Is the SJW movement in its final form? Is that what we are seeing right now?

Is the SJW movement in its final form? Is that what we are seeing right now?

Based fags are the world's greatest current living heroes.

Dear god i hope so

Hopefully, it's terminal form.

Meme stolen

the only way you get faggots like sjw to permanently die, millennial cry babies, or this pussy generation of young kids is if you make them serve mandatory military time.

A big war with China might remedy that.

if that were to ever happen, youd have bigger problems than cry baby bitch sjw's.

If Hillary had been elected, it would've become cool to make fun of her, and the political correctness and identity politics associated with her. We could've fought social justice warriors on an even playing field.

With Trump elected, the social justice warriors are going to become stronger than ever. We've made their bogeyman the president of the United States. And you think they'll shatter?

No, Trump's election is going to make social justice cool again. Any decent argument we make is going to be ignored because they can just point to the president and say "every threat we use to justify our methods is real, just look at who the president is".

You've just handed the SJWs their weapon of mass destruction.

No pence is going to set these faggots straight

And we have the Clintons to thank again. Toxic feminism was all the rage in the 90's - all sex was rape, any relationship between a boss and anyone else in the company was rape.
Then Willy got caught getting a blowjob from an intern in the Oval Office. It was everything they had campaigned against. What did they do? Feminists bent over for Clinton. They got down on their knees in front of him and thanked him.
Now tantrums over Hillary fucking up will hopefully kill SJW's.

nah we'll just shut them down, again and again and again

just like trump shut hillary down ;^)

yeah but what's gonna replace SJWism when it wanes? It seems like society always needs to have some rigid moral authority to it, that can be used by most people to get away with brutally judging the minority of heretics who don't go along with it. Hundreds of years ago it was Christian orthodoxy. Now it's having the "correct" views on race and sex. Years from now it will be something else. This shit is in our nature.

>Toxic feminism was all the rage in the 90's

uh, no?

No, it's finally going to bring the day of the rope. Then the planet and humanity can live peacefully in stability together.

Fuck off with your PC grade faggot Alt light shit nigger fucker.

That's when you reply with, "the majority of the people voted for Donald Trump. You lose."

Why exactly did everyone go from loving Milo to hating him? I remember there being a reason but I can't remember what it was.

I never thought much of Milo. But then I found out he apparently single handedly plunged the gay community into chaos and made them doubt themselves.

Because hes a faggot at the end of the day

Trump taught us how to win: Make your enemies make fool of themselves. That's the key to Trump's success this election. What we're seeing now is the final backlash of SJWs in a changing world and now normies see them for who they are, regardless who they voted for. This will help us cut the head of of the snake, if we just use it to our advantage.

>the majority of the people voted for Donald Trump.
In their minds, that would be a vindication of their ideology and tactics. They'd say the majority of Americans were okay with a bigoted president, and so that's why we need to use institutional power to censor speech and smother bigoted thoughts.

And, also, Google "2016 election results" and look closely.

We need to copt their rallies with ridiculous SJW+++++++ horseshit. We have a lose thread. The normies are losing their patience for SJWs. We need to kick this shit into overdrive for them.

Then they look retarded to everyone else. Look, you're never going to convince an SJW to change their mind because they are immune to facts and logic. Therefore that must not be your goal.

Also, when you look closely, you'll see that there's a fat lot of gray area they count for Trump but for no apparent reason haven't confirmed for him yet.

If you seriously think anything Milo has ever said is worthy of immortalizing in a pretty quote image, you are a mental weakling.


Mike "if you see gay porn and jerk it, complete the circuit" Pence

A fundamental confusion over what politically correct is. You see being politically correct mean you take inherently "loaded" phrase words out of political discussion to form a logic based argument, rather than an emotional one.

For example is a person walks into a hospital that preforms abortions and blows themselves up regardless of what that person was in terms of ethnicity, race, or religion the bomber would be consistently labeled a terrorist, or lone wolf a consistent term that refers to the specific act of a singular person exploding them self.

Conservatives seem to think being PC is some grand form of censorship, when it is just a form of self discipline in the same way people practice not being an asshole by not greeting everybody they meet by calling them a faggot.

revealing he was just another jew when he tried to use moderatorship on The_Donald as a means to milk people for money.

That's the thing, I'm not talking about changing their mind, I'm talking about convincing the bystanders and the coming generations. And because of Trump, they're going to look less retarded than they would've otherwise, regardless of the actual content of their arguments.

this image is funny because it would be the leftists that are overexaggerating and making them freak out to the point where they're killing themselves

Hillary's victory would have only galvanized them even further. These people are used to getting their own way because it's been that way for years.

What we need to do is shatter their confidence. Trump's victory shook them this badly because they haven't had to deal with a loss on this scale before. Let's not forget about all of those limp wristed Hillary supporters who were crying, screeching and crawling into the fetal position at the mere news that Hillary lost.

Do you think these people will be able to hold it together if Trump's presidency is only the beginning?

I don't think so.

I encountered a heavily mutated form. Others around me just got dumbstruck and recoiled from it.

So, no. I've seen it, how they craft specialized versions of it for particular niches, for particular scams, for particular tunneled-visions of the world. They'll simply craft new SJWs from the ground up focussing super intensely on particular aspects of life.

That's PC as a rhetorical guideline. Not loaded words as a moral failure, crime, or some great pervasive evil.

I really don't think people start drooling over others, spastically screeching at them just because the other party isn't using the most efficient rhetoric possible. I really don't, and I doubt you do either.

If Trump does horribly you're probably right.

If Trump does okay to good? They're fucked. Especially if he passes some progressive agenda.

If Trump does great? You can kiss goodbye SJWs forwver.

Mike "No cock, just Shocks" Pence is on the case

When Trump turns out to be a fantastic president, the SJW faction in the left will dissolve. All of their shrill warnings will be proven false.

No it's not dying because cuckservatives have it on their sites too.

Need a new news company that has broad appeal and isn't too Christian and gay.

But, that's literally not so. You're saying that when you kill your enemies, they win. Are you a canadian immigrant?

The SJW's with their Nickelodeon colored hair and facial piercings peaked in early 2015. It's been slowly dissolving ever since.

Uh, yes!

It is a form of censorship. When you're not allowed to say perfectly valid words when you're only talking about the words?

Discussing the use of the word 'nigger' is just not okay in the eyes of the PC. Context has no meaning in PC. No more retarded, even though it had a clear meaning and a context that was used in academia for a long time.

What you're thinking of is being polite, which no one seems to be able to grasp these days. Is it rude to call someone a faggot? Absolutely, of course it is.

>inb4 faggot

But should it be illegal to call someone a faggot or a nigger? No, that's ridiculous and against a core, American value.