Why are you guys so against gay people?
Why are you guys so against gay people?
Silent majority doesn't give a shit were you want to stick your pecker.
You post this thread every day. Get aids and die you fucking clog wearing faggot.
Why are fags so eager to portray themselves as victims?
Go away, no one hates you.
I don't have nothing agains't them, I just dont want them near me.
I don't like promiscuous disease ridden people
We're not all against gay people.
As soon as you realize that they were born this way and it's not their fault... why hate on them? Deep down they wish they were "normal" like you and me. Suicide rate in the gay community is probably the highest ever compared to other groups of people.
They only thing we hate is gays that draw too much attention and have stupid demands
>yfw god created AIDS specifically for faggots
I'm not.
I'm against being call a cis hetero shitlord each time I pass by the Women's Studies building.
Turns out that when you keep calling a majority of the population shit, they vote against your interests.
I don't really have much problems with them but I do think that homosexuality is a mental illness therefor I don't think that gay couples should be able to adopt children (pollutes the child's mind) or have the same legal marriage as heterosexual people (the sacred bond of marriage brings tax benefits because it is expected that married people will have children in the near future while gay people can never have that)
I'm not against you fucking guys.
I'm against you pretending that you are more than 1% of the population and your non issues are more important than what dreads the lifes of the other 99%.
Because of this
AIDS was engineered by people nigga
as long as it is not children and animals. those people should be burned.
Because they are disgusting faggots that spread disease.
But they only spread disease amongst other gays, so that should be in your favour right?
They are a bad example for society.
We just need to get rid of raging faggots to give decent gays a chance, like blacks need to get rid of niggers.
who's against gay people you faggot?
I support gays and hope they can quit shoving it in my face one of these days
you assume someone is against you - who?
Sup Forums is not one person or one group of whatevers you stupid fucking tard
they won they got it they can stop fucking campaigning now
As soon as you start to be "tolerant" for homosexuals like a liberal cuck it will then be acceptable for faggots to teach your children in public schools. Now you don't want that do you?
They spread to bissexuals and child too.
Decent gays are a myth. If you take a dick in your butt you're not decent by any possible way.
Same reason I hate most blacks. Because they are mostly marxists who want to destroy western society.
>Decent gays are a myth. If you take a dick in your butt you're not decent by any possible way.
>smoking a joint will make you a heroin addict.
Sure thing Ahmed
Because you have busty-ass broke feet, nigga.
Don't post dat shit.
I'm not against gay people. I am, however against forced acceptance.
Weed is for people like you. Faggot.
Go back to Turkey you moron.
No, hate is always wrong and never the answer. It is still an abomination by the teachings of all religions and believes. So I don't activly support it. But I don't hate them. They just try to find out where they belong in life and what's right and what's wrong, just like everyone does.
We are going to take over your pathetic country. You people are the most liberal cucked fags i have ever seen.
God's law knows no sickness. If you get sick it's because you walk astray from the benevolent law.
I honestly virtually never think about you. When I do it's when the left is trying to use you as victims to elevate their own level of victimhood. I have nothing against who you bang, and you should tell the left to go fuck themselves, you're real people not just some political stance.
tfw no collared Sup Forumsack bf eating from the dog bowl on my kitchen floor
because they are stupid monkeys not worthy of being called human
Pidors are clearly mentally ill, but this illness at the same time makes them best friends.
Shame though, some of them are so cute...
Bring it on roach.
Thank you for being so tolerant and letting us build mosques everywhere.
Kill yourself repuslive faggot abomination. Stop spamming the same thread every day you digusting mentally ill freak
>28% of homosexual men had more than 1000 partners: "Bell and Weinberg reported evidence of widespread sexual compulsion among homosexual men. 83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners. Bell and Weinberg p 308.
>Comparative Data of Childhood and Adolescence Molestation in Heterosexual and Homosexual Persons
>Drug Use "Seven Times Higher" Among Gays
>Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals
I'm against trannies and Muslims, but liberals just keep making me want to hate more and more groups.