>Trump Playlist

>Trump Victory Speech 11/8/16
>Donald Trump projected president on CNN
>Donald Trump projected president on Fox News
>Putin congratulates Trump
>Clinton landslide

>Pence emotional return to Indiana 11/10/16
>Trump Meets with obummer 11/10/16
>Trump Votes Trump 11/8/16
>Trump on Breitbart news 11/8/16
>Trump on FNC 11/8/16
>Trump on Hannity Radio 11/8/16
>Trump on F&F 11/8/16
>Trump kids on Hannity 11/7/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 11/7/16 THE FINAL RALLY

>In the Hall of the God Emperor
>President Trump (Never Come Down)
>We Are The Silent Majority
>This Election In A Nutshell
>American Comeback Story
>AD: Trump's Argument for America
>Fight For Western Civilization
>American Hero
>The Lion
>Trump Triumphant


Other urls found in this thread:

>you somehow get invited to Trump's inaugural address
>while Trump's speaking, you notice a man aiming a gun at President Trump
>his finger's squeezing the trigger, there's no time to call out a warning

Do you jump out and take the bullet for Trump, Sup Forums?



Guys, an open and honest discussion with no shilling. How do we reconcile the message of Draining the Swamp, and yet hiring career politicians to help do the job?

First for AWOO go to hell

>trump won't be very active on twitter anymore
m-maybe we should have been #WithHer

When will Trump and Pence BTFO liberals by saying they won't repeal Roe v Wade and Gay Marriage. Only thing I'm hearing liberals bitch about now.


They will repeal those things, and that's about 1/4 of why I voted for them

Let liberals squeal, nobody cares


He sent out two tweets recently and they were great.


[spoiler]Dont even joke about this while getting checkems you fucking retard[/spoiler]


Any guesses how we jumped from the Hillary war with Russia timeline onto best timeline?

Take a moment to remember our brothers about to be drafted.


just ignore them

they dont matter

they are dead and buried

You're right. He should have hired Hulk Hogan and David Duke. Surely they could get the work done.


They won't have to. They don't do anything to repeal those, the judges they appoint do.

Ah yes. Still going. I will be here all 8 yrs with the rest of you. Cant wait to MAGA. Im gonna be yuge one day guys. Gonna make you proud. Sexy slut will hold microphone out and ask what my secret.

I don't want to be like those dumbasses in 2008 who elected Obonga but I fear I might be. When Trump said he would do the things I want I believe him. He won't let me down, right?

>She still wonders why the 4/5 states in the Rustbelt went red this election

I guess I'm out of the loop on things, but how is Weiner and his wiener the savior of western civilization?

They won't ever say it but in the course of the next 4 years, it will become obvious. If Trump does 60% of the shit he promised (wall, deportation, renegotiating nafta and deregulation on jobs) it's gonna be another landslide but this time + Minnesota and NH.

antislide bump

They won't repeal any of those, the Supreme court will do this for them.


What kind of dog will President Trump get for the White House?

Seems like tradition doesn't it?

If someone other than Trump was the nominee, say it was the most establishment candidate possible - do you think the Republicans would still have secured a majority in the senate and the house?


Well it finally happened: I saw some racial abuse.

>at grocery store
>see mexican woman
>three guys walk up to her wearing Trump hats
>one knocks the groceries out of her hand
>she seems shocked, asked why they would do that
>"You better shut the fuck up before we grab you by the pussy. Trump is president now and you're gone, bitch!"
>she calls them rascals
>she starts crying and running away
>they high five


They have their usefulness.

But don' forget, Trump is in charge.

God looks upon us from an unearthly place. He saw our gets and was pleased.

It's a little to late for that don't you think?

This: Is what I meant by this: The President can't just sign those things away, the SCOTUS can overturn those insanely inappropriate and unconstitutional rulings, sending the decision on both issues back to the states where it belongs.

>Listen to Right Side Broadcasting or the one other pro-Trump stream when he is meeting with Obama at White House

>They are throwing their thank yous or goodbyes at the end of a section of a news panel.

>Loud as fuck 'GOD BLESS ANTHONY WEINER' out of nowhere


Trump is not an idealist and he's a very narcissistic person. If he says things will get done, they will get done no matter what.

Cant believe that, Packer fans on Sup Forums said constantly that Wisconsin would flip red

An investigation on Wiener was going on and it was found out that it may or may not be connected with Hillary's case so it was reopened. Comey announced that the FBI was going to reopen the case with this newfound evidence TWO WEEKS before the election

Hulk Hogan locking the doors of the senate and fighting every single one of them at once on Cspan would be the best
Reids face is going to be even more smashed

Redpill me on the Obamacare news?
Are those legitimate, or did Donald only mentioned something about "having universal healthcare coverage"?

He's doing juuuuuuust fine

More on Bill.

Go the 4:48:00 for the moment they call it for Trump and keep on watching after (or skip through).

Bill is thrilled with Trump's victory but everyone else are being a bunch of sticks in the mud, fucking Shaprio actually looks angry that Trump won.

As the video goes on you can tell Bill is actually getting angry with them (especially Ben) for not sharing his enthusiasm.

Weiner did support the FBI and hence should walk away as a free man. Maybe he'll move to Japan.


Look we knew there was a risk with Trump. I'm still perfectly convinced myself that he does intend to do what he said, but there's always the chance I'm wrong.

But what we also knew what Hillary would do, and we knew it would be fucking horrible.

Therefore even if we've taken a 50/50 chance (we haven't), it was better than a straight L.

My fucking rage when Michael Moore today called Trump narcissist egomaniac or something when Hillary Clinton's fucking campaign was about 'BEING WITH HER' and 'FIRST FEMALE PRES'

Jesus, the libratardation is real.

The Democratic party is completely and totally fucked.
Let me explain why:

>In their mad scramble to get Obamacare through, all of their young members were purged from Congress, giving the Republicans historic majorities
>Because they have no high-profile members under the age of 70, they have no national candidate for future elections. While the Republicans have an array of superstars
>They have completely alienated the white working class, which was their historic hard core base
>By deliberately jilting Bernie supporters, the party is now irreparably fractured.

but it's not over yet

>Their highest profile member, Hillary Clinton, perhaps the last Democrat with national name recognition, is about to be indicted for massive corruption
>All of her dirty laundry will be aired, bringing her down along with everyone associated with her. This decapitates the leadership of the Democrat machine
>The Democrat party name will be soiled for generations to come. Their name will become synonymous with corruption

but it gets worse

>With a high-energy, extremely capable president, as well as majorities in the House and Senate, the Republicans will get to push through all the measures they've been dreaming of to crush the Democrat vote (don't be naive, you know this is how it works)
>With deportations looming, the demographic picture all of a sudden isn't looking too rosy
>With Trump at the helm, the Republicans will no longer run national campaigns on third-rail political issues that they lose on (abortion, gay marriage...etc)
>Republicans have been gutted of their unelected corrupt establishment figureheads (Jeb Bush, Bill Kristol...etc.)

The Democrat party is now in a complete shambles. The DNC has had 4 different leaders in the past year. They have no voting base, no young blood, no national candidates that can compete with the Republicans. Good night left side.

It's an awooooovement, it's never late

good question it is pretty much tradition that the president have a dog

i wonder if he will get something really popular and cute like a lab or golden retriever
or if he is going to go more out of the box

Getting bored of Trump now since he is in.
Is he telling all of us to take a break?


A transition team is not his cabinet. And they're temporary, and gone once he's established in office.

Furthermore, his ethics reform policies will ban the lobbyist / government revolving door.

Swamp drained.

and you didn't help these fine lads? shame. could at least have told her she has to go back.

You should just read the articles about it instead of falling for clickbait headlines.

Pence's daughter is a qt. She looked so happy getting off the plane today. I would marry her in a heartbeat. Nothing would make me happier than having Vice President Pence accept me as his son-in-law.


Literally keeping only two things
>Cant be denied on pre existing conditions
>Families can keep children on their plans a bit longer
The bill is 2000 pages more than that

I doubt he's a narcissist. Vulgar and has a somewhat bombastic, yeah. But his love for the things he finds dear (friends, family and country) seems pretty authentic.


Trunp is a no bullshit billionaire businessman. He doesn't have time to wait for results and not deliver, else his shareholders will vote him out in 4 years. He's under budget and ahead of schedule for a reason.


He's not punishing people for having pre-existing conditions and he's allowing young adults to say on their parent's plans.

F for our Hillary timeline selves.

>He's under budget and ahead of schedule for a reason.

Fuckem, let those liberal fucks bitch till they fucking die. Trump doesn't have to do shit but MAGA now.

Probably. Aside from my parents and brother, he's the only one I'd do it for. How many people in history have actually jumped in front of bullets, though? Seems like a movie cliche to me.

Didn't take Ben very long to come home, huh

One thing you can say about Anthony Weiner. This guy fucks.


>Republicans have been gutted of their unelected corrupt establishment figureheads

But all of their elected corrupt establishment figureheads are still in power and Trump is going to rubber stamp all their stuff.

So shills are at it again.
Nice to know.

>Think objectively and not just emotionally.

We will destroy everything they love. We will give them nothing, but take from them EVERYTHING!

Trump is just being gracious.

Sup Forums wanted him to roll up in the White House and literally say "You're Fired" then proceed to explain how he's gonna ruin his legacy.

This was never going to happen.

Golden Retriever
seems like his thing
The bitch had a fucking cut out of herself at her campaign hq and made her own maoist propaganda posters

Everybody loves a winner.

>all this concern shilling
Oh boy, we must have pissed off (((someone))) really bad.

Then I would rush up and annihilate the shooter with just one punch.

Someone should just make a 12 hour film of people's reactions to Trump getting elected. Just make it media personnel crying. 12 hours.

>MSM still calling for disavowment and believing the fucking lies on Twitter about muh racist activities


Will the Dems ever hold power again?

Abe from Japan is meeting with Trump soon right? Or was that today?

They get civil war, what are you talking about?

Wish I knew that
I would have put money on WI

Moore is not wrong in that regard but that characteristic is what makes him a good president (for us). He said he'd win the nomination. He did. He said he'd become president despite all odds. He did. Trump cannot ever lose as it would break him and that's why he won't dissappoint his voters even if he has to do some underhanded shit.
Doesn't make him not narcississtic. He does show love to people who love and support him but he hates betrayel and is unforgiving and remorseless towards traitors.


for Fuck 'em

They're in that nasty timeline for a reason

>trump won't be very active on twitter anymore

I think this is so retarded. A twitter using president would be great. Its a way to keep citizens informed as to whats going on in Washington and it gives him a direct line to listen to the people. As long as he's not giving away classified information or something like that, I don't see why they should take away his right to shit post.


I know,

The way things are turning out, a current third party may replace the Democrats really soon.

All the weed bills passed, he's thrilled.

If they take notes from FDR and make the efforts they did after the Civil War and being literal fucking traitors then yes
If they continue down the current path no

well it is among the most popular dogs in the country for a reason

They're doing everything they can to lose every last bit of credibility they might have had.

At this point, people should just ignore them.

I have to know when Ann Coulter is on Bill Maher next.

Or anywhere next. Shit, she could volunteer for another fucking comedy roast at this point and just sit there laughing as the cucks rage at her.

She's pretty much won life at this point.

Don't forget the 2018 midterms are stacked against Dems, just like this year's were stacked against Republicans (but that didn't matter because Trump brought in new voters).

Not in their current anti-white anti-american form. They might go back to the working-class party, but it'll take a lot of time and soul-searching.



>say to enforce the fucking laws, including on immigration
>fully conservative supreme court
>don't start more shit with Russia

Trump being almost fully on autopilot would leave me totally satisfied.

it's a bit like me on a date

Praise that kek! Praise that kek! Praise that kek!