Why did ((Trump)) chose Mike "muh invisible sky daddy" Pence as his vice president?

why did ((Trump)) chose Mike "muh invisible sky daddy" Pence as his vice president?

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>muh fallible description of reality does not include a transcendent being

So that anyone who thinks about assassinating him will think twice about the prospect of dealing with Mike "Electro till hetero" Pence.

For the christfag vote.

Trump will say and do a lot of things that don't make sense to you. He is a businessman that plays fifth dimensional majong.

Thats only true for liberals though, (((they))) wont care if trump goes since pence is an establishment shill like them

what's his name again?

>tfw no catboy bf

The "invisible sky daddy" is so merciful he would save even a little shitposter like me.

I hope Pence really does believe in God and isn't just using religion as part of his image.

Mike "Faggots beware, your in for the chair" Pence

why did CTR choose "muh forces of evil" over Making America Great Again?

only one way to avoid your trial

>all these butthurt retarded faggots who didn't look into who they were voting for

Absolutely glorious. This is best election yet.


Trump didn't choose him, it was a prereq to win.


Mike "Deus Volt" Pence

Because he needed fundamentalist christians to vote for him? Face it, without a strong christian VP the fundamentalists wouldn't turn out for him like they did.

Sky daddy grabbed pence by the pussy.

Pence is based. Faggots can fuck off

Mike "Sucking the cock? Pikachu!, Thundershock!" Pence

go choke on tyrone's dick you cuck faggot

What the fuck are you talking about, you yellow-skinned fuck?

>ooga booga, muh delishus le boi pucci xDD there's nothing wrong with sucking feminine dicks am i rite?? ? ? ? le Sup Forums is pro lgbt xDDD le cute gay boys aren't gay xDD

Cannot wait for you faggot pedophiles to get thunderstruck by Pence. Hopefully Sup Forums will finally react to you cunts like they should have long ago now that you're not needed.

>being this mad

t. Ahmed
Don't you like raping underage boys?

ooga booga

What are you trying to imply? That i'm a nigger?

shouldn't you be lurking on a shota thread in Sup Forums, faggot?

Shouldn't you be freezing to death, Spurdo?

are you a fag

>christcucks and gay shota

Are you an inbred neanderthal with a paki bull fucking your wife?

>he called me out for being a pedo
>I-I'll call him one

I bet all these (you)s are making your heart flutter. Be careful, that AIDS medication plays havoc with your cardiovascular strength.

>freezing to death in -30c
nigger/shitskin desert dweller confirmed

>not going outside naked
Step it up.
2D does not equal 3D, moron. It's just drawings.

Mike "Makes Fruits Into Vegetables" Pence

As an insurrance. You fags hurt Trump, Pence is president and he`ll use fucking Tesla tanks to genocide you.

There is a conspiracy theory that the establishment GOP cabal of cucks will attempt to impeach Trump his first year.

Problem is Pence has no dirt on him so they can't control him either, so unlikely to try and remove Trump.

To get the Christian vote.

i once cucked a paki couple i met online and yes i am part of the hybrid neanderthal homo master race how's life in trump's america

>I only want to fuck FICTIONAL children, idiot! That would never correlate with real life attraction!

Daily reminder that Trump is an atheist.

getting turned on by young teens and fetishizing kids are completely different, you're just fetishizing 10 year old anime cat boys. definitely not a sane person!

Oh my god

Mike "The Shill Exposer" Pence

He has connections, has a very affable personality and demeanour to contrast Kaine and Clinton, and he knew the media wouldn't give a shit about pence so long as they had him to target.

according to Trump "party loyalty"

he certainly did well in that debate against Kaine

no he is a agent of kek's divine will and a true believer

>finnish autism
Please attempt to make coherent sentences.
>implying shotas are for lewd
You're the perv here.
It's amazing, liberal tears are too sweet.

There isn't anything wrong with shots/loli.

Because Mike "dispense them on the fence" Pence is a guarantee everything will go right.

Probably true, he does t know carinthians but he talks directly with Kek.

are you a degen femboy

No, I wish I was.

To make you and only you upset.

so i dont know corinthians i consider myself christain

>Bashing some one for their second language
>Calling people autists while defending his perverted fascination for sexually explicit cartoons.


Can't wait for you guys to be made into human tesla coils.

>autistic fedoras and jews voted for Hillary
Talk about blue pilled lol

why and you a bagget

>make nonsensical post
>expect serious answer

are you at least cute

I can't wait for your country to be turned into an islamic hellhole full of actual pedophilia.
Oh wait...
Kagamine Len turned me gay, user.

i bet not

I mean if he is under 22ish, there is still a chance; desu


can we start designing tshirts with these slogans, they are fantastic

i dont watch degen anime and i live in the same country what happen to anglo solidarity so you like the dick then

Stop projecting how you are treated in real life towards our great friends the Mongols online.

I'm 18 user~

Solidarity exists till your beliefs differ with mine. I will fight against a common enemy, though.
I thought your best friends were muslims?

>denouncing pedophilia
>while being a pedophile

Based faggot "red pill" philosophy.

He protected his right flank. As he is not really a conservative. Hillary is to the right of him on many issues, like Trade.

Hillary did not protect her left flank, by shunning bernie supporters by picking an establishment pick. The millennials stayed home.

Mike "Fixing the Mentally Ill With My Electric Bill" Pence