Shill thread overload

CTR still has some money to waste it seems

Or is the liberal faggotry invading?

Say it with me, PRESIDENT Donald J. TRUMP ahhahhhahhaa

>college is supposed to be an investment
>how can I ever pay that back
>by getting a good education, and skills that will land you a higher-than-average paying job
>studied women's/african's feelings instead

well you're right - you're never gonna pay that back working at Starbucks part-time, should have made better choices.

this manlet hates that he lost like a sad faggot

Women's studies courses price has skyrocketed

pfffh, only $80K?

226k plus whatever it costs to fix that fucking face

It's weird. I didn't go to college, so I should be stupid, but I don't have any debt, I even own property and I'm not even at graduation age.

holy shit, how is that even possible?

she probably failed out of med or law

Is it some complex elite scam, as the only chance she will probably have to pay back that debt, is sell any property she inherits from her boomer parents

President Donald J Trump

CTR is just a malignant tumor to our perfectly rising fire. They will be burned off soon enough.

Whatever it is, they are powerless before Kek.
We should not concern ourselves with the minds of sheeps.

>I majored in women's studies instead of a career.
>where have all the good jobs gone.

Maybe college truly wasn't for her?

You didnt get fooled, sure college offers many well paid employment prospects, but also a fuckload of a debt traps for many, with no prospect of employment.

Biggest unofficial bank in most western countries is the gov student loan facility. It is in NZ, based on total values of loans in circulation.

Private colleges that offer unique coursework. Have a feminist I knew from high school currently traveling the world to a new country every month to learn "gender and sexuality studies" for her undergrad, no scholarship. It costs more than our private college and her professors are making bank off of her dumb parents.

Fuck this shit, I'm finishing an associate's and getting the fuck out.

Member in the DNCleaks it showed that they were getting ready to attack Pence. That's what all those threads are.

She's gonna be so smart and worldly after that. I'm jelly

I like that Trump has the best plan for the student loan situation: you pay back what you can but if it goes past a certain amount of time then the bank eats the loss. Any infirmed person sincerely concerned about student loans should be loving Trump.


Get a fucking job cunt

I didn't know that, thats actually great, and that means the banks wont be willing to give every person a loan for college, which means.
>So you need a loan for women's studies?
>Loan denied.

Useless degree loans will be a thing of the past.

>Get loan
>Spend it all on parties and dude weed lmao

President Donald J. Trump.

I still smile when I think of the title, President Trump.

Sup Forums always has to be contrarian ALWAYS.

Liberals are going to flood this board, since they are now the contrarians.

those womans pupils are dilated. is she either sedated or stoned.

but for real tho.. can we summon that Sup Forums hacker to delete all the student loan records?? in two years? please?

That sign....

Why did you take out $80,000 in student loans?

>Make awful decisions
>Get into debt
>This is oppression

this makes me feel rich only having $20k in savings

she could sell one of her kidney to a chinese that should cover the half of her loan.

How do we make American colleges great again, Sup Forums?

Scholarships and loans only for in-demand jobs with a strong projection for growth.

i'm gonna be getting outta school with close to 220k.

im trying to make american health great again (specifically tackle this addiction problem) but wont be paid $$$$$ by insurance companies, big pharma, etc. all cause I am more geared to prevention (which saves so much $$) and natural/less invasive shit. fuck me.