Is there any party who support lgbt people rights but oppose leftist degeneracy?
for who should we vote?
Is there any party who support lgbt people rights but oppose leftist degeneracy?
for who should we vote?
Just focus on the economy. If it goes well, everybody benefits.
As a bonus, leftists are universally retarded when it comes to that, so its killing two birds with one stone.
There is no party that genuinely cares about our rights or about 'degeneracy' (I assume you mean hordes of muslims?), they just seek to use all these things to their advantage
Just get a boyfriend and vote Republican. We can already marry not that it matters. Our rights are equal to everyones now. Mainly im just in it for the qt boys and boipussy
b-but if i will support pence then he probably is going to kill me
Pence aint going to kill you. Just fill your bfs butt in private uwu
What LGBT rights?
The right to get married? We can't grant you that right, we can only rape the meaning of the word marriage for you.
The right to not get discriminated? You shouldn't want it, it destroys the right to freedom of association which is infinitely more important.
The right to march on the street in fetish gear? What's the fucking point?
The only right you should want is to be left the fuck alone. Everything else called lgbt rights are society destroying privileges.
but i also want to start family, adopt children, and kiss/hug my bf in public
why i must vote for commies to be happy?
if you're gay and vote conservaties, then you're cuck
> the left is bad for the economy
History says the exact opposite of that in burgerland you ignorant hue
Pence wants you to have the option to be cured.
Of course people like him will never be able to find a cure, and people educated enough to have a chance of succeeding aren't touching that kind of research because of the kikes.
>rape the meaning of the word marriage
Typical christian fundie drama queen shit to use the word 'rape' for this. Marriage is just a contract. Regardless of the law, the religious ceremony of marriage can always be performed by two men or two women thanks to religious freedom. The religious side of marriage was already gayed up long ago. The gay marriage argument is about marriage contracts, it's a legal issue and has nothing to do with the religious meaning of marriage. Again, fag marriage CEREMONIES were ALREADY LEGAL.
The reality is that the gay community is literally a diseased mess. Following your fetish is one thing, wanting to flaunt it in public is insane. Can't you see that promoting self destructive fetishes in public and corrupting children with it is wrong?
Keep that shit indoors or on private property, away from kids.
Nope. Not unless straights are banned from public affection
Universal standard or none at all.
Keep a close eye on Sweden, their current account has recently gone into deficit because of all the refugees. It's all downhill from here.
>netherland education
There is a difference between fetish like footfetish and sexual orientation
faggotry IS leftist degeneracy you feces-eating fag.
Trump is actually pro LGBT and pence will follow him. The new Republicans are almost exactly what OP is describing
Differentiate between homosexuals and faggots.
Homosexuality is a sexual preference.
Faggotry is a cultural preference.
Guess which is degenerate...
>support lgbt people
>oppose leftist degeneracy
How about you fuck off
The world is over populated. Faggotry is good.
Russia is a perfect example of what you want. No leftist degeneracy no sjw no feminists. As for gay rights - we don't have special rights for you. You you're beaten up or something the person who did it, will get procecuted like any other.
You can't make people love freaks and pride parades without degeneracy propaganda. It's not the government business to make people like you.
As about rights you have exactly the same rights as any other citizen.
This. You're fine, OP. Things are looking up.
Oh is that why getting abused at a young age turns you gay? We're just machines. A little genetics, a little upbringing, a little roll of the dice ... hey presto, you love dick, or feet.
The question is what does it bring to society and your life to keep that shit private or not? Does it really destroy your life that a small percentage of your time you have to adjust to social norms?
Can i get married and start a family?
Isn't displaying affection in public based on public opinion, though? Candidates can't really change the minds of the people
>No leftist degeneracy
stopped there
You can. In our constitution marriage is defined as a consensual union between a man and a women. You can marry a women like any other citizen.
Trump and Pence. They find degeneracy unproductive but still want to protect your rights to love and fuck who you want from the hordes of muslims that would throw you off buildings given the chance.
More freedom is always better when it's not in the hands of muslims
Stupid typo.
we war you
But they don't add anything useful. I don't want them dead, I just want them out of sight so they don't infect the mindscape of youngsters before they have had some time to soak up heteronormative culture.
If after they grow up their genetics or random chance still causes them to seek dick up the ass so be it, but at least we give kids the best shot at a safer and more socially useful life.
A shot kike media and education denies them.
You always could, just have an understanding with your wife about the men/twinks you'll be fucking on the side while you give her children, love and support. Don't ever let your children find out though it messes them up if they're not in college first
You should give back to your nation to earn the right to screw who you want. Just keep it wrapped or vet your lays so you don't bring HIV into your house
>nogs and beaners and hajjis have too many kids
>therefore, whites should stop reproducing because of muh fetish