agenda.
Give it time. Trump is gonna have to make deals for sure with all sides. But I trust him as the negotiator in chief.
As long as he can stick with his 2nd amendment promises, his ACA rework/repeal/and his plans to drain the swamp, I will consider his run a success. Would also lead to reelection and a greater mandate for the cause.
Which is what Pence banked on.
Trump, Hillary, and Kaine were Pence plants you gullible fools.
I'm completely okay with this.
Nope, he's just assassination insurance. That's it
Mike 'The only power we're
giving queers is voltage times Amperes' Pence
you mean voltage times amperes times power factor
I wonder what conversations between him and Trump are like
It's like Cheney all over again.
bet he grabs him by the (boi) pussy
No more science. Just prayer.
Trump: we really need to genocide these mudslimes Mike
Pence: I don't know. We really gotta give these sodomites some high voltage "therapy"
Trump: So Jews first then?
Pence: Sieg Heil
Is this the new CTR spam?
One of these look so out of place kek
That's what the plan has been all along just like with Bush and Cheney
Holy shit haha this concern trolling is gayer than the hypothetical fags Pence zaps
Pence is on board with Trump. He has seen the light of our Emperor. He is not a neocon anymore you dimwitted fuck
I would prefer that.
>be me
>be autistic pol user
>see opinion/argument that goes against mine
>call the person that wrote it a CTR shill spamming cucklord
thanks styx
nice get faggot
nah it's been pretty concerted concern shilling around lately. i'm all for legitimate concerns but Pence being a neocon is horseshit, or else he would have been with the rest of the faggot nevertrumpers.
Lurk moar newfag
fuck off santa.
thx bb
What's his name again?
Check em
He's not going to drain shit. He's already putting together a purely conservative cabinet.
how about I lurk my hand on your boy pussy
Mike "AC/DC if you're LGBT" Pence
That's a good thing