Why is Germany being so nasty and disrespectful towards our new president?
I'm a german-american, both my parents are from Germany. first time being old enough to vote. We all voted Trump!
Why is Germany being so nasty and disrespectful towards our new president?
I'm a german-american, both my parents are from Germany. first time being old enough to vote. We all voted Trump!
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because Germany is mostly Muslim now
Because they're going to have to pay for their own defense instead of sponging off of us.
even the German government was extremely hostile while everyone else was congratulatory
Because they are afraid of people like Trump.
Huge movement, that threatens their existense as ruling party.
It is just a desperate media campaign and we have seen from Brexit and Trump, that it loses power over time.
Here is some really powerful stuff and probably one of my favourite moments in a long time:
> youtu.be
Because Germany likes to fuck everything up. They used to destroy europe every 20 years, now they are trying to destroy the white race. Same shit different day. FUCK YOU GERMONEY
Everything you love about being German is everything Merkel and her ilk hate about you.
Your country has been hijacked by people who want to bury your culture, your history, your beliefs, your successes, and, ultimately, you.
What austria said.
They basically fear that trump might become successfull, and pull germany back into nationalism. So they already start the smear-campaign at the start, so it becomes incredibly easy to make trumps nationalism look like a bad idea entirely. They will succeed in that, if the past is anything to go by.
Because the Germans are moralizing faggots that won't stop projecting their insecurities over their blood soaked barbaric history on civilized nations.
Because Germany fears a strong USA and a strong Britain, especially the latter as they're the ones who cucked them by leaving the EU. The kraut wants a Fourh Reich of tolerance. Anglos don't. The kraut knows his grip on power in Europe is slipping. The kraut is mad.
Because every 70 years or so they get fucking arrogant and start to think that only they can save the world and know whats best for us all. Until the whole world goes to war with them and shows them their place.
fuck i want some delicous kraut now
Italians always seem so based on here when it comes to Germany, which I surprising as you fell for their autistic sperg out twice
There has never been a better argument for the Final Solution than to simply look at what these globalists have done to us
Dont no ... I hope we have to build our own military now ... Because right now its a joke ...
1. It's not Germany, it's the German Lügenpresse. The people here are fed up with it too
2. It's actually not German Lügenpresse, but Jewish - most news outlets are left-oriented, they are controlled by jews or jewish vassals and some are not even hiding it - e.g. Springer Verlag openly declares protection of interests of jewry and Israel as their uppermost goal
3. It's your fault for not letting us to do the job back then
>Why is Germany being so nasty and disrespectful towards our new president?
Because he suck gigantic cock. Has no real business being a CoC. And will generally fuck shit up.
Most people learn that the stove is hot when they burn both their hands on it while making some spaghetti.
Our (((media))) is forced to repeat your american bullshit. It is not the opinion of the public, not even of the journalists who write it.
Trump supporter are more easily triggered than a 14 yr SJW
Germany is the cancer of Europe
Germany played itself into a corner and just can't stop now. They're always like that, they always go full retard. That's why you've heard of "British diplomacy" and "Spanish diplomacy" but never "German diplomacy".
>pull germany back into nationalism
We really need to get our countries' shit together.
If you guys hadn't bombed the UK and kept your pet nips on a leash we would have zero reason to put your asses down. Lighting up Dresden was one of the most pants-on-head retarded mistakes in modern military history. We argue with them all the time but England is always going to be seen as a parental figure that cannot be allowed to perish.
We didn't give a shit about the internment camps - we had plenty of those ourselves filled up with nips.
They're not easily triggered. They just, for some reason, give 300+ replies to shitposts.
Why couldn't Australia have formed Germany, history would've been better for everyone.
germanys media (aswell as pretty much the rest of the country) has been in the pockets of (((them))) since ww2 ended
This time, when your people have finally had enough (again), just remember to not go too crazy.
Everyones left partys were hostile while everyones right wing partys were nice and congratulatory. AfD was happy about Trump winning.
>le WW1 was germanys fault meme
Back to middle school
True. Our media and the political system is so fucking biased and rigged, you wouldn't believe it. But the people are waking up. AfD will reach a minimum of 20% and will be in the government because CDU (Merkels party) wont be in it otherwise.
Please don't think that german government and media = german people. Those small group of the political class and media owners do not represent what the average german thinks. Believe me.
Deutschland Deutschland über alles.
It's still true, you know.
>Why is Germany being so nasty and disrespectful towards our new president?
Because they're next and unlike our Leftists Germay's know it's coming.
Do you need a fucking safe zone? Grow a pair and don't whine that people are mean to your turd that soon will be president.
Germany is still run by the globalists.
It will reach a point where your people will see though the propaganda. I belive that's what happened in the US.
Let's be straight for a minute, Germany has never liked America. No need to get all emotional over it, it's just a fact.
Because (((they))) control our government and our media.
germans aren't, the media is.
it's like saying every american thinks exactly what CNN says. why do you think we are the first ones to have a specific new word for lying press ("lügenpresse") ? because we share their ridiculously transparent propaganda?
Cucks are usually spiteful and sassy.
Germans as a people are a complete fucking letdown the west fucked them up way too hard now they are soft as fuck its sad to see
German-American here
Fuck Germans, Fuck Germany, and fuck this shit hole. I seriously regret ever coming here. The people are cucked beyond all belief. If you say anything positive about Trump you're a racist neo Nazi. If you say anything negative about unlimited undocumented Muslim immigration you're a racist neo Nazi. If you don't attend the weekly antifa meetings you're a racist neo Nazi.
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Germans? It's increasingly rare to find any pure Germans and when I do they are the biggest cucks I have ever seen. People here are so damn afraid to have a spine. They only hive mind agree with what Merkel says or does and are scared to question authority. Some people pretend to have had enough with the left's bullshit but then go right ahead and reelect them.
This place is hell on Earth. I'm so glad I'll be returning to America in a few weeks. Fuck Germany.
nice try kraut off by1 here is your mcdonalds
>this thread
That is simply not true.
After the war there was a huge influence in American media and literature in all the zones occupied from America, both in Germany and Austria.
This had quite an effect on next generations which just got stronger with the internet.
What is maybe true is the critic from Germany on your military campaigns (especially Iraq), because the population is rather anti-war and the aftermath only empowered their views.
>Back to middle school
why always this autism? Its absolutely clear Germany and Austria-Hungary started WW1.
That front page isn't disrespectful towards anyone, it just tells that the old establishment is destroying by Dahnald. I think "Wie wir sie kennen" is translated like "as we know it"
The realize we have then in a pincer between our new best friends Free Britain and Russia.
Germany died in 1945
I would not have said it that way but essentially this. This time it's centre-leftist multi-kulfi ideology with greenish color, but in the end it's all about mitteleuropa (as in The Prussian Mitteleuropa Plan - look it up, it's fascinating)
>Hofer this year
>Wilders, Le Pen, AfD next year
Great times ahead guys.
You need more soccer games. When I was in Germany people said they hadn't even seen the german flag in public until that world soccer match they had in the mid oughts.
I'll take what is "Bismarckian diplomacy" for five hundred.
Kek plz, you came in last minute and didn't give two tired fucks about the UK
You weren't even close allies back then, not anymore so than with Stalin
WW1 was France and Russia's fault. WW2 was the UK's fault.
where are you from? Are you 1488% Gerban Amerigans seriously expecting things were better than in multiculti America?
Austria-Hungary started the war. They asked Germany if they'd join and of course they said yes, it was just how thinks were back then. Suddenly whole europe got triggered and everyone declared war on each other for no proper reason other than they all were angry at each other because "muh empire and colonies are the best". Most pointless war ever. Germany didn't want it, simply because there was nothing to gain. The only reason they didn't back out was because of the previous successful wars against France in which they steamrolled them in a few weeks.
This has nothing to do with "autism", you even would have heard this in your history class if you would have been awake. Why do you think the people thought Hitler was right about the treaty of versailles? Because he was. It was a mistake to make germany pay for literally everything and take their military away because the people knew they didn't deserve this. Compare it to WW2 where the people knew they kind of deserved it because they started the war (at least in the east).
I'm not talking about my image
just the general response
Thats what I always try to tell you pol, only becouse you have german blood doesent mean you are german. In Germany we want to be save thats the first reason we would never elect trump. Second we have a moral code which we not break, accept it or gtfo. Third we dont like to discuss about politics with strangers.
This they are intent on destroying Europe fucking assholes
I know that. But my parents are German. culture, not just blood.
Visited the fucking Spiegel a few minutes ago now I am angry again. Some bitch that studied sociology whines about, how Bannon is a right wing extremist and that Breitbart is basically evil.
Then they made this fucking propaganda. Leni Riefenstahl couldnt make it better. It´s in german but the pictiures are very clear.
And half of the other articles are about the "negative" impact that Trumps election will cause.
Fuck this fucking site...
no, it's more economic and cultural domination while proving to the world we're not nazis anymore.
the first part obviously because we know everything better and the second because we do not realise that the problem lies in the first part.
>Why is Germany being so nasty and disrespectful towards our new president?
It isn't.
(((Germany))) is.
Off by one as punishment for being wrong topkek
this nigger gets it!
im german, and i welcome our god emperor as the new king of the world
Germany always gets it wrong.
>Oh no we lost the war, let's let the Juden politicians negotiate our terms and rape us
>Oh these terms are insane, let's not renegotiate like a sane country would though, let's just turn our currency into garbage
>WTF I hate Jews now, but instead of capturing the Rothschilds and banker elites we'll terrorize our own middle and working class Jews who lived peacefully
>Fuck Nazism was stupid, but I still hate Jews so let's bring in Muslims
>Give Germany enough time and it'll attack Arabs, but they'll do it in a very comically stupid leftist way like declaring everyone must be atheist.
I like how they whine about registration of muslims. In Germany literally everyone is registered,
eevrything you say has to do with autism, Spurdo memes are funny, but they are not educating.
Germany pushed A-H to start the war because it wanted the war against F and RUS and saw it as a golden opportunity to start it. You really should start to read up some things.
The only good thing is that they are obviously not able to learn. As long as they tell lies, people wont trust them. And when Breitbart finally hits Germany and France their views will go down.
100% German blood born in Germany but moved to the US at age 5. I thought it would be nice to come back and study and connect with my family back here but nope, it was a mistake. Most people assume I'm German because of my name, looks, etc but when they learn that I'm from American they instantly treat me different. Growing up with German as my second language it naturally isn't as good as my English which I had spoke every day for the last ~15 or whatever years but it's still almost perfectly fluent aside form local dialects and some slang. I do say a few words funny and when people catch that they think I'm a filthy foreigner and again here comes the 2nd class citizen feel.
Germans have this fucked up superiority complex. If you're not one of them you're vermin. But for whatever reason they'll defend multiculturalism to the death. It's sad and funny at the same time to watch Germans slowly kill themselves and their country while refusing to accept help or different ideas because of their liberal and anti Nazi pride. Was nice knowing you, Germany.
Our politicians will get their kick in the nuts soon enough, just you wait..
>eevrything you say has to do with autism
Nice buzzwords, Achmed.
>Spurdo memes are funny, but they are not educating.
I don't even know a spurdo meme about WW1.
Literally buy a fucking history book, watch a youtube video or just scam the wikipedia article about WW1. Please don't try to talk about history before that, it's just emberassing.
Isn't that getting triggered?
what you say is true. I am half-American, often teachers in class would make me justify American political actions as if was Bush's or Clinton's personal advisor...
And Yes, ppl always mock white people, dumb Poles, dumb Brits, dumb French, and of course, dumb Americans. They defend Muzzy rapists tooth and nail though, and are afraid to discuss hot topics such as mass immigration and crime rate.
Because Germany after WW2 is just a communist offspring, with no real identity, with no history, self-hating mix of turks and rape babies.
And I'm half german myself.
I know, its a fucking disgrace...
Throughout history, importing slaves from Africa or middle-east was mistake. Fast-forward 100 years or 1 year, none of them work, dumb as fuck, no working skills, only fuck your white wiminz, race-mixing while no one gives a shit because of PC. This is not even about race and skin colour, it is about behaviour.
Sup Forums has no understanding of just how cucked Germany is. We are beyond saving. Or if anything, we're the final batlefield.
We aren't bilingual, we can't inform ourselves on the internet and alternative sites like Sup Forums, we have to eat up what our media says. And, trust me, our media is even more currupt and controlled than fucking CNN, literally lying, never talking about refugee crimes (daily rapes), criticising Merkel and translating (everything gets translated here) everything incorrectly Trump says with a mean voice.
Lügenpresse translations: youtube.com
And just look at all the braindead Germans in the comment section here:
I don't know, people tend to live in echo chambers.
If you guys think the left in America is bad, you clearly haven't been to Germany. What's going on there is simply unbelievable.