Make some money over Anglos cucking their currency

>make some money over Anglos cucking their currency

>get blamed for everything for the next 30 years

He literally did nothing wrong

Other urls found in this thread:

Begone foul creature!

Not an argument

>calls the immigrants to Europe
>funds presses and online media who blame us for being intolerant toward those beasts
>funds Hillary

Yeah, I don't see the problem neither

>systematically destroys france, bongistan and america
>tries to get russia invaded
>literally all the allied powers of WW1 and the ones responsible for three anonymous
>your face when he was our guy one jews step ahead the whole time trying to avenge us

I don't care about Soros honestly but here's an article why people are angry at him.
No thanks, I'm not buying their jewish shit

I didn't realize you Huns still took such pride in this national hero of yours

>jewish shit
>about calling out Soros
Huh really makes me think.

This man has no nation so why should I coun him in my nation?

If This makes you think you are either fucking stupid or just pretending the confusion. and the is a jew-tier media source, don't expect me to believe what they write

t. rogán

>jewish press calls Soros evil
>jewsih press are liars
>so they lie about Soros being evil
>to convince people he's not evil when he's actually evil

>t. Soros

He does a fuckton wrong, he ltierally sponsors far-left activists, politicians, newspapers, all over the western world...

pays people to divide a country.

>he should spend his money on himself, the greedy kike, instead of donating to charity that makes the world a better place

Correcting the record for soros himself now?

>I think we've reached the final boss


Honestly he's one of the greatest capitalists to have walked the planet. He's an evil piece of shit but he literally did nothing wrong under the current system.

But you liked the Soros fund when he made Fidess, huh?

He couldnt turbán the orbán

thanks to him there is BLM.

his head will roll. no money in the world will protect him now.

I don't particularly have an opinion about the fidesz but I thought you guys hated them.

>He literally did nothing wrong

Money means nothing to him anymore and he has destabilized so many smaller nations already.
He's a megalomaniac misanthropist sociopath.
He wants to destabilize the most powerful nation before he dies.


spotted the sjw

just like the great slave masters of a bygone era

and why does he hate Obama? is Obama not competent enough to fulfill his commands?