Who killed the North American Mall Arcades?
Who killed the North American Mall Arcades?
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Home consoles and the perception of those that like the video games.
i dunno, maybe games you can play without having to leave your house and have a pocket fulla quarters
Cheaper/more accessible PCs and consoles plus internet.
gah i want that mortal kombat cabinet, and the large screen sf2,, i miss arcades ;_;
30" LCD monitors, Steam, a whole lot of stuff contributed.
Also niggers killed malls.
I would like to play iidx on a real arcade machine at least once. I have a djdao but I always play sitting down
The development of personal computers and home gaming systems. /thread.
The Internet.
What's with all the Asians?
shitty ticket games
prove me wrong
protip: you can't
Arcades only survived because people were genuine. The people involved liked programming. They made games as hobbies.
When it became a money-making operation, creativity sank like a fucking rock, the market was flooded with bullshit no one wanted to play, and Nintendo rescued everybody from the Jews with the NES, killing the Arcades in the process.
They will come back as soon as Jews move on to a new scam.
>30" LCD monitors
Did you know Jews are all over the Internet shitting on CRT and spreading disinfo about them to keep the LCD market on top? Every year they can sell you a slightly larger TV for another couple hundred dollars more-- Even though the technology of vacuum tubes is fundamentally superior (and cheaper).
Who else? SEGA
Technology killed them. No point in leaving your house to go pay exorbitant prices for a game when you can sit on your couch and do the exact same thing.
Home consoles.
Why leave the house and show the world how autistic you are, then just stay at home?
That being said, arcades are still extremely popular in Japan.
Very good post user. I recall and certain american mall arcade called " Great Escape"
Nickel Nickel was another
There actually is. To use the equipment you can't fit in your house.
But the scene is dead because Jews won't allow it to grow naturally. Their presence in any industry represents sheer ugliness, and gamers are averse to it.
Arcades always had WAY better graphics and sound compared to home consoles. That stopped being the case in the mid-to-late 90s or so.
If you're too young to remember that magical moment when Mortal Kombat 2 hit the arcades, you missed out and I feel for you
But....that's the point, equipment can fit in your house now and controllers are far better than shitty joysticks and huge buttons. Plus, with the TV we have now it's not like you get better graphics at the arcade. Maybe back when you had a shitty TV it made sense to go play on an arcade screen but now people have 55 inch TVs with amazing pictures...why get dressed, leave your house and go jam a bunch of quarters into a machine when you don't have to?
btw, where did rose go?
Going to the arcade was a blast. Playing Street Fighter against total strangers to find out how good you really are.
They are still around. A mall near me has an arcade.
Wait till VR kicks off and arcardes are going to blow the up again, no one is going to want to have some VR treadmill sitting in there living room to play VR FPS games. I guarantee it when VR is finally perfected which it will, arcades are going to be huge.
>equipment can fit in your house now
Some of that junk will never belong in a house. You misunderstood what I was talking about. Maybe you've never been in an arcade?
You all forgot about the rebirth of Pool Halls and Billards? There was a huge window of opportunity right after the movie The Color of Money. This made Pool Halls a "safe" family activity. They sprouted up everywhere.
The other thing that fucked it up was Pjaat with his idea that trading your quarters into fucking Tokens..... THAT WAS THE DOWNFALL. People got sick of being stuck with one useless Token at the end of the night when all the games cost 2 tokens to play. Pjaat got greedy.
Then by 1994 Pool halls were killed, and fucking AOL with their free internet CDs everywhere. Gamerooms were killed, except for the pedo parks of Chuckie Cheese... and their fucking token scam.
no idea, she's probably killed herself
I've been in an arcade, I think you're the one who's missing the point, we don't need huge boxes to play games now, I can play better looking games in a space that's just as big as one arcade machine, for free, and in my underwear. The fuck would I leave my house to do it? Games are so elaborate now too that people aren't going to want to go play one that you can beat in 2 hours. You can't play an RPG like Skyrim on an arcade machine, how would that work? Pay 50 cents to resume the game you had saved? Face it, technology and complex games killed the arcade model and it's not coming back unless 2D games with less than 10 levels suddenly get popular again, and that ain't happening.
Not for nothing, but Thunder Force 4 kicks Skyrim's ass. That is if you like videogames more than hiking simulators.
Probably the late 80s and 90s "STRANGER DANGER/MCGRUFF" campaign.
That shit kept everyone in a bubble so badly that they probably died off due to lack of business.
Yea... Westgate Mall in Kenya, right?
I'm not saying it doesn't, my opinion on what games are good is irrelevant, Skyrim is what people want to overwhelmingly play, and games like that are not compatible with arcades.
>You can't play an RPG like Skyrim
Stopped reading your stupid jewish bullshit right there. Nice to know you're a little shillbot.
and distance traveled
I grew up and moved on to casino games/horseracing. There is one arcade nearby that charges by the hour but it's run by obnoxious nerds (surprise) so I don't even bother.
Nintendo and Sega.
The home hardware rapidly caught up to anything done in arcades.
The Dreamcast literally was an arcade board system converted for home use.
Skyrim's only fun at max difficulty w/ autosaving turned off.
Modern games are too normiefied.
>Who killed the North American Mall Arcades?
Advances in technology + overprotective parents
Home gaming became affordable with a wide variety of games, whether you're using a computer or a game console.
Parents became more concerned about punks also hanging out at the malls. Having games at home was seen as a lot safer for the snowflakes. They could still have their friends visit and play games.
I pity gamers that never got to experience:
1) Playing in a crowded music blasting arcade with people looking you over the shoulders;
2) Pulling an all-nighter in a smoky basement lanhouse in Chinatown;
3) Raiding with their bros in the same comfy living room with some booze.
Best gaming experiences.
then how do you explain places like japan? they still have arcades and are popular while still having console games just as available as in the west
They literally have arcades walking distance away from many train station stops.
They are available just not as common.
Having a home console isn't as predominant in Japan outside of nerdier households because nobody really has the time for it or would rather just go to the Arcade from time to time and play whatever is there. You don't really have the dudebro/normie culture of having an xbox/ps in your home to play Fifa, NFL, NBA2k and CoD.
That is also why portables or mobage sell like hotcakes over there, because a) none of the games in cellphones or portables really have an Arcade alternative and b) you can play them on public transport to work.
I was there, it was this:
And it happened when they cost per play pushed beyond a quarter to double that. Wasn't worth it when you had playable games on your own tv. Atari 2600 killed the arcade
4) That late 20's white male with a receding hairline and halitosis and/or other nauseating hygiene issues who would get really close to gameplayers telling them what and what not to do usually jabbing a greasy finger into the screen and was 99% certain a sex offender
>yfw you realise ywn be in a darkened room fulll of teenage boys that could be felt up and perform lewd actts with for a few quarters
I'm glad the arcades are gone and you sex pests are stuc at home haha
forgot pic
imagine all the pizza and hotdogs he must have gotten with just a few quarters
ah those were the days
You realize there is no such thing as an alpha jap right? Gamers in America were made fun of by Chad and Stacey to the point where they just stayed home to play games. Of course after this happened Chad and Stacey got into video games and now called those same kids who theyade fun of for playing videos games faggots for not playing video games. Stacey even posts herself playing games on Facebook saying how she is such a nerd LOL. Same thing happened with glasses. Chad would call kids who needed glasses 4 eyes and faggots because they wore glasses. These same Chads then ran to the glasses store and got glasses with no prescriptio/no lenses.
The nerd jews that ran them
Its a total ripoff.
Its literally better to spend your money on those coin pusher machines.
>ah those were the days
Indeed. Bet he was the resident pinball expert too