I actually think that is true


>according to the same people who said hillary would win in a landslide
just another stage of acceptance.

I think he would've had a better chance too.
In the public's eyes it was a choice between a loudmouth or a fucking criminal, on top of a lot of bernouts being shafted by Hillary herself and thus went for Trump.

While I think that's true, you clearly can't trust polls.

Hahahaha fucking kike


it is. Sanders was a victim of niggers voting.

>this poll proves my opinion
>november 2016
>still believing in shitty polls

>the polls were all wrong
>this poll isn't

Hillary Clinton should have easily beaten Donald Trump according to all pre-election polls.

It's fucking done, go cry somewhere else!

ofc he would have

blacks vote straight dem already and bernie and he had a surge in white voters

Well at least he had enthusiastic followers like Trump. Though if media played the "HE'S GOT THIS LMAO, NO WAY HE CAN LOSE"-card like with Clinton, I don't know if he would've won.

yeah bernie would have been good, but it's just a president,relax your body.

>People not realizing that the millennial and gen Z vote doesn't matter.


Polls said Hillary would crush him too

the fact that they're talking about pre election polls after an election where the underdog won huge is astounding.

These people are mentally ill.

I do think Bernie would win tbqh, but not because of retarded polls

Uh Blacks actually hated Bernie because.....well because they are stupid niggers. Sanders would have won Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in the election.

Good thing Trump tricked stupid crooked Hillary into rigging the primaries by pretending to be her plant.

Yea well he fucking didn't.
He dropped out of the race, chose to not fight it even though he knew he got fucked over (again), and then endorsed Hillary and told everyone to vote for her.

This is the is the second time somebody fucked him over and he bends over and takes it.
>two black girls get on stage
>rip mic out of hands of presidential candidate
>he goes to the back and stares at his feet
Sorry Bernie, kinda like you but that isn't presidential behavior.
Should have Sparta kicked them off stage.

Sorry but once the vast amount of Americans found out he was a commie who never worked, he would have been btfo.

He probably would've won which makes it all the more beautiful hearing Hillary voters whine about the republican landslide.

I'm a God-Emperor's man, but I believe this. A lot of people actually believed in Bernie pre-sellout, thinking of how much begrudging support Hillary got I think Bernie could have won. Landslide is debatable though.

I was a Bernie supporter who voted Trump in the general. I predicted that when she lost they would blame it on him instead of blaming it on themselves for fucking him and his supporters over. The media has barely talked about what would have happened if they wouldn't have rigged the primaries, because the (((narrative))) is simply "muh impending racial holocaust 2.0".

The bernie bros helped fuck over Hillary by staying home. What makes you think the Hillarybros wouldn't have done the same if Bernie won the nomination?

keep in mind if the dems had an avid socialist on their ticket, the NeverTrumpers would have run crying back to Trump. Most of them were reaganite "reds under the bed" conservatives. There's no way they would have tolerated an actual self described socialist in the white house. And that means a 100% unified Republican party vs a dem party that would have been split between butthurt Hillary voters

>According to a poll




He would have had a higher chance in the Rust Belt than Shillary but millenials already overwhelmingly voted for Shillary.

Unless Bernie would have just attracted much more of the Democrat base (maybe Obama 2008 tier numbers? doubtful)

Isn't it very rare for some party to get 3 terms in a row in USA?

>somewhat likeable man with no dirt or scandals
>cringy woman with dirt and scandals

Of course Bernie would have won.

for sure he'd have done much better than Hillary
she became the embodyment of the crooked system, it would have been much more difficult to paint Bernie in those colors

According to polls hillary would have won in a landslide
this doesnt mean shit

Millenials voted for Trump, stupid fuck. God there is so much retardation here as of late.

Trump supporter, and yea he would have won the rust belt states. Trump was smart that's why he wasn't talking about DnC and Hillary rigging everything until it was solidified because Hillary was a weaker candidate. However the establishment wasn't going to allow Bernie to run because of his nationalistic trade policy.


Trump would win due to the debates, he'd just bully that cuck off the stage

Bernie shot down this would've could've should've bullshit himself now.
The world flows in an unpredictable but also inevitable path, which is easy to see in retrospect, but the fact is that if something could have gone differently it probably would have.
That fact is that the arrogance of the Democratic Party was their undoing, and would surely come to bit them in the ass sooner or later. Luckily we were spared having to second-guess our future.

I used to think so but I don't think that's true anymore. I still think he would have won against trump, mind, but not by much.

>acording to pre election poll
Yeah, we have all seen how reliable they are.

Would have been an entirely different question for the american voter. Do we become socialists ? Hillary Clinton's centrist moderate supporters would have gone to the opposition, Trump. All republicans would have not been never trump. Even bigger landslide.

Look in the mirror if you're looking for a retard.

>According to polls hillary would have won in a landslide
>this doesnt mean shit
You do understand that she won, right? According to NATIONAL polls she was leading by between 1% and 3% and she ended up winning by 0.4%, which means the national polls were right.

If you remember, the RCP electoral average had them in close to a dead head in 14 states and even (((Nate Potassium))) had Trump at 35% winning chance just 3 days before the election.

Bernie would have won because people want 15 dollar per hour minimum wage more than sticking the finger to Mexico.

Polls, who gives a fuck about polls

Hes too far left and the middle class doesnt want to pay for even more gibs than they do now. Fuck Bernie and fuck his supporters.

>Should have Sparta kicked them off stage

He chose to go ahead and let a black female speak her mind. The other options (physically trying to grab the mic back) would have looked awful since it was 2 black females.

>exit poll
LOL stupid nigger, white men and women 18-29 voted over 50% for trump, gtfo

>surely the american citizens would have preferred a jewish communist over a corrupt and criminal establishment hag???

Liberals are just full idiocracy at this point, 8 years of a nignog in the white house drove them over the edge

Bernie would have won the young white male vote who were brainwashed to vote for Trump and the election. The low IQ baby boomers would still have voted for Trump though.

Let's meme the audit the fed movement, into trump presidency.

Stop talking about useless bullshit. Audit the fed.

The Ron and The Don.

Sanders was the faggot who killed the audit the fed bill. Fuck him. Ron and the Don. Meme about it.

ehh he at least definitely had a better chance than hillary

No, Franz, poll were made with the electoral college in mind. Those percentages of chance of winning, with every single on of them giving the victory to Hillary, were made according to their popularity in key states. Any poll that says "oh but we were counting popular votes, so we were right ;)" are made by fucking hacks.

goalpost moved

The election would not have played out the same way had Bernie gotten nominated, so we can't really trust such a poll.

"It's a woman's turn" Hillary supporters would drop in turnout, and much of her moderate base would turn over to Trump. The GOP would run an all-out anti-socialist scare campaign. Also Bernie's VP pick would be under hot consideration because Bernie is so old and appears to be near death. Then again to most people Bernie just seems like a more likable guy than Trump so he probably could have been elected.

>No, Franz, poll were made with the electoral college in mind. Those percentages of chance of winning, with every single on of them giving the victory to Hillary, were made according to their popularity in key states.
Are you stupid or something?

If you go to the RCP average, it is NATIONAL polls NOT weighed by state electors.

That is why there are STATE polls which then end up being in an electtion map, which in turn is what determines the outcome.

Nate Silver's chances were based on the national AND state polls. But the RCP average on a national level was just that, a national popularity poll average which showed between 1% and 3% in the days before the election and things ended up with 0.4% for Clinton. I say that ain't wrong.

The polls that were wrong were those in Wisconsin and Michigan and in PA.


All five of them?

Hey, in all honesty, Bernie would have had a much better chance than Hillary, and I would have been only a little butthurt of he had beaten Trump. Bernie was my second choice. Hillary never had a chance to begin with and the only reason it looked like it is because the entire system from top to bottom was rigged in her favor.

Nothing moved when spics and niggers don't count libtard. They vote dem if HRC came to their house and raped their parents in front of them.

>virtually every pre-election polls favored Hillary and pointed to a landslide for her
>all of them were wrong
>implying somehow this poll is different in any way

I saw on kikebook earlier some people on my friends list were hoping that Bernie will run in 2020. Bernie will be 80 years old by that time. Delusional.

Prove it

>All five of them?

Yea all five that gave her the nomination you fucking smartass.

>would have looked awful
Yea well in that single decision he both threw away his chance of getting elected, AND he put blm infront of a camera quiet possibly leading to them still existing.
They might have died off by now, but with that national coverage and controversy of stealing the mic.. they are now famous.

Exit polling guy didn't even approach me as I left. I made sure to wear red, so that likely disuaded him.

In a perfect world where people votes only because of logic and politics consistency, yeah, he could.

However this is not our world, and dems would be bleeding votee everytime the world "socialist" were said. In no way in hell he would get the independent support. Hell, i think he would barelly get dem support.

It would be a smarter election with actual discussion, though. Hillary havent said a single policy of hers during her campaing, just shat on trump and said that she could create nobs, but havent said how.

Maybe. But do they mean like how Hillary was supposed to landslide him?

Poll are officially dead forever. They didn't help you when you needed them and only betrayed you now.

Polls are for the poles.

Nah Bernie would have been crushed easily. No one wants communism, not even communists. They are just edgy try hards. Not to mention he would not have the army committing voter fraud like Hillary had.


I think the debates would have turned in to economics 101 in wish Bernie would have been humiliated. Come to think of it.

There's no possible fucking way Bernie would have won anything. He's a weak little socialist bitch who never fight backand Trump would have beat him by 200 electoral votes. This whole "Bernie would have beaten Trump" thing is so ridiculous.

You do realize that they rigged the fuck out of the primaries right? They rigged the general too, but were unsuccessful because of how many people were actually voting for trump but way less people vote in the primaries so the percentage of rigged votes was much higher giving her the win.

>We were extremely wrong about everything so far but we're right about this double loser commie beating Trump.

The same polls that said Hillary had a 98% chance?

> (((polls)))
> ever being relevant again

Thanks to the blatant shameless corruption at the DNC, we'll never know, will we?

Nothing to do now sep' MAGA

Why can no-one see the obvious fact that the reason Sanders is still so widely liked is because he did not go through a shit-chucking general election with Trump. Trump would have called him a socialist and a communist, invoking old mistrusts that still exist in US culture.

People would be saying, Jesus Christ we chose a old communist ideologue when Hilary was all but guaranteed the nomination. What have we done?!



They sure did rig the primaries. In fact they even made bernie sign an agreement that he couldn't attack her on stuff like the emails.

But that doesn't mean there weren't any hillary supporters from the start. I know, and you know, that if Bernie won the nomination, there would be tons of liberals complaining about "WOW TWO WHITE MALES RUNNING AGAINST EACH OTHER FOR PRESIDENT?? DON'T THEY KNOW IT'S 2016??? #NeverBernie"

You BernieCucks were so simple to manipulate. Donald knew Bernie was the only legitimate challenger so he scared the Democrat voters into picking safe Hillary. His mind exists in the spooky chaos 7th dimension.

The red baiting to get people to tie Trump with Russia didnt work, so what makes you think it would have worked if Trump was using it against Bernie?

He would not have won. Bernie would have been blamed for stealing the nomination from the first woman and bitches would have stayed home.

Americans would never vote for a socialist.
These people are delusional.

I was only pretending to re- MASAKA!

I hate when people pretend that Hillary winning a fraction of a fraction of minorities means she was incredibly popular, except niggers only 8% appear normal.

These people are almost less than 15% or less the population.

Fucking minorities can't assimilate into culture well. This is not white country it's free race minority land take everything and leave nothing!

Please fuck my daughter and kill my wife and I while we sleep.

-Sincerely T. Cuck (From Street Fighter)

Ignore the Polls. But I feel like this would of been the case. That said, If Hillary had not been running the A lot more of the women vote would of been uncertain. And while I dispose them I have to give Hillary's tactics credit, the entire hate, fear thy neighbor rhetoric coupled with the constant threat of physical violence worked very well.


> polls

That being said I think it's true. Bernie would've gotten the same dem votes Hilary did, plus they ones Hilary didn't get because his people got fucked and voted Trump

Did someone say Pole?

That's assuming Trump wouldn't have destroyed him with negative campaigning....like he destroyed everybody other competitor.

I actually wonder, Sanders' campaign was constantly underfunded and lacked the political and media backup of Hilary.
He would've probably ended up getting trashed by Trump.
Of course if he had the same backing as Hilary did then yes, he would've obviously won but again any candidate who wasn't as bad as Hilary would've with those advantages.

Bernie was a weak pushover Cuck and would have been attacked massively for this.

He was never attacked since he never needed to be politically since Hillary had it in the bag and Trump was trying to court over his voters.

Bernie did poorly with minorities and he did poorly with older voters they would have played up the Soviet Union angle and it would have hurt him also his experience in office was not all that impressive. He would have lost Virginia and Nevada and the only states that Trump would have won that he would have competed in was Wisconsisn and Michigan.

Nah Trump would've still won, perhaps even more easily. Bernie wouldn't have the media in his favor nearly as much, he would've been bullied in the debates and Trump's strategy would've been completely different.

Bernie just had some burnt out milenials on his side.

DNC Screwed him over...

And this in the graphic.

It happens with the best presidents, their VPs get a turn and either the other party changes the math or shitty policies from the prior president gets blamed on the current: Reagan running mate got 1 term, Andrew Jackson's successor got only 1 term, while Nixon isn't popular and it wasn't people choice per say he was one our best presidents in modern history and his VP was in for 1 term.

>Americans would never vote for a socialist
>Voted for a criminal

This election is nothing to do with political ideology. On the political spectrum Hillary and Trump are virtually the same (top right) only with policy differences. The election was about establishment vs non-establishment. Trump and Hillary were both deeply unfavorable to Americans. Sanders would not be.

>white men and women 18-29 voted over 50% for trump

you disproved it

I voted for Sanders in the primary and Trump in the general.

Seriously there aren't enough people terrified of socialism. This isn't the cold war.


>socialist jew
usa isnt that cucked

>> Believing polls in current year
Please, Nigga!

>trusting the media after what they just did
you goyim never learn hehe