You scared Sup Forumscucks?
You scared Sup Forumscucks?
Scared of puffy undergraduates and beaner loving landwhales? No I'm fine
FattygetsBatty, no, hamgalaxy-drones do not scare us.
We have the memes to know not fear.
Her threats and assertions will be rendered into a fountain of lulz.
>Wanting to kill someone because you don't agree with them
Ironic that these people call Trump, Hitler.
literally every word out of her mouth is a cliche
not a single actual thought in her head
that is brainwashing
Of STD ridden pink haired tumblrinas?
lmao lets see them riot in red states
They won't because they're cowardly children
Lets mock them on social media until they kill themselves desu
>reporter barely maintaining a straight face
>Dont take away our rights
You have the right to a bullet if you don thead for the border immediately.
If only libtards had balls and actually started the war instead of smashing storefronts, looting and beating up white people 5vs1 like niggers.
Not really, no.
Even though I live in MA, my town is redpilled as fuck. The local gun club is literally right down the road from my house. The urban shitskins will not survive the winter if they try to pull something funny.
If that shithole gets overrun all the cool kids can hop over the border to NH, we have space
Thanks, neighbor.
All the lib shits
With their burned up kicks
They better run, baby run
Faster than my gun
All illegal spics
With their anchor kids
They Better run, Beaner run.
South of the border
They can come and get it, but doubt these leftist faggots even have guns.
That, and the only trigger time they get is when they see tweets they don't like.
Not exactly training. a veteran with a CCW and the right to stand my ground which is exactly what i will do. Bring it on !
They don't.
Even if they started stockpiling now they won't have shit compared to the vast majority opposing them.
No, theyll grow bored soon.
Don Lemon all like shieeeet don't piss off whitey lady unless you are really into whips and chains.
Its like you want to get raped
that new presenter was so based.
>um... yeah... that's enough paul... um no one sholud be advocating violence
No. These kind of fear-driven Arab-spring tactics are why you lost the presidency.
Why you fuckers think you can just keep going and it will start to work again, I will never know. You are majorly fucking cucked. Tricked out of your leverage. Your wife is fucking another man while you watch. Take your pick. You are powerless.
Is she gonna eat me?
Why do you carry a gun? Do you routinely find yourself in situations requiring of said gun? Or are you just a paranoid cracker who feels safer because of it? I bet you are the kind of faggot who brags about his gun that you worked 7 days of overtime at gamestop to earn, but in reality not one round has been through the barrel. Put that gun to use and kill yourself