Say something nice about him

Say something nice about him.

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His face doesn't ring any bells.

He would've done more good than bad if Hector had died with his secrets. Ernesto actually threw concerts for everyone to attend and helped keep up celebration spirits, he was a big moral booster.

Hector just hangs out with his family.

I'm genuinely surprised he didn't step in to save the day.
They did bury him in his mask.


>tfw didn't get any of the spic references

>mfw i am a taco person but many of the mexican references escaped me
im sorry

Ernesto literalmente no hizo nada malo.

Thats El Santo for the unenlightened, the most popular Luchador of all time. Not a spic but I like his movies for the same reason I like the old Hercules movies; they both have an unbridled, cocksure confidence that you don't find in a modern protagonist.

not to mention the animated tv show where he fought vampires and werewolves
actually worth a watch, this shit was rad

If you want the retarded version there is also the Haunted World of El Beastario.

is that vicente fernandez?

wait i meant pedro infante...wait i'm not so sure who i meant

I just noticed the top of the guitar has a skull

Dead Hector has a gold tooth in the same spot.

>watch mexican culture themed movie
>didn't get specific cultural references
>tell internet i'm ignorant

thanks for your thrilling input amigo

t. beaner

Son of a bitch couldn't even be bothered to buy his own fucking guitar after 30 years?

Was that Maria Felix with him? I honestly didn't make the connection.

Pedro Infante and Jorge Negrete also had cameos.

You need to have grown up watching those old movies, they repeat them a lot in Mexican channels so they are still fresh in the mind of modern Mexican audiences, especially with people who can't afford Cable tv.

I'm pretty sure he's based more on Infante, but man I'd like to see a Pixar caricature of Chente.

Here they are.

t. puto mamon


okay i wasn't sure, but he had that infante eyes thing going on.

Better villain than Chakal

His version of "Remember Me" is better than the original. It's more bombastic, and once you know the story of the movie, I guess it's meant to come off hollow and insincere. It's still a legitimately well-performed song, though, and the "original" version as performed by Hector was dragged down by an infant joining in on the last part of the chorus, which is definitely heartfelt, but nobody ACTUALLY wants to hear infants try to sing.

Yeah, when I think of Chente, I think of his thick black eyebrows and mustache.

and sideburns!

To be fair- it’s a pretty fucking ace guitar. I mean is that Mother of pearl? Ivory? Or BOTH?


Viva El Santoooooo!

he needs a bigger sombrero


He's got a manly chin

This was a good joke and no one appreciated it.

puto copion

It's like comparing the original Mama Thornton "You Aint Nothin But a Hound Dog" with the much more lively Elvis Presley cover.

The original version is a slow blues track that maybe had more personal meaning to the person who wrote it, but the Elvis rock n roll version is a fuck ton more fun and thrilling to listen to, even if it was just a shallow radio hit.

he made me like Marco Antonio Solis.

you mean super beasto? and that version is fine, its suppose to be a gory lowbrow pastiche of el Santo.

is going to be weird once Pentagon .Jr and La Parka dies and go to the land of the dead since their mask are already skeleton themed.

Rob Zombie is bad at everything

whatever floats your boat man, but I wouldn't call it bad just because you don't like it.

It's like in La La Land how they dispose John Legend's character as a sellout, despite "Start a Fire" being a great song and being outward on asking Gosling for input.

Except Elvis didn't kill Mama Thornton.