What degree would best help my chances of immigrating to the netherlands or some Germanic country?

What degree would best help my chances of immigrating to the netherlands or some Germanic country?
I was thinking civil engineering so I could BTFO the water and plander a shit ton of land, but idk.
Also..... why does William look so much like Trump?

Cmon nether bros
why do they look so much alike?

my father is 100% dutch his parents left the netherlands after ww2 , gramps was forced to work on subs as engineer during german occupation.

everyone decent in those countries has left. you will be dissapointed with what is left.

Frisian master race

>wanting to move to Germany or the Netherlands

haha what the fuck is wrong with you? You got Turkish or Albanian genes?

We have shortages in blue collar workers in certain branches, we have enough people here with useless college degrees though. Water management or engineering are good choices i'd say.

King Willem Alexander is an aryan like Trump.

>Frisian master race

10/10 shitpost Strayan

Gramps also left NL after WW2, but I still want to check it out and get a QT3.14 dutch waifu

Danish are just Anglos in Disguise.

Because he will be your next president

When are you guys going to plander Atlantis or shit?

not quite. We used to raid and harass the Anglo so much that they packed up and left. Danes were Somalia tier back then.

Funny little thing: The Jutes still exists but they were forced to speak danish and adopt danish way of living hundreds of years ago. Jutes still speak differently compared to Danes and have there own little traditions and even words.

We already did in secret, that is where we hide the Kaiser and the Fuhrer.


Just pick a uni and come study over here.

>I helped make a meme.
Thanks senpai.
C-can I do that?

why does he sit like a fag?


shut your trap Swamp vermin. Cant wait for Greenland to finally melt completely so all you fuckers will drown in a glorious danish eskimo tsunami.

Yes, recently almost all uni's switched to English to better accomodate (to make more money off of) overseas students.

Look into it, google can probably help. I don't know about the cost of everything though.

Anyhow, you get to test drive the country, you get to leave if you don't like it and if you want to stay you already have bonuspoints cause you've spent the past 4 years here

>dominions of cunt
Oh I'm sorry.
I didn't know the Danish were just a bunch of shitposters from down under

>almost all uni's switched to English to better accomodate overseas students.

ah yes. I told you idiots the eternal Netherlander worships cuckness.

My future Queen is a 100% pureblooded strayan convict.

t. beady