Would Sup Forums have a problem with this movement?
Would Sup Forums have a problem with this movement?
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idk what is it?
All guns matter fucking racists
if they follow gun laws then what's the issue?
they're niggers, and most of them don't follow most laws, let alone gun laws...
Nah if they live in a niggerinfested neighborhood, which I assume they do, they're gonna need a gun to protect themselves from all the niggers trying to commit crime. So we get more dead nigger criminals and more living somewhat red-pilled 2A niggers. Win-win
is this BLM with guns or is this blacks wanting guns and not being associated with BLM?
well if Soros funds BLM and soros is anti-gun then he probably doesn't approve.... or maybe he does.
multidimensional chess and all that.
I'm waiting for Black Oxygen Matters
Those look like good upstanding black citizens, have they no right to protect themselves from niggers? They're the most likely victims of said niggers
This. And desu if it helps push crime down idk how there's a downside. We already know that more legal guns usually leads to that.
The original intention of the US Bill of Rights was never about gifting rights to non-whites.
Niggers were never meant to bear arms and your elevated levels of gun violence is directly correlated to black and Hispanic populations.
This does a huge disservice to the already weak gun communities overseas, because leftists in our countries point towards the niggers committing crime as a reason to disarm law abiding whites.
They're trying to get guns legally, and if they're practicing gun safety it's a good thing.
American citizens doing American things, no problem here.
That solves itself, luckily blacks commit a nice rounded checkpoint of violent crime in the US (over 50%) and we have FBI records to back it up.
they think the police shoots innocent black people.
>black guns matter
Are they referring to the Saturday Night Specials niggers use to kill each other, or are they actually wanting to protect themselves from said violence?
Father conceals carry after being a contractor for Section 8 housing. Full support for legal gun rights. Keeps thugs out upper class black neighborhoods.
How does it solve itself? You have a race that is a perennial criminal underclass prone to violence.
If Blacks were surgically removed from the United States after the US Civil War you bastards would have colonized Mars by now.
Thank God, it's about time.
not according to ap history books that aim to make everyone cucked
I wouldn't have a problem with it. Anything that undermines the left's gun control push is a positive thing.
This. The downside is that niggers are cowards and if regular blacks were all armed they'd start targeting other groups like the Asians and whites.
You know, this would be the smartest thing we could do. Now that we've destroyed the Right and remade it in our image, we should do the same thing across the aisle. Them we can have real choices in politicians again.
>teach niggers to hold guns upright and actually kill each other rather than waste taxpayer money in urgent care
It solves itself for 2 reasons:
>Non-Americans are baited into fighting gun policy, allowing us to reveal it's actually a gang problem causing gun violence, largely in no-gun cities like Chicago.
>Over 50% of gun crime is committed by blacks
>Over 50% of black gun crime is committed against blacks.
>Therefor we have 12% of the population committing 25% of the country's gun crime against themselves, disproportionately culling their own criminals more than any other demographic kills any other demographic.
Took my CPL course in Detroit and it was filled with blacks. They were obnoxious and disruptive, and when the instructor asked for all of our guns up front one guy pulled out his holstered 9mm fully loaded with HP. It was tense, but in the end at least these people were taking the legal route to defend themselves - I think more of that would be beneficial to society.
Black people =/= niggers
You should know this by now
Why the fuck would they not just put the original text of the bill of rights?
There is no mention of a "state militia". - state militia is a military. Militia is necessarily comprised of private citizens, not soldiers.
Because it's a school textbook and they're literally, not as a meme, liberal indoctrination camps now.
>Congress may not favour one religion over an other
But they clearly favour muslims