Where did the SJWs come from?

I haven't seen such hordes of whiny, self-entitled crybabies ever, that is, until around 2015.

I don't remember kids from the pre-Obama era acting like this. Have I been living under a rock, or have these freakishly dressed millennials and college students just haven't show their true numbers until now?

YouTube Yuri bezmonov

SJWs emerged out of what were called emos, scene kids and hipsters in the 2000s.

Tbf Christian conservatives were pretty bad in 2008.

It's sad liberals can't see the parallels

they're all a product of corrupt universities pushing a political agenda created by a dead empire to destroy the United States

This is what they are like when they don't get their own way, they have convinced themselves they are always right and if you disagree then you must be a hateful bigot.

fuck off you nwo cuck. this was a christian nation, the west was a christian civilization, and I am not taking your fucking atheistic shit anymore

They come from GamerGate

Being Christian doesn't magically make Obama a communist Hitler

(OP) Participation trophies and estrogen in canned goods. Bound to catch up to us sometime

look up any one of the million videos Christina Hoff Summers talks about feminism

I take it you weren't following the news in 2008. It was pretty embarrassing.

They were created, these freaks didn't occur naturally, they came from the minds of the Frankfurt School and specifically the line of cultural marxism, because economic marxism wouldn't work on the US. So they had to develop a strain that focuses more on race division to achieve there subversion. The SJW's and Radical Marxists that control the Democrats and compliant Neocons are a product that was developed at least 40+ years ago. So around the 50's and 60's they had acheived the goal of subverting the Universitys. By the 80's it was even more complete, now they are fully activated.

Go to youtube, watch a documentry called 'indoctrinate me'

- people want to have something they can call an "identity", especially young people
- people learn about historical persecution of various groups in school (Jews, blacks, women, etc.), and they want to be just like MLK Jr., they want to stand up for something
- social media plays into this, letting people think they're being activists by changing a profile picture or retweeting a supposed act of bigotry
- social media makes people seek attention, people invent acts of bigotry in order to get attention for being a victim of some perceived attack on their identity (how many of those passive-aggressive notes and graffiti and shit are real, do you think?)

The evolution, or de-evolution, of public school kids

The religious right was never this insufferable, fuck off.

Smartphones and social media. Idiotic leftist ideas like this have always existed, but they've never gotten spread easily because without the internet they would get shut down by actual normal people if they tried to share them.

Now thanks to echo chambers like Tumblr where idiocy can be spread and there's no threat of reaction, SJWs are able to exist and spread.

Tumblr has done more damage to society than you can imagine.

Fbi user said they started as a cia op to destabilize western society

Thanks for the name drop, user.

That was in the early to mid 2000s. People in college now didn't really experience this. That was 10-15 years ago.

Social media spreads messages faster. Western governments are importing more immigrants than ever, allowing liberals to stay in power and implement polices and propaganda that will keep them in power.

look up Jordan B Peterson

the Toronto professor that shut down those SJWs in that viral video

his expertise is psychology of pathological self deceit and belief systems

he's an expert on SJWs

SJW's are an example of how effective they were at playing GamerGaters. There are FUCKING SJW COLLEGE COURSES NOW. WHY DIDN'T YOU LISTEN!