has he said anything since Trump won
seriously guys i think he might have offed himself
has he said anything since Trump won
seriously guys i think he might have offed himself
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Don't get my hopes up.
He looks Mosley if he was a Cuck.
We'd never be that lucky.
Let's meme the audit the fed movement, into trump presidency.
Stop talking about useless bullshit. Audit the fed.
The Ron and The Don.
>seriously guys i think he might have offed himself
He's too much of a pussy to kill himself.
that tie is so ugly
For someone that Sup Forums dislikes, you guys sure do worry about what he thinks.
I hope so.
I hope so.....
Reposting this historic piece of film from the previous thread.
The cuck doesn't have the balls to off himself, he's probably locked in his panic room, wont come out for the next 4 years.
such unfunny cringeworthy piece of shit.
how do we get started lad?
John Oliver, pushed to his limits, will be found dead in his home on the first of January. His suicide note reading:
>Because it's 2016
>because you aren't working class yourself you can't have sympathy with the working class
and his theories haven't failed, they haven't been tried properly yet
Hope so.
I'm still mad at you Americans for giving him an audience.
he thinks he will be "edgy" if he does his next show back in his home in London as a refugee, and interview people based in other countries what they think of Trump winning
now that I told you, hes probably going to change it up a bit, but fuck that guy, hes a piece of shit
He is a paid shill for Soros Purple Revolution
He probably went back to his paki shithole.
I think he might be deported, so he is fearful and is trying to call Trump to beg him that he lets his British arse stay.
Some shit about how America will "get through this".
This. Do something useful, you retards.
hopefully. he's probably just eating ice cream and rewriting his giant book of "fuck trump and the white males who voted for him" quips though
checked, fpbp
>im fucking plying
That limey bastard is laughing all the way to the bank.
Just imagine how effortless it is to be a """political""" """""comedian""""" in these years to come.
Trump doesn't build a wall? Backtracking! Trump builds a wall? Racist! Trump boosts the economy? Wait wait wait I was almost required to face my mistakes but I realized you said something bad on social media haha tough luck pal!
>audience fucking dies laughing and clapping, he comes back home knowing he will have four more years of job security
how many fucking chances do you communists need? how many millions of people have to die either at gunpoint or through preventable famines? it doesn't work because it ignores human nature and human tribalism. even if the working class indian and then working class polack have more in common with one another than they do with their rich countrymen, indians will still side with indians first etc...
this limey cuck should be BURNED ALIVE
hopefully he offed him self and saved us the trouble
It's the beady anglo eyes.
don't kid yourself, this was the best possible result for libcuck "comedians". they get to keep their ebin punching bag for 4 more years. DUDE TRUMP'S HAIR LMAO XD, but at the same time they also get to keep their imaginary moral high ground and play the victim because "muh popular vote"
not to mention the fact that on a personal level a rich dude like Mr. Current Year is better off with a Republican in office (and congress)
Aye this. He'd be out of a job if Queen Hillary was elected.
say what you want about him but i like him
smug from ear to ear
Not really. He could continue to virtue signal and preach to the choir. Now he actually has to alter what he was planning to say.
i watched that turkroach get BTFO. my god his ass was blasted beyond all belief,,,good times, fat cuck should hang with limeyboi
If you back a loser, you are a loser
Takes time for these indulged cunts to adapt to that
i actually read that in his voice.
top kek
hope that moron offed himself
>hacks on The Donald and creating an open front for his followers to unite behind
>offs himself so the libs can not say, they are the stronger people in this time and age
Was he, dare i say, /ourguy/ all along ?
"Trumps election will be the biggest Fuck you ever recorded in human history... and it will feel good"
- Michael fucking Moore
I was wondering about him today. Guess we'll find out on Sunday.
I don't know about others, but I'm just looking forward to some keks.
>might have offed himself
and nothing of value was lost
He's on tomorrow.
Oh, now that the election is over, I'm loving this.
This post was sponsored by the SP.
SP. Kill whitey and let Islam rule.
>offed himself
i hope so. he's got the most punchable face and i've seen several
This is from yesterday
he hasn't aged very well
He was pretty funny in the bits he had in Community. But that was also around the time the show went down the crapper.
Maybe he's waiting for 2017.
Is the national socialist this retarded?
>mfw I see a happy white male
make it happen
G...guys, what year is it?
I fucking love this video so fucking much!
Ron and don
Ramadan.... trump will like this
I've seen a video yesterday about John Oliver doing a stand-up bit for charity. Some "resource defense" thing. He opened with "I'd love to tell you everything is going to be fine...but I can't."
Will see if I can dig it up.
There it is:
holy shit, he is reaching Nate Helium levels in this video
To be fair his non-political episodes are pretty informative and funny
Big league.
he's going to say something something popular vote, like that bum Trevor Noah
Liberals are such fucking babies
Election day
>Regardless of the outcome we need to come together as a nation
>This election has divided us. It's up to us to repair our fractured society
>The hate from both sides has driven a wedge through the country
12 hours later
>protests and riots
>America is now under Fascist rule
>Misogyny and Racism has poisoned the American people and it's our job to set things right
>petitions to have the Electoral College reject their states votes.
What's he going to do when it's not 2016 anymore?
best thing to happen after the elections