Why are Woman allowed to vote ?


Why are shills allowed to exists?

Because some of us vote for the good guy; Trump.

Trump secured the white woman vote.

Because you either put dick in pussy or become a fag.

Because we're a democracy.

So that the mistakes we men make when voting become less obvious.

Nope, you're a republic. If you were a democracy Shillary would be president now.

Don't worry, they won't be for long.

White women are fine when (((certain people))) aren't poisoning their minds against their men.
>it's another "niggers ruin everything" episode

democrat women are a huge turnoff

You know, if we were a democracy, I'm not sure we'd have a president at all.

because men thought for decades that women were there to support men and viceversa.


That's one of those things every mature person should be aware of. No mysoginia intended.

And as far as I'm concerned, she IS president. Trump getting into the White House was solely due to a technicality.

Hillary practically tied Trump for the white female vote you stupid faggot.

Why hasn't Germany been nuked yet?

Did you say the same thing about Manbearpig?

Then you're really really stupid and weren't aware of your own country's electoral system that has been established for centuries.

You must've just been completely confused about why Trump wasn't campaigning in shit holes like Jew York or Commiefornia. Current events must be one confusing shit storm to someone of your diminished IQ. Congrats on figuring out Sup Forums


I know how the electoral system works, I'm just saying I disagree with it. I consider the system to have failed in this election.


because your candidate lost. it's fine to be biased (anyone who says they're not is lying), but at least admit it.

Sure, but that doesn't make the issue any less real. Many people don't care about an issue until it personally hurts them.


the electoral college is designed to stop tyranny of the majority (aka what dems want). liberals haven't said shit about it in the last 8 years except for now.

you can remove it, that's fine, just don't be surprised if your economy fails due to rural areas stagnating.

>in this election
Nice choice of words there.
Again, how about the other elections? What if your one true god had gotten the electoral win and lost the popular one?
There are no bad tactics, only bad targets right?

>not knowing about the inventor of the internet himself
Oh you're a newfag too.

>Nice choice of words there.
>Again, how about the other elections? What if your one true god had gotten the electoral win and lost the popular one?
>There are no bad tactics, only bad targets right?
No, I mean it failed because a candidate was elected without getting the majority of the vote. Again, this is the first major election in which this has happened since I started following politics.

>she IS president
>muh "not my president"
She's done, faggot. She conceded and handed over the presidency to Trump. Her reputation is tarnished, and there's more slander to follow for her.

>w-we need to remove electoral college!
>T-trump cheated!
You wouldn't be saying these things if Hillary won

>consider the system to have failed
No, your feeble candidate failed

If we relied on the popular vote, New York and California would dominate every election, and we all know who they want as president

> popular vote is the right way because it would help my candidate win

>Popular vote
>Donald Trump:47%
>Hillary Clinton:48%

Because everything got too easy so people set the difficulty level higher

They committed acts of domestic terrorism, cutting down telegraph poles, and men kowtowed.

So basically its 2000 all over again

>You wouldn't be saying these things if Hillary won
I might, if she had won yet Trump got the majority of the vote.

>> popular vote is the right way because it would help my candidate win
No, it's the right way because the winner-take-all system is not even logically coherent. I mean, something like weighting peoples' votes differently based on things like age, sex, race, or income would make SOME KIND of sense. But the system we have now, it's basically random. Trump didn't win because he was the better candidate, he won because he was lucky.

I see jewgle is not your friend...it's happened before and, hopefully it will happen again.
You don't want the tyranny of the masses, sorry democracy.
No really, you don't. Cause maybe next time the masses will decide Mike "shock the gay away" Pence is just the right guy to decide how you live. And I don't like fags but I also don't want people punished for having a mental illness. And, again, you don't either. Cause next time it might be you on the receiving end.

Your point?

>You don't want the tyranny of the masses
The winner-take-all system LITERALLY FACILITATES TYRANNY OF THE MASSES. If your candidate gets the majority of the state's popular votes, even if by only a single vote, they get 100% of the electors. Hillary got 100% of California votes, even though she only got 62% of the state's popular vote. This system literally ensures that the minority has no say whatsoever.

I e seen that smug can't pic so many times and it just got 100% more degenerate.

There's 2 people in a room.
1 says yes, the other says no.
Basically 50/50, right?
Which one wins?

Or better yet, there's a nation of ~300 mil people. 60,072,551 says yes, 60,467,601 says no. That's under 400k people difference.
Do you go with yes because 400k out of 300 mil said no?

Get it why an electoral college is not such a bad thing now?

The electoral college system also allows for the electors to say no. They might, they might not. But if literally Hitler (or someone under investigation for what amount to treason) gets the votes they have the option to say we're not confirming this fucker.

The Electoral College originally broke up electors based on districts, not on who got the most votes. This is the only thing you liberals can actually get into law, don't even bother trying to dismantle it.

>Get it why an electoral college is not such a bad thing now?
No I don't. Your argument is basically "well, Hillary won by a small majority, so we should act as if Trump won by a large majority". Which is just plain delusional. If Hillary wins by even one vote over Trump, it's clear that she's preferred as president. If they're both absolutely tied, let them both campaign for another month and then hold another election.

Yeah I don't object to having the electors rather than have everything done through direct democracy. My issue is the winner-take-all system.

Romania, please, you're embarrassing yourself

Better question, why are women under the age of 30 allowed to vote?

Think of the country as a human body. The face and other attractive characteristics of this human body garner the most attention. Yet if this human body did not have a liver, these things would be worthless as the human could not survive.
The electoral college is in place to make sure the boring, unattractive, and vital parts of the system have their say.

Then you need to ship out illegals without families, you need to wash the corruption out of the Left and Right, and you need to demolish this horse shit corporate backed establishment to have even a chance for fair popular votes. From the GOP closing polling down in areas with blacks, to the DNC rigging counties and colluding with the media to create a smear campaign instead of attacking the person on their real terrible policies. "Oh, he says mean things, blah blah blah, fear mongering, blah blah blah." Why didn't these fucktards hit him where it hurt during the first debate and shit on him about the TPP? He outsourced many of his jobs and is now against it?

Final point: You're absolutely deluded if you think electoral college is outdated and broken at the moment. Rust belters are broken, desperate, and are willing for anything to come along and change their future. If it had been NOTHILLARY, the DNC would have won. But you dumbasses love to wear her with a badge of pride, even though she's the opposite of a liberal and centrist right.

I say this as a guy who voted for Trump just as a huge fuck you vote to you shitheads you are smug and call me a nazi for not towing the DNC party line. Come up with a better candidate than a guy who had a 63% disapproval rating who still beat the first female LOSER, and maybe I'll consider voting for you fucks again.

I live in a deep battleground state by the way. FUCK YOU.

I don't agree with voting because numbers are for identification not for judgement.

Unfiltered, uncensored internet access is a basic human right. We can govern ourselves without a government.

Abolish welfare to delete tax.

Actually the states determine how they allocate electoral votes. Most are winner take all but Nebraska and Maine subdivide theirs into awarding a delegate for different regions. I would suggest that the libtards in CA and NY also follow that model.

Um, they voted for trump? Trump would have lost but other women could read her bone-chilling smile like a book.

Maybe red states will follow that example..but likely not.

Used to be no income tax in U.S. until early 1900. When there were natural disasters then, if purple asked for gov help, pres Taft said FU. Usually churches and family helped.