How is Trump anti-LGBT when the First Lady is bisexual?
How is Trump anti-LGBT when the First Lady is bisexual?
It's bisexual only if the pussies are in contact.
Are all girls bisexual or do they do it to attract guys or both
There is literally nothing wrong with two women being naked together.
Not sure which one (if either) is Melania.
My gf was attracted to girls at an earlier age than boys.
She still likes women a lot but she prefers men because they are more dominant.
Yeah, it's not like one of them can accidentally pop a boner in the other one's ass.
>we've seen the first lady naked
By my count, that makes it her and Jackie Kennedy right?
>How is Trump anti-LGBT
He isn't.
Bisexual women are an extension of a time when it was acceptable for a man to have more than one wife. There are some cultures that claim that they only spent a night with one wife alone but anyone who isn't retarded knows that isn't true because no sane man would only fuck one woman at a time when he can fuck two.
Trump has supported gay marriage for 8 years longer than Hillary Clinton.
He also allows transgenders to use the bathroom they want in Trump Tower.
it's not gay if the buns don't touch
Nope. Wife is straight as you can get. Believe me I tried.
>she prefers men because they are more dominant
THIS is the real fucking redpill.
I can't believe why the media constantly spouts shit like treat her equal etc. when in reality all woman like to be dominated.
I can't imagine why the fuck would someone WANT to fucking be dominated but I guess that's the female brain folks.
>knowing youll never get to see sweet Mary Todd Lincolns hanging fun bags
Unless of course they are girls (male)
Ok with Girl on Girl. No dicks involved. Fun to watch.
Man on man is an abomination. Squicks me.
uh oh
I'd say it is more of a pack mentality. You need a leader of the group, but it doesn't mean yo treat the rest like shit, it's just more about having a place that everyone respects.
Not all males can be the Alpha male.
Are there any examples of animal groups where they always have a Matriarch? I don't believe so, the head of a small group/family needs to be a strong male.
He loves the gays, not faggots.
I think that's that because women go fucking crazy with their emotions during period, so they need a man to take control.