Stream >
>1 million on streets of Seoul
>Marching to presidential palace
>Massive barricade vs protestors
Get comfy and get bumpy
Stream >
>1 million on streets of Seoul
>Marching to presidential palace
>Massive barricade vs protestors
Get comfy and get bumpy
Other urls found in this thread:
If only they'd do something interesting.
>omfy and get bumpy
hope this shit will calm down a bit before im heading there the 21st of dec. still it would be pretty cool to see this shit in the streets while sitting in a comfy cafe as a viewpoint
Different stream >
>the re-clankening commences
Korean spider-man climbing the wall for fame.
one man has climbed the wall
>the wall
begginings of linkdump for info
TL:DR from Germanon
SK President Park was elected because SK people thought she's immune to corruption (aka no family to steal money for).
Found out, Park had some strong relationship with Choi Sunsil and her father.
Their relationship began when Park's Father was the dictator of SK and her mother was assassinated by NK spy.
Park was in depression, then came Choi's father and told her that he is a shaman who can let her see her mother again. He did some shaman oogabooga and let Park speak to her mother who's spirit "entered" father Choi.
Park believed all this shit, and followed father Choi strongly and did corrupt shit to give him money. Father Choi died, and all the rights he had went to his daughter Choi Sunsil.
This is why Park is the puppet of Choi currently. Park believes in Choi so strongly, that whatever Choi does, is the right thing.
All of this was found out when Choi did some corrupt shit few months ago to get her daughter enter a decent university. People was enraged, Choi was on the news for the university scandal.
She fled to Germany with her daughter.
Some news reporter found a tablet in her room without any locks and with her selfies.
In the tablet were documents about what Park is doing is all just Choi's orders.
Media went full blast, Park apologized on TV, and here we are now.
I don't speak cheek bone. Spell it out for me!!
>SK are run by powerful voodoo elitists
>SK still have "South" in their fucking title
Pick one.
guys do you think it would be comfy as a 1.90m european between all those people? all that body warmth? would it smell like sweat? so many questions.
The president is an Occultist.
You'd be able to lead the protest. You'd be the mighty warrior at it's head.
yo, so like, my two korean roomates each measure over 6 foot 4 inches.
i think you may be mixing up your korean chinks with your japanese chinks
So if i would wave my dumpling in an attacking way and yell ADVANCEEEEEEEEEE. they would tear down that plastic wall?
Yeah shits fucked. . This is making best Korea really look like best Korea.
What the fuck is going on with the political class?
Spirit cooking and this shit cant be a coincidence.
background info from Anons on ground zero
also the streams picking up god damn
You might have to climb over that small truck with a few riot cops on it, but it would be easy for your large european frame against the tiny little asian men
Some more redpill literature:
TLDR: S. Koreans, who barely bat at eye at government corruption, are universally outraged when they found out their president is a occultist sock puppet.
bump, for crushing crowds
im afraid they will fuse together into one super Korean optimus prime. or something similar to that thing from the power rangers.
why they cut away from the violence?
Bump for interest
what's the status on the witch?
bump, but when it gets interesting, it gets boring as fuck again
It seems like the news people cut away when it looked like people were being crushed to death. Weak.
2016 anime is made real in kimchi-land
does this confirm Korea>japan?
>korean spiderman
My grandpa didn't die for this.
Translating stream comments:
>looks like protest law might kick in (see. violence) at 12
"Yangmu Min
They are illegal beyond 12 o'clock."
AK Do not go out on illegal demonstration roads after 12 o'clock! Do not be out on the road illegal protests over 12 o'clock!"
>some support the police/ anti violence
Bbb aaa
Bbb aaa The police are also the people."
>some dont
Cola police are sick."
there is much debate over whether the protest is 'peaceful' and whether it will be allowed to continue past midnight
I want to see a compilation of them dragging these fucks into the street and getting justice. Thank you and goodnight. Praise Kek.
but it's:
1:27 AM
Sunday, November 13, 2016 (GMT+9)
Time in South Korea
small Sup Forums crowd for a government overthrow
When I tried googling about megalia I found an article saying that what was happening in Worst Korea was similar to gamergate and that the Daughters are just a charity group, really makes you think.
Not much happening
Sunday morning, dummy.
True, some commenters seem to be asking protesters to 'pull back' as they may be pushing the police into violent action. Many people are begging the police to not use the 'water cannon' - although i havent seen the cannon in the stream yet.
Yea. It has potential though. People were getting crushed, so that was fun.
>some commenters
You Korean?
So I'd like to know what they are saying, if you would translate some more.
Holy fuck! A Kpop 'band' in a truck!
It's people soup! Of course they're getting crushed!
You guys do know its mandatory for South Koreans to join the military for a short time. If I was the government I'd be scared. If I was American I'd be thinking of ways to get rich by importing guns.
God this was fun being ironic and stupid on the internet. I wonder how many idiots took my post seriously hehehe god this is fun tee hee. I think all my posts and going to ironic and not to be taken seriously. Suckers!
some dude just passed out
just like in anime
>It's people soup!
That's just a rumor.
South korea turning anime into something real before Japan. South korea>Japan confirmed?
google translate
more comments
>protest was allowed by court up to blue house
>blue house is the residence of the executive
>today protest was blocked from its route
Zavva ● Open 200 meters in front of the Blue House, which the court has allowed!
John smith The way to the Blue House was stopped
Folding colored paper
Why do the police stop the permission of the country prosecution?
also a pearl of wisdom...
"If you fall into the loopholes of insects that are not forgiven, their essence is disturbed."
I thought Korean women loves BWC. Why are they so upset?
lol, thanks.
So Seele is running Korea? Am I understanding this correctly?
Really. WTF is up with the boy band truck?
Is this getting slid or it was duplicate?
Park Geun-Hye
The scandal engulfing Park is focused on a close personal friend, Choi Soon-sil, who is currently under arrest on charges of fraud and abuse of power.
That was mine, and I did it before this one, but nobody liked it.
Don't you know? S. Korea is a real life anime.
it's the labour party's truck, they drove to the the front of the protest, through the protest
Bring on the killer bots and nukes then
Important to note that supposedly she brainwashed park to be her puppet and the tablet had information from park to choi that was confidential government info. Puppet/shadow governement in SK
It's like there is a splat fest on splatoon.
Love these people~~~uguu~~~
Bring me back a wife lad
I guess things have happened since I last looked. Didn't know she was in jail.
Prosecutors are investigating allegations that Choi, 60, leveraged her personal relationship with the president to coerce donations from large companies like Samsung to nonprofit foundations which she set up and used for personal gain."
I've heard this in passing, but can anyone elaborate on it for me?
kek. I know this song.
Boram Funeral, where your funeral will be so awesome you'll be glad your dead.
ty for posting what I posted in the last thread. I'm a gook btw.
For those of you who read the Koreanon screencap, the 8 goddess shit is not confirmed anywhere, and it wasn't a whistleblower - it was a dude from JTBC who found a not locked tablet in Choi's room after she fled to Germany.
SK president had some illuminati witch advising her on policy, completely unaccountable behind the scenes reading top level shit. Look up Choi Soon-sil.
making best Korea look like normal Korea...
what is normal in the Korean Peninsula?
Is Korean news always this comfy or is this just a Saturday thing? Can't understand a word but the music on YTN is great.
Can't be anime until it's people and land are nuked.
Japan is the golden standard in this.
Mexican Wave.
What the fuck.
Jesus fucking christ
2016 has been a fucking wild-ride
Hopefully it ends with a grand finale
Wow, yeah, I didn't know that either! Shit is popping off. This timeline is best timeline.
The wave is used all over america, it isn't a mexican thing
why are there mexicans in SC?
Because Trump isn't in office yet.
Mexicans are fucking everywhere.
There is a spic studying in germoney that posts around here.
Curiously, spics are massive deutschboos.
They really are the black people of Asia.
man, I wish spics weren't short, smelly, and brown and didn't have crazy aztec blood. They could have been the master race.
If only this nigger could have had the balls to execute Juarez.
what if kim jong un took out the SK president?
wouldnt he be a hero?
more comments, ignore derailers ;P
Typhoon River: Labor Party made peace demonstration
Ts Lim: The Labor Party is stopping violence !! Eradicate the evil spirits !!
Visitor: Now the people of Korea are the enemies of Park Geun-hye.
Hooni Hooni: No more peace demonstrations are meaningless. Are those who oppose the Park Geun-hye regime correct? We must demonstrate the power of democratic citizens like the demonstrations of other developed countries.
ᄉᄌᄀᄀᄃᄇᄃᄉ: Do not hurt one's pine tree.
Shin Jeong-nam: allowed the march near the presidential office. This is the first time the city has been allowed to march in Yulgok, where the Blue House is at hand.
And literally nothing is being showed in the Belgian media, I think it's the same all over the world, they all are ignoring this shit.
Same with the war in Syria/Lybia/Yemen and especially with the Ukrainian war.
Fuck the media, mkga, mega, maga!
Damn they just casually did one of the biggest mexicano waves ever or what?
whats happening
What the actually FUCK is going on all of a sudden at the end of this year?
Does anyone else feel like a time machine or something was just invented and we've entered an "altered" timeline?
He seems like a p. based dude.
Was Emperor Maximilian of Mexico a based dude too?
Is it true that the Koreans do a lot of meth? Or just N Koreans?
Mexicans are all over america.
Our world is awakening my friend.
I can feel it in my soul.
I love this song.
>Midget indian is mason
>Emperor is mason too
>Both are opposing houses
>Juarez fucks the emperor shit up
>Even goes as far as to kill him even if Europe said no.
Mexican History classes are pretty much bluepilled shit
>Muh heroes
>muh flag kids
>muh 5 de mayo
>Muh slaves
>Muh porfirio is a monster.
But Porfirio made this country a promising rising power, even if it was at the cost of the niggers and indians.
It reminds me of Harambe :'(