i thought you morons said drumpf was going to end up winning the popular vote
I thought you morons said drumpf was going to end up winning the popular vote
>No source
Keep crying bitch nigga.
So now that Sup Forums and other Trump voters demonstrably are a minority, what benefits and safe spaces will you demand to protect yourselves from the oppressive, Hillary-supporting Majority?
As a Minority, how do you now feel
Mom worked as a poll worker this year
She said that most of the absentee votes go into the trash.
>18000000 dead voters
Totally won the popular vote
We only have happy places.
Clinton's poplar vote could potentially grow with all the ballots they are adding at the last minute to save face.
and it won't
>Hillary-supporting Majority?
Hillary supporters were a minority too. just a statistically insignificantly larger minority than trump supporters.
No matter who won, more people voted for someone else.
Pretty much. It's just a "see we're the majority" but they ignore the
4 million libertarians most who prefer republicans
the over 90 million non-voters who might be swayed to go trump realizing he was able to win now
the senate had votes for control
the congress had votes for control
It was a total defeat and hillary conceded
She's already 600,000 votes ahead, you can literally just google 'election' to find that out.
What's not to understad.
You lost get over it.
>The popular vote doesn't matter because we use an electoral college system. The candidates use tactics built to win the electoral vote, not the popular vote. Trump wasn't trying to win the popular vote, he wanted the electoral vote.
>If we used a popular vote system, then the results would be entirely different. There is literally no evidence suggesting that Trump would lose the popular vote if we had a popular vote system. Democrats in republican states and republicans and democrat states have poor turnout in the electoral college because they don't think their votes matter.
>Complaining about Trump winning without the popular vote is like telling the two candidates to play chess, Trump checkmates his opponent, then you complain about the rules of tic-tac-toe.
>If you cut out the illegal immigrants that voted, people that voted multiple times, and bring back the thousands of ballots that were destroyed in Broward county, Trump probably won the popular vote.
I'm savoring you're mad. Great tears you shedding, how can you have any left? Go back to you're safe space
>They won't chnge anything though
FBI coup.
The problem is they think the aim of the game is to get as many population votes. That's wrong. The aim to get as many territories who's points is backed up by population.
In this election, trump took 5 traditionally blue territories from hillary and she made no gains. Why should she win simply because her base original territories happen to have a overinflated population?
What if we don't count the million illegals who voted for Shillary in cali?
Who keeps writing all these fake news stories? Fucking accept the results.
How fucking retarded are you? Do you not read the post and what I replied to before you shitpost? When did I ever say she didn't lose or that I cared about her winning or losing? He asked for a source and I told him how he can get it. Fuck, you niggers piss me off so much, just fucking die you absolute piece of shit. Don't even bother with some pretentious smug reddit tier reply, you are everything that's wrong with the world.
Too bad it won't grow enough for Hillary to win the electoral college :)))))
I keep seeing drumpfkins say this but the fact is that you don't have a shred of evidence.
We're smart enough to realize the dems need to import voters and actively cheat to eek out a comparable score Dios te bendiga marico
This. It's Game Over for HillDog. She Conceded.
Conceding actually doesn't matter. If something fucked up and there's a recount and she wins, she'd still become president.
why do you think clinton conceded so fast faggot
Having a tough week, champ?
lets put it in a maymay so (you) and all the now unemployed shills understand it
shall we?
We don't vote for President by popular vote, so what the fuck does it matter
The heartland used the only tool available to them to speak on a national stage and they blew Clinton the fuck out
What did I tell you about not bothering with a smug pretentious one liner reddit tier reply? You really don't know how to read do you?
You mad.
He did
Theyre counting thousands of votes from dead people and illegal immigrants now that nobody cares
yea he would if dead people didn't vote for shillary
Aren't the remaining votes Alaska and the military?
Both of which usually vote republican?
As more and more people die everyday, sure.
Dead people and illegal alien votes don't count.
>STILL larping as ctr
for what purpose? honestly? no one buys it and the shilling goes without responses.
Remember that even if the liberals are right about the electoral college being shit, the popular vote that Hillary leads with is full of niggers and people who can't even speak English, people who shouldn't even be allowed to vote.
He's mad.
The popular vote is inherently skewed under an electoral college system. Think of the thousands of republicans in California that didn't turn out to vote because they knew their state would be blue, likewise with democrats in Texas.
And you lose.
But it's not growing...
I hope she reaches +1 mil votes for the extra butt hurt
Your tears are sweet
This is why we have to keep our foot on the gas. While we're all ecstatic about the God Emporer's great victory, the fact that nearly half the country voted for Killary shows how deep the rot goes. We have an opportunity to shove it down these cucks' throats before the pendulum shifts back, as it always does in America, and we better not pass it up.
Now is not the time to rest on our laurels. We've got to get to work.
Trump didn't have people vote for him 7 times
>Democrats continue to vote after the election
>1 post by this ID
If only the President of the United States wasn't elected based on an electoral college.
Have a sage to cope with your evident butthurt.
>Our plans to stuff the ballot boxes didn't work fast enough!
Cry me a river and use it to irrigate California, thereby destroying their crops and causing food shortages.
Liberals aren't right about the electoral college. They are fucking retarded and need to retake their high school history class. The US is a republic made up of 50 sovereign states, hence The United STATES of America. Your vote is a vote on who gets your state electoral votes.
drumpfniggers are too retarded for that
How many votes would she truly have if you take out the dead people that voted, the illegals, and the fags who voted more than once? Not to mention the voter fraud that happened in PA which she still lost
>shilling goes without responses.
Yeah, no.
Drumpfniggers have very thin skin, it's easy to trigger them even after Trump won.
I like Trump, but a lot of his supporters are cuck tier.
they're just butthurt cause they tried as hard as they could to win with voter fraud but still got owned
Where is the evidence of Clinton using dead people to vote for her?
they even let 60k felons out of prison to push virginia blue nigger
the big question is show me the republicans committing voter fraud this year (and don't give me the bullshit about voter ID shit)
I thought you morons said Hillary would be president?
Had the situation been the reverse, with Hillary winning the Electoral and Trump winning the Popular, you would be here going "hurr durr hurr that's how democracy works, stay mad drumfph" or "life's not fair, get stumped". And I guarantee you that if Trump supporters did the same protests that are going on if their have candidate lost. The media would have a fucking field day with it.
The system in place allows the "fly over" states to have some leverage over states like NY or CA. Popular vote would fuck over the less populous states. NY, CA, and FL would decide winners every time.
Clinton has conceded and admitted she lost, say all the shit you want, but it's over
The system has been in place for 100 or 200 years plus. AND NOW IT'S BEING CALLED BROKEN WHEN YOUR CANDIDATE DIDN'T WIN. The media spin is real.
Did white people stage nationwide protests when Obama won? No. She lost to a black guy and reality TV star. Stay mad.
Actually Trump won the popular vote in key states.
Now go back to mexico you piece of shit
20 =/= the millions that drumpfags are claiming.
Ukraine is going to get BTFO so i understand why you are upset. Personally i couldn't give a fuck you and your Jewish government can go into the ash bin of history.
>voter fraud out the ass
>still fail to win
I hope trump implements voter IDs.
Because that's how a democracy works.
Why you silly roody poos keep bumping shit threads?
No source, and he did win the popular vote.
Stop bumping shit threads
It's amazing how uneducated you fucking niggers are when it comes to the U.S. electorate.
Popular vote means jack shit. It's irrelevant and always has been and always will be.
Clinton could be 5 million votes ahead and it wouldn't matter as long as Trump had more of the vote that counts.
By the way, 47.3% vs 47.8% further solidifies how absolutely pointless Hillary Clinton's popular vote lead is. It's tiny. It's all based out of NY and California. Sanctuary cities within these states and with the addition of Miami and Philadelphia.
Trump won the popular vote across the states while Hillary won the popular vote in California and New York but the Ukraine nigger doesn't care about that he just wants gibs from the American government so he can keep stirring shit with Russia.
>playing texas hold-em poker at a table with a liberal
>3 queens on the table
>you go all in, liberal calls
>you have pocket kings, full house for you
>liberal smugly flips over a jack and an ace
>starts sperging out when you reach for the chips
Why does no one mention Trump won 30 of 50 states? The electoral college is meant to protect every other state from places like California where someone named Pablo can cast 100 ballots for Clinton in San Jose and have all of them count since California has no voter restrictions at all
One of the beaners who lives next to me here openly bragged about voting 15+ times for Clinton even though I told him it was pointless since she was guaranteed to win this gay state anyway right before I reported him and they hung up on me
I sure did enjoy his crestfallen face the next day though
Can someone tell me what the AP is smoking?
>Canada goodposting
What has come of this world?
your picture is stupid every vote should be equal the candidate who takes the biggest number of vote should win that's what democracy means
>popular vote doesn't matter guys! Trump still winz!
>but anyway here's why Trump win the popular vote!
Make up your mind. It's either you care about the popular vote or not. Clearly Drumpfags still do because every thread talking about it gets 400+posts within minutes. It clearly bothers you that Trump won by the system that you guys used to hate and in reality the majority of the country voted against him.
Also not one person has provided a source or anything to support the assertion that millions of Hilary votes came from illegals or voter fraud. Nothing but baseless conjecture. And libtards are supposed to be the ones that can't back up their arguments.
>Will grow and grow and grow
>Still loses
Kek. Whatever helps you cope, media/Hillarytards.
Its the last hand they have to play to keep the fire burning in the streets.
>California and New York should decide every election for Montana
fuck off scum, the US is too big for a direct democracy, take civics 101
>Had the situation been the reverse, with Hillary winning the Electoral and Trump winning the Popular, you would be here going "hurr durr hurr that's how democracy works, stay mad drumfph" or "life's not fair, get stumped".
Don't forget "muh ground game"
>still being buttblasted about losing
>a person in Montana should have his votes worth more than a person in Cali
Dumb maple nigger can't comprehend how winning every vote in California and New York means you lose the popular vote throughout the rest of the country.
Dumb Maple nigger sits here calling everyone else retarded while ignoring every post explaining to him why he is retarded.
Dumb Maple nigger needs a smack in the mouth and the dumb maple nigger is probably going to get one now the west is firmly to the right.
You're missing the other fuckton states that went read you fucking leaf.
Whoe says they're a minority? Do you fucking realize that if it had been a popular vote elections, the candidates would've campaigned differently? That more people in blue states would've gone out because their vote would've actually mattered? That the turnout would've been generally higher?
So shut the fuck up.
Fuck off Chad
The US is a republic, not a democracy.
Weev said that the Ukrainians at the bar he was at on election day were overjoyed that Hillary wouldn't be able to turn their country into a warzone.
yeah like england decide to live while scotland wants to stay that's democracy the majority decide what to do
The new supreme court under Chief Justice Joe Arapaio will.
America is a federal country, not a unitary one.
My country isn't right tho. And we're doing pretty well. Much better than your irrelevant backwater """ nation"""my abo friend.
Pretty sure it's just people from other boards desu
This is the actual answer.
Remember when Hillary was saying Trump voters would use intimidation to keep minorities away from polls?
And how Trump was supposed to lead civil unrest across the country refusing to accept his defeat?
Do Democrats always project so hard?
Trump won the popular vote, though. In Florida, in Texas, in Pennsylvania, in Ohio, etc. etc. That's how he got enough electoral votes to win.
That's the way the system works.
oh for fuck's sake, use a vpn if you're going to shitpost
Pretend to be Cambodian or something.
that's not how it works, why should one part of the country tyrannize the rest? in order to win the presidential election in the US you have to appeal to many different areas and types of voters, like Trump did(the south, the rustbelt) and not just the south of the extremely densely populated liberal cities
it's funny no one was whining about the electoral college when democrats could count on union whites and blue collar workers in the "blue wall"