I need some help pol. My little brother (17) was supposed to fight this muslim kid, and they were each to bring two people. My brother showed up and brought 3 guys with him and then around the corner pour out about 60 sand nigs and nigs. They fucked him up and even worse, the guy he was supposed to fight only jumped in after 10 guys already were on him.
How can I get revenge on this piece of shit?
>I live in Southwestern Ontario, Canada for extra info
I need some help pol. My little brother (17) was supposed to fight this muslim kid...
Other urls found in this thread:
Which city? I'm from Kitchener
By fighting your adversary, you've already lost leaf.
We need more info, I don't believe it happened.
Acetone peroxide.
Race war now?
Ask your brother what is his name is and where he hides. Then take yourself and your pals and fuck his shit up
>memeing on Sup Forums
Calm down, newfag.
Basically they met up and my bro had 3 kids to fight and like 10 to watch then 60 kids from their side showed up but only about 30 of them fought so a 30v3 basically
Fight was because of a basketball dispute
ladies and gentlemen, C U CK NADIA
I don't either. Sandniggers here aren't aggressive like yours desu
I'm from down in NFLD. I had a coworker from ontario and he said shit was just like that up there.
Stalk him. Snatch him when he is walking alone. Make him take a little nap. Dump him into the woods while wrapped up in garbage bags and tied up.
He'll probably get lost or be scared shitless if he gets home.
Hypothetical if you want your risk of getting caught to increase a fuckton, you could always hypothetically cut off a few fingers or toes. maybe break a few teeth or ruin an eye.
Also could do stuff to his mother or siblings if you are evil enough.
Also dont worry. Canadian jails are cozy and, depending on how hard you go and how your present your story to other inmates, you could end up being connected to some good white supremacy gangs. Fucking up shitskins, protecting the honourable from the dishonourable, and putting family first are right up their ally.
But i wouldn't recommend actually doing these things as they are illegal.
Find out where he lives, park close to his house and wait until he comes out. He will very likely be passive when you confront him like most Pakis without their friends.
Beat the fuck out of him.
Forgot to mention to make sure to hypothetically dump him around 30 minute walk into treeline and at least an hour outside of city limits.
Also take his shoes and clothes. Feel free to hypothetically pour anything that isn't your body fluids on him.
two 30 round mags
>buy one of these
>tell brother to challenge kid to a fight again
>brother brings his 3 friends, each have a piece of cardboard able to cover up all of them
>sandnigger brings his 60 sand nigger friends
>get a friend to drive car
>pop out of car sun roof
>spray the sand niggers with paint balls
Kek our country is cucked.
If you have no balls, call the police, who probably won't do anything anyways.
If you want genuine revenge, find the Muslim guys mother and smash her head in with a crowbar. Three days later do the same to his father. After that set his house on fire.
>My little brother (17) was supposed to fight this muslim kid, and they were each to bring two people.
Your brother's a pussy.
Should've known he would bring all his cousins
you fucked up leaf
Your brother deserved to get his ass kicked for breaking the rules. He wanted to be a pussy and bring an extra guy and got knocked the fuck out!
If you live in London or can pick me up I will rally to your cause if you get this guys location.
I'd go after his family first. Shitskins go apeshit if you hurt their family, more than if you were to just hurt them.
you know the niggers will play dirty and have a pistol/knife or two.
Paintball gun? Seriously? Are you 12?
Roblox is that way, kid.
Put Mayonnaise on his hamburger, that will surely do him in.
He lives in London, Im trying to find his location
Never bring a leaf to a fist fight.
Use social engineering to get his parents bank information.
Over the course of a year slowely ruin them.
The pistol is a risk but I don't see how a knife is a risk when you're in a moving vehicle. Also nigs can't handle paintballs, they hurt a lot. The gun in the pic related can hold 1000 paintballs
call the cops dude, a mob attack like that is illegal.
Or get some of your friends together and go beat the dirty arabs.
I'm about to make an email I'm sick and tired of arab motherfuckers making everyone scared to do anything. Let me guess, it happened over a basketball dispute in Westmount?
I'm gonna wait a bit to take any action so its not so obvious. Would you still be willing ?
God bless you brother. Are there any right-wing street groups left in Canada? Maybe get some of them together.
pretty much
It's not just any normal paintball gun you fucking leaf. The maker uses real parts, so as soon as they see someone pop out of the sun roof with what looks like an Mg42, you think they won't be intimidated?
This. You should know the common man has no honor so every time a fight is arranged between two people, there is going to be an ambush.
I was thinking of giving his name and address to some skinheads, I think we have a few around here
Us whites need to get gangs going to protect ourselves from these animals. We have them where I live, and guess what? Crime rates have plummeted because some sand nigger doesn't want his brains on the sidewalk.
where is that? I wish we could have something similar here
The only way that would actually do damage is if you hit one in the eye.
rules in a fight means youre to fucking stupid to realize there are no rules in a fight
do that
also, you can harass the shitskins which is the safest way to get back at them. Just destroy their mail box, smash their windows, damage their cars.
Yeah I'm down. I'll talk to some other rowdy Sup Forums friends from town to see if we can assemble a right wing death squad. I'm serious too.
They could charge at your brother and friends
Probably London or Windsor
>tfw win in the only good part of Ontario left that always votes conservative
>never see a shitskin, just a few niggers that came from USA during the 1800s.
The Arab people tend to favor hit and run attacks. This should have been expected.
Me too. Where do you live OP you beta bitch?
>My little brother (17)
Post pic of his feet don't question it just do it no homo :^)
Sounds like both decided to fight dirty.
Not really sympathetic to your brother or the other guy desu
Can I get in touch with you somehow?
1) Don't fight
2) Don't arrange fights without getting paid
3) Don't fight
4) If you absolutely must fight, and there is no other option, be ruthless
Your brother is a moron for getting in an arranged fight at a set time / place. Your brother deserves the beating he got. Revenge and retaliation are for pussies, he should let go and give it up before he gets himself killed over a stupid basketball game. Grow up.
Edmonton. We have a chapter of the Soldiers of Odin that patrol the shithole Somali neighbourhood at nighttime. The Somalis don't cause a ruckus around there for anybody anymore, that's for sure. And there are lightly armed unofficial neighbourhood watches who patrol at nighttime in the white neighbourhoods to keep natives and other assorted shitskins away.
Joking about making highly unstable high explosives. Can't even use that shit as a weapon. Blows up after a few grams by it's self
Gawdam that sounds beautiful
Was it like this OP?
This made me lol. What a fucking pathetic story. Next time try telling your brother to act like an adult.
Reverse this email
>expecting a fair fight from sandniggers
Smuggle an assault rifle across the border and kill em all.
Yeah we don't really play around in Alberta. If I was in Ontario I would help OP out.
>Falling for honeypots
I guess it's true then; Canadians aren't shitposters they're just really that retarded.
>niggerball "dispute"
>not handling it immidiately but going for backup
you deserved it
If they freeze the paintballs, it can cause some serious wounds in the skin
I beat three dudes with a crowbar. I got out in 11 months on good behaviour. Worth it.
The worst part about jail is there's nothing to do but it's not like in movies. As long as you don't act like a nigger and fuck with people for no reason you'll be left alone.
But don't do it because it's illegal :^)
Pretty disgusting the jew media would make a joke of raving bangs of lebs, who have literally raped aussie children and stabbed aussies who tried to stop them after Cronulla.
I just want to kill every person in the media tb h
>I got out in 11 months
How was the gay sex be specific no homo :^)
>Each supposed to bring two people
>My brother brought three guys
So your brother broke the terms of the agreement too, hes just mentally retarded and got outsmarted by Arabs
Your brother is a disgrace to the sacred leaf, and is henceforth banished from the Dominion.
>got mad at basketball
>flipped out and resorted to violence
>tried to cheat at a fight
>got his ass kicked
Sounds like he already got all the help he needs
how's your employment situation tough guy :^)
lots of lucrative jobs for violent convicts
>That happened
Yer a fuckin joke bud
>implying this isn't all just roleplay
>Canacuck literally thinks he encoded his email by reversing it
I am a contractor now. I make better money than the job I was doing before (Nurse).
Oh shit. I apologize my friend. That would be fucking brutal if you got them in the neck, eyes, and mouth.
I know a guy who joined the Aryan Brotherhood in prison and got a long extension to his sentence for shanking (not fatal) a pedophile in the showers. He said it was worth it.
Never arrange fights with shitskins. Bash their fucking heads while you can. Ask your brother about the kid and where can you find him. Buy some mace spray and an extendable batton if it's even legal in canada. Dont let them know who you are.
There, thats how you start a race war
Yeah sure, just like the leaf on the flag.
It's Sup Forums. Get it right, slide shill.
Hint for the newfags: board names are to be written with the '/' every time, and nevwr on caps lock. It's always been like this.
Getting the board name wrong, on purpose or not, is the first sign that it's either an extremely new newfag or a troll shill.
fite me irl fagget!
>Australian entertainment
Interesting, I will be sure to forward this to my fellow JIDF and r/thedonald brethren. Thank you.
It's not encoded it's so I don't get spammed by webcrawling ad bots, throw another shrimp on the Barbie and fuck off cunt.
OP namedrop Mohammed I want to see if I can find him on Facebook.
This is what we need in American cities. We need racial profiling, but the police are too cucked to do it themselves.
Sure, give me your name and address I'll be right over buddy
Muslims are a hive, next time post this thread beforehand and we'll tell you all about it.
There was no gay sex. It was jail, not prison. Prison is worse but I still hear it's not nearly as bad as in the movies and shit. Most shit that goes down is gang related or if you think you're a tough guy and go around talking shit to other guys who are likely tougher than you.
Er I mean, the first day I was in there some big black guy with a huge penis gave me the option of having my fingers broke or sucking on his dick in front of his homies. I sucked his dick desu senpai.
Any tips and advise for crowbar use for self defense?
If you have a hospital record, just call the cops and tell them you got beaten by that faggot and his gang. Make sure your bro and his buds all have their story straight and nobody say it's suppose to be a 3vs3 fight.
>Trying to find a guy named MOHAMMED
>The most popular name in the world
oh i am laffin
What do you do hans?
Print out some ISIS propoganda. Find the whitest street near you and leave it on their doorsteps along with a friendly note from "him".
Our police are even more cucked. Luckily white citizens are willing to step up to the plate.
>There was no gay sex
I'm afraid you just lost m--
>I sucked his dick
Aaaaaand I'm back :^)
dafuq is that even supposed to mean? Are you drunk?
It's all good. I would just love to watch a shitskin in his house crying while his family is popping out paintballs from his body. Would be great
I started uni this fall :^)
Listen to yourself. Sound like a fucking old woman.
Kids do this stuff, only in my old school they were WHITE and actually HONOURED the fight as 1 v 1.