How much knowledge is necessary to decode the hidden message of the bible?
Is the bible the greatest metaphor ever told?
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exodus 8:4
Have you read the ancient texts of the Egyptians?
There are many different books, with many different authors, in many different writing styles and genres within the Bible.
The whole Bible isn't meant to be taken as metaphor, nor are all the books within it meant to be taken as literal historical fact.
The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ is a historical fact.
I understand the claim of the "historical" Jesus, but i dont think that is related with the bible at all. There's a huge amount of lost knowledge about ancient Scriptures that we aren't aware off
>Jesus not related with the Bible at all
>lost knowledge of ancient scriptures is
seems backwards
Just the holy spirit is needed , revelations is full of prophecy if you understand it
> Fraction of the whole thing is necessary; discard anything else.
No, thanks.
Well, it isn't.
There's different versions of "Jesus" on the Gospel of Barnabe, Gospel of Marcion, Nag Hammadi library and so on.
Even old syriac bibles show a different narrative.
The Bible is its own reference. You don't need another book or any occult knowledge to understand it. It makes it clear what it's talking about, and if you don't understand it then you can flip to another book or verse that has the same word or meaning and understand it.
It had better be, otherwise it is absolutely intolerable garbage.
The Bible isn't about learning secret principles and hidden messages. It's about living a life consistent with a very plain and straightforward message. The catch is that no man can possibly do it without a true conversion and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
If you're looking for hidden messages, you're way out in left-field, and wasting your time.
>gnostic texts
Bible isn't a "shallow read it once" book.
The thing is that the bible is all true, but most people who read it and interpret it all by themselves completely misconstrue everything. There's a lot of allegory and metaphor to describe the complex truths of this reality.
You're retarded.
>all true
[citation needed]
> Things like Codex Tchacos with the first version of Gospel of Judas isn't important.
> The thing is that the bible is all true, but most people who read it and interpret it all by themselves completely misconstrue everything
That's exactly the purpose of my question.
>The Bible isn't about learning secret principles and hidden messages.
Actually it is, its full of parables that only those who have actually lived through life can relate so much to it. If you read The Bible now with your level of understanding, it will be different if let's say you read it again in 2-5 years. If you read The Bible again, you'll see different messages that seem new but were always there or fully understand the message behind it.
That's why Jesus spoke in parables.
Matt 13:10
The disciples came to him and asked, "Why do you speak to the people in parables?" He replied, "Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them.
>> Things like Codex Tchacos with the first version of Gospel of Judas isn't important.
Star wars novels aren't as important as the original trilogy, no.
>Things like Codex Tchacos with the first version of Gospel of Judas isn't important.
>4th century and 3rd century gnostic texts
you're right, they're not
> Dozens of religious texts of the first 5 centuries after the death of Christ are all dumb xDDDD
> I only want to read things that support my beliefs
This isn't intelligent burgerbro
You're better than that.
Every word in the Bible is literal truth. Accepting this is the ultimate redpill.
Bible is not for someone, who are not scholar. You may hear it in the church, with one of official interpretations. 2 Peter 3:16
i'm just saying they're not important for understanding Christianity, since they're not Christian.
Trick question. None as it's all a load of shit.
Israel (Old Testament Nation & People, not modern Israel) were chosen as Gods holy people to serve as an example to other nations on how to live righteously and holy.
They were Gods 'beta' nation if you will.
There were 12 distinctive tribes within Israel, with only one of them being from the tribe of Judah (Jews.)
So if modern Jews are supposedly descended (They're not btw) from the tribe of Judah, who is descended from the other 11 tribes?
The 12 tribes were taken into captivity because they kept disobeying God, and falling away from him.
We learn they were not destroyed, but migrated west, into Europe and settled there, becoming pagan tribes/clans.
The website is worth reading, take it with a pinch of salt though
Tribe of Reuben = France
Tribe of Simeon = Welsh and modern Israel
Tribe of Levi = Scottish & Modern Israel
Tribe of Judah = British monarchy & Modern Israel
Tribe of Dan = Ireland & Denmark
Tribe of Naphtali = Norway & Sweden
Tribe of Gad = Switzerland
Tribe of Asher = Belgium, Luxembourg & South Africa
Tribe of Issachar = Finland
Tribe of Zebulun = Holland/Netherlands
Tribe of Ephraim = England & British commonwealth
Tribe of Manasseh = United States of America
Tribe of Benjamin = Iceland
The website has a fully detailed analysis as to why and how these tribes are the corresponding countries of today.
God promised Solomon that if he would not keep his laws and commandments Israel will be cut off from the land.
1 Kings 9: 6 But if ye shall at all turn from following me, ye or your children, and will not keep my commandments and my statutes which I have set before you, but go and serve other gods, and worship them: 7Then will I cut off Israel out of the land which I have given them; and this house, which I have hallowed for my name, will I cast out of my sight; and Israel shall be a proverb and a byword among all people
So, only woman can understand feminism?
> Denying the lord almighty kek after Trump victory
Aren't metaphors actually lies?
Life's a beach.
Actually it isn't.
your analogy is a shit.
here's a better one:
it's like looking into the quran for insight into the life and times of Jesus Christ
If there is "codes", they are found only in the Hebrew versions and Kabbalah, not King James version imperfect translations.
For example: Notariqons found in the Bible
>In the first every letter of a word is taken for the initial or abbreviation of another word, so that from the letters of a word a sentence may be formed. Thus every letter of the word BRAShITh, Berashith, the first word in Genesis, is made the initial of a word, and we obtain BRAShITh RAH ALHIM ShIQBLV IShRAL ThVRH, Besrashith Rahi Eloim Sheyequebelo Israel Torah: "In the beginning the Elohim saw that Israel would accept the law.
These do not appear in the English translations.
>The second form of Notariqon is the exact reverse of the first. By this the initials or finals, or both, or the medials, of a sentence, are taken to form a word or words. Thus the Qabalah is called ChKMh NSThRH, Chokhmah Nesethrah, "the secret wisdom;" and if we take the initials of these two words Ch and N, we form by the second kind of Notariqon the word ChN, Chen, "grace." Similarly, from the initials and finals of the words MI IOLH LNV HShMIMH, Mi Iaulah Leno Ha-Shamayima, "Who shall go up for us to heaven?" (Deut. xxx. 12), are formed MILH, Milah, "circumcision," and IHVH, the Tetragrammaton, implying that God hath ordained circumcision as the way to heaven.
Besides all these rules, there are certain meanings hidden in the shape of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet; in the form of a particular letter at the end of a word being different from that which it generally bears when it is a final letter, or in a letter being written in the middle of a word in a character generally used only at the end; in any letter or letters being written in a size smaller or larger than the rest of the manuscript, or in a letter being written upside down; in the variations found in the spelling of certain words, which have a letter more in some places than they have in others.
So we shouldn't border hop then?
This is vitally important because if you learn and study the bible, you gain and understanding and wisdom as to how the Lord works, we learn from the Old Testament that God controls all and everything.
He uses all Nations, all people, good and evil to have his will done.
Israel was Gods chosen Nation, and when they sinned he would use the sinful, idolatrous nations around Israel to usher in punishment for their sins.
This is important for us, because we in modern times have greatly fallen from God, and Jesus and we can see this reflect in how our nations are oppressed and attacked. Whether it be internally through our own Government, imposing taxes, higher cost of living, no jobs, etc
Or external, with foreign nations & religions entering our countries on a large scale.
This is all corresponding with how we have been living
In Deuteronomy vi. 4, is the prayer known as the "Shema Yisrael." It begins, "ShMO IShRAL IHVH ALHINV IHVH AChD, Shemaa Yisrael, Tetragrammaton Elohino Tetragrammaton Achad: "Hear, O Israel, Tetragrammaton your God is Tetragrammaton Unity."
It is to be further noted with regard to the first word in the Bible, BRAShITh, Berashith, that the first three letters, BRA, are the initial letters of the names of the three persons of the Trinity: BN, Ben, the Son; RVCh, Ruach, the Spirit; and AB, Ab, the Father. Furthermore, the first letter of the Bible is B, which is the initial letter of BRKH, Berakhah, blessing; and not A, which is that of ARR, Arar, cursing. Again, the letters of Berashith, taking their numerical powers, express the number of years between the Creation and the birth of Christ
Taking the whole of these mystical anagrams in proper order, Picus makes the following sentence out of this one word BRAShITh:--Pater in filio (aut per filium), principium et finem (sive quietum) creavit caput, ignem, et fundamentum magni hominis fœdere bono: "Through the Son hath the Father created that Head which is the beginning and the end, the fire-life and the foundation of the supernal man (the Adam Qadmon) by His righteous covenant." Which is a short epitome of the teachings of the "Book of Concealed Mystery." This notice of the literal Qabalah has already extended beyond its proper limits. It was, however, necessary to be thus explicit, as much of the metaphysical reasoning of the ensuing work turns on its application.
> Aren't metaphors actually lies?
Not quite. It's just a form of expression like art or architecture
Well, all abrahamic texts are interrelated.
Deny one is to shake the foundations of all history.
And also "becoming something" isnt a truth proof of "understanding something". It's like call itself as a right wing supporter without actually read what being a right-winger means.
>Denying the lord almighty kek after Trump victory
There is one true God, who created the Heavens and Earth, and sent his Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins, and I can promise you by glorifying an image of a frog on the internet, you're batting for the wrong team and as minuscule and light hearted as you may think it is, you're committing a grievous sin.
Exodus 20:4- 6 You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.
Jeremiah 10:2-5 Thus says the Lord: “Learn not the way of the nations, nor be dismayed at the signs of the heavens because the nations are dismayed at them, for the customs of the peoples are vanity. A tree from the forest is cut down and worked with an axe by the hands of a craftsman. They decorate it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so that it cannot move. Their idols are like scarecrows in a cucumber field, and they cannot speak; they have to be carried, for they cannot walk. Do not be afraid of them, for they cannot do evil, neither is it in them to do good.”
God controls all and everything, your frog is code and image.
>there are people out there who ACTUALLY study sand jew fairy tales: the book
wew to the lad
>7th century
>denying it shakes foundation of all history
do i shake the foundation of all history if i deny the 19th century mormon texts' narrative of the life and times of Jesus Christ too?
>And also "becoming something" isnt a truth proof of "understanding something".
i have no idea what you're trying to say here
How does it feel to be blue pilled and naive?
Religions (all of them, without exception) are tightly related with nature of reality if you know how to read it.
I think that is important (specially under our nihilist times)
>Is the bible the greatest metaphor ever told?
lol no. The canonical bible is like beating a game for the first time on Very Easy. But if you're a younger soul, it may take you three or four lifecycles to comprehend its wisdom.
Now, Gnostic texts are New Game+ on Nightmare difficulty. The redpills there are simply too much for most of Sup Forums, their souls are too young right now.
The canonical bible is an entry-level guidebook to keep society from imploding and keep people reproducing. It contains very few insights into the mysteries, and the ones it does have are all mostly from Jesus' direct quotes.
Of course.
All of them are studying the "same object".
What is important here is the "truth" as it is... Not sect A or B.
This isnt competition about "who is right" maymay.
Good answer.
Thank you burgerbro
You're promoting false doctrine and most likely cannot understand and comprehend the simplest of parables within the bible, based on what you have said
Gnostic works are the product of Satan, and this world. To promote that man is capable of achieving salvation through knowledge. Whereas the Bible makes it clear, salvation is achieved through faith, in Jesus Christ. Nothing more, nothing less.
This nigger gets it
>To promote that man is capable of achieving salvation through knowledge.
But knowledge itself isn't evil. Actually, knowledge is exactly "saving us" from tyranny of masters and life struggle.
Now, anything about "afterlife" (if there's such kind of thing) i will see when i die.
>> Denying the lord almighty kek after Trump victory
lord kek my ass
abrahamic religions are in fact penultimate of blue pill, created by jews to divide and enslave us.
orthodox that took over in Russia for instance LITERALLY states all it's followers as "paб бoжий"(slave of god) opposed to "cынoвья бoгoв"(sons of gods) in our ancestral religion.
you wanna be cucked slave, go for it, worship the jew
nature of reality is determined by experiment and theory, not fairy tales.
did the muslims behead all of the pollsters who asked annoying questions?
Anyone who voted for Trump because of their religion is a cuck.
I understand your claim about experiment (which is really important after all) , but personally think that metaphysics isn't negligible in order to understand reality.
Its not about trump , its what being a christian is about , you can cuck all you want but if there were no christians you would now have hillary as president
your religion shapes your worldview
your worldview helps shape your political opinions
your political opinions inform your voting decisions
Man doesn't need salvation from anything, the only thing he "needs" is to return to God. Man achieves this through gaining knowledge of God. One of the strongest emanations of God was Christ, who came to teach us, and man gains much knowledge from Christ. Gnostics don't reject or disrespect Christ
Man corrupted the teachings and warped this into a system of "stay childlike, knowledge isn't important, never ask questions, your soul is destined for eternal torture if you don't enslave yourself to the church (which is of man)". That is anti-soul evolution, and serves to keep you further from God, stuck on Earth (Satan is of Earth).
but thats not why you vote jesus christ
No, 'knowledge' isn't 'saving' us from anything.
The only knowledge that will save us in any way, shape or form is the knowledge that Jesus Christ died, so that the sins we commit on this planet may be forgiven, should we accept that Jesus died for them, to realise this you must learn what is good and bad in the Lords sight by learning his laws and commandments.
By doing this, we can then realise how what we do is wrong, and accept that Jesus died for those very actions.
There is NONE since Adam, save Jesus Christ himself who has lived free of Sin.
Romans 3: 9 - 11
9 What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin;
10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.
The biggest misconception I find about Christianity, people are under the impression you must live this perfect, idealistic life being free from sin.
This is wrong, you will have sinned, you will continue to sin.
Once we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, then we will notice the changes within ourselves. Then we have overcome death, for we will live for eternity in paradise.
This doctrine asks for no money, no possessions, it asks you not to murder or commit any action against any man, other than to spread the Good news of his return, so we may share in a new Heaven, and a new Earth
that God has prepared for us. And all he asks is that we believe in him so that our constant rebellion against God can be forgiven.
I'm still finding connections that were just brilliant.
Baptism - Noah's flood - erasing of sin for faithful
The Exodus - deliverance from sin/slavery
There is no hidden message, everything is plain for those who have eyes to see. Some parables take a little knowledge though.
It helps to know that fields/crops = church
harvest/reapers = The last day / angels
Things of that nature. It's not necessarily hidden because it is all explained elsewhere in the text at some point.
>but thats not why you vote jesus christ
was there supposed to be a comma after vote?
if so, to clarify:
you vote to elect the best person for the job.
you decide who the best person for the job based on your political opinions on how the country should be run.
how you think the country should be run is based on your worldview, which is shaped by your religion.
The most important is a working knowledge of the languages it was written in. Hebrew and Greek are the most important for most of it. You don't need to be fluent, but you need to be well-informed enough to come to your own conclusions without reading something already filtered through a translator.
A knowledge of history is also important, but mostly history is good for confirming what the Bible already tells us and giving some context. For example, it's entirely clear from the bible itself that the Germanic tribes are descendants of Jacob (which is all you really need to know) but a knowledge of history will help you understand how that actually happened.
>Gnostics don't reject or disrespect Christ
Yes, they do because they contradict Christ and his teachings.
Stop deluding yourself to try and make it seem acceptable in your eyes.
Gnosticism and Christianity are two separate belief systems, that teach two different messages.
I'm not even saying that some things you learn from Gnosticism aren't necessarily true, I'm saying from a religious stand point it isn't true. The message of salvation it teaches isn't true.
We should look at Gnosticism as modern Sorcery. And what does the bible say about Sorcery? It says it exists, The apostle Paul lists sorcery as one of many sinful practices that mark the lives of unbelievers: “Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife . . . and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God” (Galatians 5:19-21).
Sorcery is an attempt to bypass God’s wisdom and power and give glory to Satan instead. God has no tolerance for sorcery. In Deuteronomy 18:10-12, sorcery is listed among the sinful practices of the nations surrounding Israel. God calls it an abomination: “There shall not be found among you . . . anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD. And because of these abominations the LORD your God is driving them out before you.”
Stop practising false doctrines, repent and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.
Good answer.
Thank you.
Jesus was not crucified because he was some great teacher of morality, he claimed he was God several times. Because he was God. Great teachers don't get crucified for just teaching 'great moral teachings' as the liberals would have you believe.
CS Lewis' liar, lunatic, or Lord argument holds up very well.
For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (1 Cor. 2:1-2).
The Bible has not at its center a message 'how can I ascend the hill' a message of substitution, my sin for his righteousness.
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 25 God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement,[i] through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith.
A message of atonement, not moralism.
> We should look at Gnosticism as modern Sorcery
[citation needed]
It's the story of the bloodline of the Jews.
Adam and Even were the first man and woman. There were other humans on the Earth then as well but they were goy and therefore not Man and Woman.
We won't be able to agree, since the division between gnostics and the canonical folks goes back two thousand years and couldn't be resolved in all that time. The disagreements are too fundamental. All I will say is that regarding this,
>anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead,
Gnosticism isn't about things like that. That's Satanists, like what Hillary Clinton was accused of doing with the spirit cooking shit. Things like doing a ritual around a baby and then sacrificing it because you believe it will allow you power to see the future of the election or whatever, is all earthly shit which i agree with you is Satanic, and we agree Satanic things are not good
>Central Gnostic beliefs
Central Gnostic beliefs that differ from orthodox Christian teachings include: the creator as a lower being ['Demiurge'] and not a Supreme Deity; the belief that all matter is evil and the body is a prison to escape from (versus the Nicene Creed teaching that there will be a physical resurrection of all people); ..
>and the body is a prison to escape from
1 Corinthians 6:19 - What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
>The believe a person attains salvation by learning secret knowledge of their spiritual essence: a divine spark of light or spirit. They then have the opportunity to escape from the prison of their bodies at death. Their soul can ascend to be reunited with the Supreme God at the time of their death. Gnostics divided humanity into three groups:
Gnostic works have not been inspired by the Holy Spirit, hence it is not in the Bible.
>There was no consensus on a "canon of Gnostic scripture." Many books were circulated in different versions; various schools within the movement had their own preferred rendition.
>Gnosticism consisted of many syncretistic belief systems which combined elements taken from Asian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek and Syrian pagan religions, from astrology, and from Judaism and Christianity.
Also, Simon the Magus is considered the first Gnostic. He is mentioned in the divinely inspired bible.
>CS Lewis' liar, lunatic, or Lord argument holds up very well.
Right, because there's no such thing as hypocrisy.
Is this really the state of Christian philosophy? Muppets like C.S. Lewis?
Acts: 8:9 - 19
9 Now for some time a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and amazed all the people of Samaria. He boasted that he was someone great, 10 and all the people, both high and low, gave him their attention and exclaimed, “This man is rightly called the Great Power of God.” 11 They followed him because he had amazed them for a long time with his sorcery. 12 But when they believed Philip as he proclaimed the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women. 13 Simon himself believed and was baptized. And he followed Philip everywhere, astonished by the great signs and miracles he saw.
14 When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to Samaria. 15 When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the Holy Spirit, 16 because the Holy Spirit had not yet come on any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 17 Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.
18 When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money 19 and said, “Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.”
Your first leader offered the Apostles MONEY for divine gift.
Acts 8:20 - 24 20 Peter answered: “May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! 21 You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God. 22 Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord in the hope that he may forgive you for having such a thought in your heart. 23 For I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin.”
24 Then Simon answered, “Pray to the Lord for me so that nothing you have said may happen to me.”
Jesus is a prophet, not God.
Mudslime detected
another journey through the ancient tradition of bullshit artistry
political psyop for those who are tired of the same old same old
It's all about man and woman.
At the beginning, woman ate the fruit.
The fruit caused all hell.
Let yourself be crucified for their mistake.
You're now perfect after you resurrect and one with God.
After that, well I tell you when I do it today, as I think I'm rewriting reality, but other people seemed to have done it (Death Grips, Beach House, Animal Collective).
Sorry I created the world this way guys. I got mad as fuck.
>great teachers don't get crucified without being god
I'm picking a bit, but surely you have heard of Socrates.
The only thing I know is that I know nothing is the verbal equivalent of the start of the path of Godhood.
>Deny one is to shake the foundations of all history.
Deny them all. Having supernatural rule is nonsense.
>Great teachers don't get crucified for just teaching 'great moral teachings' as the liberals would have you believe.
I've never heard liberals say that. Are you sure that's not just something you made-up?