Sup Forums humour thread
get in here
Sup Forums humour thread
get in here
>bong wallpaper
Some OC
Based moonman
Just some Antifa faggot grabbing a swedish flag at a pro Sweden rally getting #rekt
Germans are more good at killing people then making people laugh.
What happened to that?
>fag steals flag
>skinhead fag beats him up
>pig fag beat skinhead fags up
>Germans are more good at killing people
>coming from an Anglo
AIDF out!
kek this has some Nighthawks vibe to it.
Hes kind of hot.
Whyn nazies and right wingers always muscled and handsome?
>watch out nazi's!
Literally art/10. Would hang in the wall.
Is that Manly Tears' shoe closet?
Why do you supported Hillary, Marina, you were perfect ;_;
this looks like that neighborhood in deus ex
>more good at
>all have the same height
>(((modern artists))) believe they are making some sort of statement
>expecting a moose limb to speak English
>more good at
>me fail english
>>all have the same height
>>(((modern artists))) believe they are making some sort of statement
Spotted the manlet in denial.
Top kek
>respawn camping
What is going on here? Some guy is just relaxing in the middle of the road drinking his beer while some guy gets arrested 5 feet away with his girlfriend complaining.
:( just wanted to keep his kids warm, probably single dad, jigaboo mom ran off or was crack head. So sad.
>these four faggots walk onto your property
>stomp through your lawn
>knock on your door loudly
>try to peer into your door window
>and when you open it, have the audacity to smugly talk to you about why BLM, why refugees are welcome, and why atheism is the future
>what do
>swedish "logical" conclusion
Nice try, 6'1 though
>Ty Niggre
not even once
Yeah somehow I don't buy your gay ass story. Nigger was too dumb to pay for electricity, them too dumb to read safety precautions on a generator, or just you know not bring a fucking generator in the house. He lookin fresh doe
This is probably for the best
>burn israel hoodie
>no nazi
I don't get it
shouldve put the one where the add isnt a guitar amp, its like some gasoline heater
"Many such cases! ... So sad."
>Nice try, 6'1 though
Yeah with your stilts on?
Only a manlet would deny the impact of height on how you're treated in life.
How is this humorous? At least he was tying to be a parent.
Irony is Antifa in Germany is actually pro Israel
>Improper use of memes
These far-left types believe that Israel defending itself against jihadis is literally the same thing as Holocaust. They actually don't get the irony. Jews are a problem for leftists in general, since they aren't white and have a strong group identity, but at the same time can't be cast as "oppressed".
I believe that they might naturally be making the men shorter. That one man to the side is clearly way shorter. And that Man in the middle might just be an inchor two shorter, it is hard to tell.
Gets me every time
Got me good.
The guy literally murder suicided his whole family by doing something the average grade schooler wouldn't be stupid enough to do.
He's burning in hell.
Typical weekend night out in Manchester (or any English town actually). Great picture though, it really has everything.
Manchester, England NYE 2016
>I think I'll go get a tattoo of a bird on my fucking forehead, seems like a really good idea to me.
How does this shit happen?
>8 dead niggers, thats why.
Did the cop win in the end?
Fuck wogs
lol this pure top comedy tier
This should be our wikipedia article image for England
Antifa are not exactly famous for being intelligent
Yes but poor kids tho
Is this supposed to be some really shitty statement on male privilege?
so is that a mental hospital?
Stuff like this makes me so happy
Not gonna lie, it might be kinda weird to be eye-level with every woman in the room.
why is that lady wearing Robert Downey Jrs shoes
no. they shut down the contest.
Its Iowa
+6 gorgillion underrated
Just another Thursday
nazis watch out
>tfw was listening to Running in the 90s when I opened it
what the actual fuck
Anglos did nothing wrong
>Well Street
Das ist lustig !
was that a fucking sink?
Either that or the Greggs is my favourite part of that photo.