Somewhere in Germany, an Anti Trump Protest is happening. Merkel and the whole Gerian population must be very proud
And now, to top it off, BLM Chant in Germany.
Send Nukes when?
Europe is next. these fags will only speed up the process
I hope so badly that Trump gives a position to Nigel Farage to deal with the EU.
Hitler is weeping right now
a little ironic how shes screaming buzzwords to instigate the people, in germany.
So ridiculous, the guy right now is saying he is an "internationalist".
Where are all the Trump supporters to help offset this bullshit?
Fuck off Gercucks
wie ich diese schwuchteln hasse
Thank you for translating. Also, did anyone catch where is original country is?
>trump hates techno
lel, I bet most Germans are "internationalists" it's better than being German.
at work
The very same conditions that created Trump exist in Europe. SWJs protesting like this are only fanning that fire, it is coming to Europe and it will make Trump look like mother Theresa.
We had a 700 man strong NatSoc march and manifestation today in Stockholm.
Invasion when america?
On a Saturday? Get out there and crack some skulls
Refuges destroy germany
Merkel is a bitch
>back of this sign says
what a jokester
looks like just a bunch of sad antfas. my german is rusty but I think he just sad that its time for "real socialism to rule", "need a international progressive socialist alternative for the workers". literally commies.
I watched it, was good
Here is "Dunkeldeutschland"
I love them
Kek... Hats off to that! Funny.
kek the speaker is calling for an international socialist movement
He says he is some kind of activist of "real socialism", he actually says he is a Marxist/Leninist and went on with socialist propaganda.
I like that he atleast acknowledged that Clinton was shit, but then he went on with his agenda, advertised his organisation and finished with a half-assed chant of "Internationale Solidarität".
I like how the socialists are high-jacking this event.
And yet you did nothing even with all those protestors you all pussy'd out.
its in berlin.its our equivalent of california, except we have no silicon valley and our mexicans are muslims.
>NatSoc dressed like Mormons
checks out
>guy comes on
>my english is not good so i speak german
>this is what trump said, this is what trump thinks, this is how trump describes himself
ye im sure you got that right
Germans chanting No More Walls. I mean, it did somewhat work in the 1980's for them. Maybe they should do it again
How about chanting " No more Cucks " instead
"international socialist"
No wonder Yuri said these idiots all get killed when a takeover happens.
They're rabid ideologues and cannot be reasoned with, they just want to be angry.
>"where people don't know how to check sources and information"
All it took to get you to support Wall St. was give it's representative a vagina.
How about "No more Jews"
why have they got Americans doing speeches in Germany?
I bet there are people there who have no idea what they're cheering about, they're cheering about student fucking Germany
It was a nice wall, I'm still sad it is gone.
Kept the eastern European scum out.
>going by the values of a fictitious book
NUKES IN 3..2..1
oh my god they are fucking brainwashing the students with marxist values EXACTLY LIKE THEY DID 100 YEARS AGO
Make Europe Great Again!
Germans want a prenup?
I also can't really take anyone seriously who claims he is an "internationalist", but can't even speak enough English to finish his sentence.
Well if you want to die you might aswel riot against these faggots atleast it's better than dying for no reason if your fucked either way what do you have to lose.
They also seem to want Trump Techno
>atheist and jews voted for Hillary
Talk about being blue pilled lol
I guess for similar reasons why our media effectively campaigned for Hillary.
>Somewhere in Germany
>Brandenburger Tor takes up half of the screen
Thats like showing a picture of fags in front of the statue of liberty and saying somewhere in Burgerstanistan anti trump protests happen on the street.
I hope Trump also makes Amercian Education great again.
>blm faggotry
Actually the Bible is the truth
New Testament Jesus is Logos, rejection of Logos is the most Jewish thing you can do.
the new generation of liberal europeans are a literal joke, i've met them on my travels and they know absolutely nothing about the world outside of 'uni' and are just basically hoping to live of their parents wealth so they won't have to work, i really actually dislike them very much
Way to waste an afternoon.
As if this protest will do anything at all but make them feel good about themselves.
If they really want change they should find a better activity for their precious time.
>GERMAN protest
>Not a single Protest sign with german on it
>All speeches in english
Wew, that pretty sure is not artificial and fabricated at all.
George Soros is trying to start shit everywhere. Expect Toronto to start doing the same thing if it already isn't.
They need to fix their country first, then worry about USA
I guess i'll get exposure to them in two weeks when I do my trip through Europe.
Those would be the young atheist cucks who never had faith and try to fill that gap with leftism and SJW.
Those either convert at a later time in life to Islam or become nihilistic and from that nihilism grow a certain satisfaction in a natural death after a lifetime of enlightenment and realisation that everything mankind does is still affected by basic rules of nature found in every lifeform that ever lived and shall live.
>wew lad, longest sentence I wrote in quite a while, hope it makes sense and is not grammatically fucked up.
I need a drink.
exactly my thought
History classes in the states suck fat cock if you don't take any advanced history courses in high school (I only took advanced english, calculus, and physics). Every history teacher K-12 teaches the Revolution -> Civil War -> WW1 and MAYBE WW2 if the they aren't a lazy fucker. It's the same shit every year for kids. As an engineer I didn't have much time for spare history courses in university, and only took two basic bitch ones required for my major. If I wasn't a Sup Forumsack I wouldn't recognize your monument.
We can thank media for this shit.
All those braindead people are just zombies who belives anything someone says to them.
I really hope racewar begings soon
>Fascist Right-Wing Government
This guy's buzzword chaining is off the charts.
Said nihilism could also result in suicide.
Fuck those pussies :^)
Most of the people you hear don't even have a german accent.
Also all the protest signs have issues on them nobody in germany really cares about.
If you ask me this is staged as fuck.
what noooo kill us alreadyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
What the fuck, kill all of them, lynch them and burn their bodies.
How fucking globally retarded can you beeeeeeeeeeeee
im moving to russia, fuck this fucking shit
What a bunch of cucks. They started this shit before Trump was president, Pic related.
>somewhere in Germany
>fucking Brandenburg Gate prominently featured
Come on, man.
This is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen, for the first time in months this shit is actually making me angry. Jesus fucking Christ.
>im moving to russia
No your not your staying where you are and defending your country you spineless coward.
Its anti german propaganda.
You can also feel it on Sup Forums shills trying to make germanflags the new leafs.
Don't believe any post of a germanflag atm that can't respond to german you can't run through google translate or with 2 years german in high school.
oi m8 im ukr anyway.
and since ukr is going to be annexed, thank god, i can move freely.
I wont miss the 15 years living here. not one bit. German bros are nice but this shit is getting retarded
>Iowa voted for Trump in the general
>when the black gay poem is basically a 90s parody of pretentious art.
It's like from a 20 year old simpsons episode.
1000/1 odds this guy is maximum fairy
Also, fuck captcha
That's how most of these things work, really. It's mostly setup by americans who live in Germany, who make all the signs and decide on the issues, and the Germans just join in to "support a good cause". The important thing is that, at the end of the day, you can feel good about yourself.
Is that a black guy in the front holding the sign?
OH SHIT, New Jersey
>"Fear is a bad decision maker"
>Libcucks flood social networks after Trump wins saying how they fear for their lives and how everything is going to explode
Someone from Berlin got a Beamer and a Generator? Go there and project Trump election and SJW reaction on the Brandenburger Tor! Let's get them even more salty!
>It's like from a 20 year old simpsons episode.
The older episodes were pretty based. Haven't watched any of the new ones.
>refugee crisis in country
>oh, I know, let's protest the president elect of another country, that's not even in the EU
You Germans have way too much free time on your hands.
>shitting on your father in a public forum
he's uninvited from thanksgiving and christmas, what an idiot
>anti trump protest
>in Germany
For what purpose? Are the sand nigs mad they won't be let in?
someone said he's from bosten and shit. those are soros sponsored american, probably.
germans are still there probably. I suspect you'll get something for free like coffee, donuts and HIV.
Been nothing but Americans speaking since I turned it on.
>our abortions rights are FUCKED
You mean how it's legal for you to get one in every state in the country? KYS dyke
So true.
Look at my shirt. It''s a uterus with a gun.
I think the rest of the world has to understand that in germany silent majority works different.
It's a real mojority and it's really silent since it's not only common for germanbros to keep their real political beliefs to their family and close friends from a cultural standpoint but also you basically learn a whole decade in school that you just shut up and nod if a foreigner asks you about politics.
The truth is there are only 2 modes in a german.
Guy that's cool with everything even if it's shit and cold calculated rage.
Time for mode 2 soon.
>fuck the patriarchy
>*cheering intensifies*
too much Sup Forums for me today, i'm out guys.
>Merkel and the whole Gerian population must be very proud
Nobody is proud of that leftist and foreign town that was made the new capital after 1990.
It needs a good cleansing is what.
Oh. So it's transplants who got tired of Americas shit that are mad cause America itself got tired of its own shit?
Germany YES