"Chelsea Clinton reportedly being groomed for congressional run"

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Judge her on her own merits.

No. Fuck political dynasties, that whole family should hang. So should the Bushes.

Any halfwit could see this was coming.

We will destroy her

Besides, the Clinton name is political poison now. She's a loser just like her mom.

This so much. If she even considers running we should come at her like a pack of wolves.


Take a wild fucking guess on what her merits are when being raised by a pedophile rapist, and a rapist enabling sociopath.

lets destroy this before it takes off shall we?

Absolutely. I'm down with this idea. Let's organize. I want to fucking ruin her

the Bush's tried that with Jeb!

It didn't work out

revenge porn sound like a good idea?

fucking hydra alright. that head looks like a busted crab though

You magnificent bastard.

Chelsea Hubbell

She personally need to know that we will ruin her and that no one wants her to hold political office.

Americans supporting a corrupted regime and nepotism. Color me surprised.

Could they be alluding to some other type of grooming that may have occurred in her childhood well? Poor Chelsea.

jeb woulda been the third, and he was a pussy. People will want a women president soon enough. Chelsea will win if trump fucks up.


>a third Clinton running
Their dynasty is done, dragged through the mud by Hillary and this election.


It's too important. Bumping call me a |'s too important.


Undoubtedly she is complicity involved with the Clinton Foundation and should be locked up with her parents.

For fuck sakes, the Clinton Foundation paid for her wedding.



Alright. She has no accomplishments to her own name.

She has a PHD, but her dissertation is garbage.

Here it is:

It's about the global fund to end Malaria, ect.

Here's an AP story on it.

She didn't do a damm thing worth noting at NBC, and the rest of her work was running that charity, which is more famous for looking like a slush fund rather than any actual good work.

She's staked out zero serious political positions, and even when she was campaigning, she refused to take any questions 90 percent of the time.

She gives paid speeches, although a quick search was unable to turn up the contents of any of them. Here's one of the few that showed up.

For that quality of public speaking, how much of the money is for her? And how much of it is for access to her family?

So, on the merits. She has demonstrated no public speaking skills. No administration skills. No positions of public leadership. No ability to inspire people, or sway them to her way of thinking. No financial acumen.

She's probably good at fundraising.

I'm looking at her merits, and she's looking less qualified than GW bush, probably on the same tier as Dan Quayle.

That Dog needs more than grooming.

>child of nepotism and corruption

she will be just like her mom, probably worse

>Chelsea Clinton reportedly being groomed for congressional run

Bet this isn't the first time she's getting groomed

I fucking hate the Clintons. So desperate to keep their ugly fucking name alive for decades in US like the Kennedys and the Bushes. Nothing more irritating than political dynasties.

Could be.

Chelsea is so ugly getting head form her counts as anal :)

would be funny if ivanka runs against chelsea and another trump fucks clinton into the dirt once again.



If Trump exposes the Clintons once and for all like he said he would, then this doesn't even matter.

When/if she runs and the clinton foundation is still operational it will be glorious to watch everyone dissect and scrutanize the foundation.

The first female president in the USA will be republican.

The Clinton's and the Bush's are ground beef.

She so ugly. This ho needs to be destroyed.

I am pretty sure she used her connections to get visa for her friend via state department.

This. She's a dog. No skills as a politician whatsoever.

ok, I will.
She is a fucking airhead who knew what her parents were doing and said nothing except for how it might look.
I hope she hangs.

Really makes you think...

Not if it's a fucking Clinton.

would bang

It would surprise me if the Leftist didn't try this. They will never learn

They run that bitch, the demo rats will lose another mid-term, election.... That is if there's one.

They should be pushing someone like Tulsi Gabbard or progressive wing of the party. The people wanted someone like that but instead the went with Excrementary Clinton.

>she already looks older than her mother

>Grooming the child of child groomers

>jeb jr
>don jr
>clinton jr
make it happen, more meme magic


>a Hubbell in the congress


Well done, Foxnews


Joe Biden looks like him too. My noggin is joggin now

Good ol' uncle joe

That good ol' kiddie fiddler

>"Chelsea Clinton reportedly being groomed for congressional run"

nyet. she is going to prison on RICO charges. she has been paying herself out of CF funds. she must go to jail with her mom and pervert dad.

Based toddler coddler

I'd like to reportedly run my congressional on her groomed Clinton.

Whatever that means

>the Clinton name is political poison now

Nobody wants anything to do with any clinton. Let them rot.

Check'd and kek'd

Joe ''if they are under 4 i take four'' Biden

The Apple does nor fall far from the tree. She and her husband should be a major focus of the Clinton Foundation Criminal investigation.

Holy hellaceous happenings that shit is weird and tense.

Joe ''if she got pubes i don't want her nudes'' Biden

He sort of looked like a trailer park dwelling blue collar worker version of Freddie Mercury.

Which should post its first inditment 21 January 2017.

>Joe ''if they are under 4 i take four'' Biden
more like Joe ''if they are under 4 use the back door'' Biden

Horseface McCharitythief isn't going to go far in politics. Not now.



>more like Joe ''if they are under 4 use the back door'' Biden
Yeah, that one was better

Chelsea BTFO

goddamn that is one ugly mug

so much evil, what can mortal men do against such reckless hate.

did bill fuck chelsea? (since she's not his?)

That fucking crime family needs to leave the fucking government.

Can't wait for Pence to grope women as their fathers and husbands are sworn in

The Bushes are based tho.


Is that Kevin Spacey

Its Kevin Skypey

>Is that Kevin Spacey
No, its Eli Shekelberg.

We need a S.H.I.E.L.D to protect us from her.....

When that was taken Spacey would've been much younger than this. He does bear a striking resemblance though.


Chelsea comes pre-installed with all of the corruption of the Clinton Foundation. She'd be wise to just use that to go as high as Senator or maybe Governor. The corruption will be accepted at a local (blue state) level, but if she decides to step up to be President, she'll have her shit kicked in, just like her mom.

Get her a guac bowl, and we got another another jeb

>implying we will even let her in now that we know this

We won the first meme war; do they really think they can win a smaller battle?

Maybe someone from another political family should run against her.

They would have to find a State retarded enough to vote for her: NY, CA or MASS. She has less intelligence and personality than her mother, which says a whole lot.

Aren't they friends?

Seriously what the fuck is this shit.

I almost hope that this bitch does win something simply so Americans can't give Monarchist countries shit again.

Running the country shouldn't be the family business in the 21st fucking century. At least monarchs get some lasting experience.

At least monarch rule for life so if things go to shit you have some one to blame. Now we just have two different sides of retards that all scream at each other when the other side blames Bush or Obama for problems that started decades ago.

Yes! But who would volunteer for such a horrible task.

Look at her. Frumpy

>Hillary missed out on her last chance to become the first ever female US President
>spends what left of her life grooming Chelsea for that spot
>Ivanka Trump announces that she will also be running for President
>come 2024, it's Chelsea vs Ivanka, Clinton vs Trump
>Not only does Clinton lose AGAIN, but Ivanka Trump becomes the first ever female US President, the one thing Hillary has worked on towards for the entirety of her small, miserable life

We literally have a mountain of ammunition against Chelsea Clinton.

>Bill Clinton is not her real father
>she used Clinton Foundation funds for her own wedding
>her and her husband are guilty of insider trading in Greece
>she comes from terrific pedigree, raised by two Spirit Cooking pedophiles